We're pleased to announce that Structured Follow-Up and Monitoring, the third suicide prevention module, is now available through CPI's learning management system. This 30 minute training module demonstrates how to provide structured follow-up and monitoring for individuals after a crisis -- during the time of transition from an emergency visit, when there is increased suicide ideation, or after a suicide attempt. To view this module: - Log into the Learning Community using your username and password at: https://rfmh.csod.com/client/rfmh/default.aspx
- Click on the "SP-TIE" icon
- Click on "Start and SP-TIE module"
- Click on "Structured Follow-up and Monitoring"
- Click on "Launch"
Two other Suicide Prevention modules are also available: - Assessment of Suicidal Risk Using C-SSRS, and
- Safety Planning Intervention for Suicide Prevention
For more information about CPI's Suicide Prevention-Training, Implementation and Evaluation program (SP-TIE), under the direction of Barbara Stanley, Ph.D., please click here: http://www.practiceinnovations.org/CPIInitiatives/SuicidePrevention/tabid/288/Default.aspx |