OnTrackNY is OMH's innovative program designed for individuals who have recently experienced psychosis associated with schizophrenia and other non-affective disorders. The program started with four sites in the downstate area. OnTrackNY is in the midst of expanding to include seven more programs throughout the state including every OMH region. The new sites are supported by the state mental health block grant and by a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Healthy Transitions grant. Led by Lisa Dixon, the Director and Associate Director Liza Watkins, the OnTrackNY training team is really busy! For more information about the OnTrackNY program, email OnTrack@nyspi.columbia.edu.
For contact information related to a referral, please visit our website: http://www.practiceinnovations.org/CPIInitiatives/OnTrackNY/OnTrackNYProgramSites/tabid/205/Default.aspx
Existing OnTrackNY Programs:
OnTrackNY@MHA at MHA Westchester in Yonkers
Kings OnTrack at Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn
The Early Treatment Program at Long Island Jewish Hospital in Queens
The OnTrackNY Connection Program at Washington Heights Community Services in Manhattan
OnTrackNY sites opening in the summer of 2015:
The Jewish Board for Child and Family Services in Manhattan
Lakeshore Behavioral Health in Buffalo
Suffolk County Farmingville clinic
Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan
Hutchings Psychiatric Center in Syracuse
Parsons Northern Rivers in Albany
Rochester Psychiatric Center in Rochester