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CPI News Brief               Volume 2 Issue 12* November 2013
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CPI's Commitment to Consumers and Family Members
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CPI's Commitment to Consumers and Family Members: Making Resources Directly Available Through Our New Consumer/Family Portal



Have you noticed an important change in CPI's website?  

Our home page now features a tab that makes resources easily available to consumers, family members, and others without the need for logins or passwords.  

You'll now see a number of resources including:    

  • Videos of consumers telling their recovery stories on topics including school or work, use of  tobacco, working with a treatment team, symptom management, drugs and alcohol, and more.  To view one of these inspiring videos, please  click here:  http://practiceinnovations.org/ConsumersandFamilies/
  • Specially designed modules focusing on "becoming tobacco free" and "considering clozapine".
  • Videos of practitioners discussing the use of motivational interviewing and the harm reduction approach.    

We plan to add lots more.


Consumers and family members can use these resources to hear inspiring, real life recovery stories and to learn about important treatment programs that are increasingly available across NYS. Working together, practitioners and consumers can use these resources to help with goal setting and treatment planning.


You can access the consumer/family portal by:

  • Visiting CPI's website at http://practiceinnovations.org/ 
  • Clicking on the "Consumers and Families" tab at the top of the home page.
  • Clicking on the resources that are of interest to you.