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CPI News Brief               Volume 2 Issue 6* August 2013

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Redesigned WSM Module is Now Available
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Redesigned Wellness Self-Management Module is Now Available

The Center for Practice Innovations (CPI), is pleased to announce the release of a redesigned module focusing on Wellness Self-Management (WSM), replacing the WSM module that has been available for a number of years.  


WSM is a curriculum-based clinical practice designed to assist adults to effectively manage serious mental health problems. The curriculum is organized into a 57-lesson personal workbook that focuses on topics such as recovery, mental health wellness, relapse prevention, and the connection between physical and mental health.


This newly revised module:

  • Is shorter and can be completed in 30-40 minutes,
  • Is efficient and provides a comprehensive introduction to WSM,
  • Is designed with links to helpful resources,
  • Is updated to include important information about Wellness Self-Management Plus (WSM+), which is a version of WSM designed for individuals who are simultaneously dealing with mental health and substance use problems,
  • Is focused on competency development by highlighting the skills needed to lead WSM and WSM+ groups, and features video clips of actual group sessions.


To view the module,

  1. Log into the Learning Community using your username and password at: https://rfmh.csod.com/client/rfmh/default.aspx
  2. Click on WSM
  3. Click on "Start the online course"

For more information about the Center for Practice Innovations' WSM initiative, please click here: 
