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      CPI News Brief        Volume 3 Issue 4 November 2014

In This Issue
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Spanish Version of Employment Resource Book Now Available
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¡Ahora tenemos el Guía de Recursos Para el Empleo in nuestro idioma!  

Spanish Version of Employment Resource Book Now Available 

A Spanish version of CPI's popular Employment Resource Book is now available to consumers, family members, employment specialists and other practitioners, and program leaders.


Informed by the principles of the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) approach to supported employment, the Employment Resource Book is designed for consumers to use with employment specialists, other practitioners, peer specialists, and on their own. 


This important resource contains over 30 topics and 10 appendices that focus on three themes:  prior to the job search, during the job search, and after getting a job.  This isn't a curriculum that individuals would need to complete in any specific way - rather, people focus on topics as they become relevant to their lives.  Each topic is organized to provide important information, personalized activities, and next steps.


You can obtain the Spanish and English versions of the Employment Resource Book through the CPI website (http://practiceinnovations.org/) by clicking on the "Purchase CPI Products" tab on our home page.  You will be asked to register and to select a password for your account.  Once your account has been established, you will be able to download electronic versions for free or purchase bound paper copies.   


Thank you.