Peer Specialists - ACT and Beyond
A New, Specially Designed Module Is Now Available
The Center for Practice Innovations (CPI) is always looking for innovative ways to make learning interesting and worth your scarce time. CPI is pleased to announce the release of an online training module that uses a newly developed and easy-to-use format to present focused topics of interest.
Peer Specialists - ACT and Beyond focuses on the increasingly valued role of peer specialists on treatment teams.This module is designed to be used by ACT team peer specialists, other ACT team members, program and agency leaders, and peer specialists and other team members belonging to other types of treatment teams. Topics covered are:
- what peer specialists do,
- benefits of involving a peer specialist,
- national support and endorsement of the role, and
- adding peer specialists to the treatment team
Although designed with a focus on ACT teams, it will be helpful to practitioners and consumers in other settings as well.
To view the module,
- Log into the Learning Community using your username and password at:
- Click on ACT Institute
- Click on "Start an ACT module"
For more information about the CPI's ACT Institute, please click here:
Save the date: CPI will offer a three part webinar series especially for Peer Specialists working in NYS mental health and substance use programs. Session one is scheduled for Friday, October 25, 2013 (details to follow separately).