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CPI News Brief               Volume 2 Issue 2* February 2013

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CPI's Tobacco Resource Library: Everything You Need at Your Fingertips
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CPI's Tobacco Resource Library: Everything You Need at Your Fingertips



Have you seen the Tobacco Resource Library in CPI's Learning Community? In addition to three online modules designed to help you treat tobacco dependence, you can access group manuals, assessment tools, implementation guides, brochures, and more - all at your fingertips in the FIT Tobacco Resource Library.


To take advantage of these great resources:

  1. Log into the Learning Community using your username and password at: https://rfmh.csod.com/client/rfmh/default.aspx
  2. Click on FIT
  3. Click on "Go to the resource library"
  4. Click on "Tobacco"
  5. Click on any title to get started with a link or download


The CPI Tobacco Resource Library. Helping you to help those with tobacco dependence.