Working with two experts from the NYS Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) -- Charles Morgan, M.D., FASAM, FAAFP, DABAM, OASAS Medical Director and Belinda Greenfield, Ph.D., OASAS Director of Addiction Medicine and Self-Sufficiency Services -- CPI has created two modules focusing on Medication-Assisted Treatment of Substance Use Disorders in NYS.
This training provides an overview of using medication in the treatment of substance use disorders. Approved medications for alcohol and drug dependence are reviewed in depth. Special attention is given to methadone and the myths surrounding its use.
The objectives for Part 1 (16 minutes) are:
* Present NYS' Medication-Assisted Treatment agenda which supports adoption of pharmacological interventions in treating substance use disorders.
* Inform participants on the use of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) as an effective option in the treatment of some individuals with substance use disorders (SUD)
* Discuss the Chronic Disease Model in relation to Medication-Assisted Treatment
Part 2 (34 minutes) has the following objectives:
* Present the three types of opioid drug-receptor interactions in relation to addiction medications
* Familiarize participants with the three addiction medications for treating opioid dependency and other addiction medications that are available for SUD patients and the advantages of their use
* Educate regarding the myths and benefits associated with the use of MAT and importance in adopting MAT in addressing the chronicity of SUD treatment
You can access these modules through CPI's learning management system.
To view these modules:
* Click on "Knowledge Builder"
* Click on "Start a new online training" - you will now see
both modules listed
* Click on the title and then click "Launch"