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CPI News Brief               Volume 2 Issue 7* August 2013

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New Module Now Available: Person-Centered Treatment Planning in ACT
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New Module Now Available:

Person-Centered Treatment Planning in ACT


Is your treatment planning REALLY helpful in your work with consumers?


Or has it become just another exercise, a meaningless paperwork requirement?


Do you know what consumers truly want from their work with you?


Do you find it difficult to work with consumers in ways that create hope, self-determination and self-efficacy?


If you can relate to any of these challenges, CPI's newest module is here to help! 


Person centered treatment planning is recognized for creating opportunities for change and recovery.  It structures the collaboration between provider and consumer around personal goals identified by the consumer.  Goals can include all dimensions of health, employment and education, social and leisure and financial status.


Through this process a road map towards recovery is created, and shared decision making puts the consumer in the driver's seat.

The Center for Practice Innovations (CPI) is pleased to announce the release of a newly developed module on person-centered treatment planning in Assertive Community Treatment.  This module addresses the consumer's recovery journey, the important role of assessment in treatment planning, person-centered planning, the treatment planning process, and challenges and opportunities of treatment planning in ACT.


Although designed with a focus on ACT teams, it will be helpful to practitioners and consumers in other settings as well.


To view the module,

  1. Log into the Learning Community using your username and password at: https://rfmh.csod.com/client/rfmh/default.aspx
  2. Click on ACT Institute
  3. Click on "Start an ACT module"

For more information about the CPI's ACT Institute, please click here:
