CPI is working with OMH's Suicide Prevention Office in the launch of a new initiative --- the Program for Suicide Prevention-Treatment, Intervention and Evaluation (SP-TIE). Headed by Dr. Barbara Stanley, SP-TIE's mission is to select and develop state-of-the-art suicide prevention trainings, implement them across New York State and evaluate their impact. These trainings are part of an effort to promote and fully implement the Zero Suicide Model developed by The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention.
SP-TIE aims to reduce suicidal behavior and suicide across New York State through consultation, training and implementation of evidence-based suicide prevention and intervention strategies. A multi-pronged approach to suicide prevention includes recognition and assessment of risk, treatment and support for at-risk individuals, and upstream efforts at preventing the development of suicide risk. SP-TIE trainings are geared to improve the ability of 1) professionals to identify and refer those at risk; 2) clinicians to treat suicidal individuals, 3) and policy makers/administrators to create environments that promote quality care for individuals at risk. Trainings are delivered via both in-person and online modalities.
Currently, SP-TIE offers three online modules:
1) Assessment of Suicide Risk Using C-SSRS
2) Safety Planning Intervention for Suicide Prevention
3) Structured Follow-up and Monitoring
To visit the updated Zero Suicide website, please click here: http://zerosuicide.sprc.org/
To hear more about the Suicide Prevention Resource Center, please click here: http://www.sprc.org/
To learn more about SP-TIE, please click here: