Shop at Honey Bear Trees to Raise Money for the PV-PTO
If you are buying a tree or wreath for the holidays, HONEY BEAR TREES at 955 Woodside Road, Redwood City, or 1579 El Camino, San Carlos, or 2495 S. Delaware St., San Mateo will donate 15% of the sale to our schools!
Simply bring this flyer when you purchase your tree and/or wreath (if you happen to forget it, there will be extra flyers at the lot).
Redwood City and San Carlos lots are now open. San Mateo lot opens November 26.
News From Lunch Master
We are consistently looking for better ways to improve our food, quality, and our options. Look for our Organic romaine lettuce in your salads, wraps and sandwiches. And to dress your salads and wraps, we offer Organic salad dressings! Look for Chelten House Dressings in your salads and wraps.
The December menu is now available for ordering. Be sure to order our delicious Vegetarian Minestrone Soup and Classic Chicken Noodle Soup in December. Our tasty homemade soups will be sure to warm and fill your belly during the colder months ahead!
As a friendly reminder, the order deadline is the prior school day by 10 a.m. to receive a meal the following school day. Lunches can be cancelled for full credit by 4 p.m. the prior day and for half credit you must cancel before 7 a.m. the day of.
Ormondale Upcoming Events
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No school November 25 - 27. Happy Thanksgiving! View the full PTO calendar here.
Pumpkin is November's Super Food
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By Mr. Ahlbach's Second Grade Class How do you fix a broken jack-o-lantern? If you want to know the answer you will need to read to the bottom of this article.
Did you know that pumpkins help our brain, eyes, heart, and bones? They are filled with vitamins A and B and iron. Pumpkins are the perfect superfood because they are low in fat and have lots of fiber! I bet you didn't know that they have been around for over 5,000 years. Pumpkins are actually considered a fruit because they have seeds inside. Those yummy seeds can be cooked and eaten too! This month, Ms. Grech's class made pumpkin donuts to share with the students attending Ormondale. 176 students and staff stated it was yummy. 19 people thought the recipe was ok, and only 1 person didn't like it. Mr. Keegan our principal said, "They are yummy!" Another person commented, "They are awesome, yummy, and healthy." Finally, Ms. Miller stated, "LOVE IT!" So remember, vegetables and fruits are important to keep our bodies healthy. We hope you will try this month's pumpkin recipe. Finally, the answer to our joke - How do you fix a broken jack-o-lantern? WITH A PUMPKIN PATCH
Turkey Trot Thank You
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Congratulations and Thank You!
We had a great turnout at the Ormondale Turkey Trot! It was wonderful to see friends and family cheering on our energetic and fabulous runners. Congratulations to all who participated.
We wish to thank the Ormondale office staff, John Bamber and the following volunteers who made it all possible: Hayley Leinfelder, Gaja Frampton, Alex Parker, Krystal Holm, Kelly Richardson, Kristine Lange, Cate Styer, Sally Aalfs, Teri Wolf, Jennifer Prindiville, Mike Prindiville, Maria Matsumoto, Jeff Low, Thorston Achterkirchen, Elizabeth Rubin, Darci Reimund, Marjel Scheuer, Karel Urbanek, Caitlin Kortlang, Monika Cheney, Jami Worthington, Kim Zamboldi, Karyn Ellis, Laura Guntren, Rex Bamber and Renata Dionello.
Keep on trotting!
Karen Urbanek, Heather Prelle and Aimee Armsby
Ormondale Thank You
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An extra thank you from the PTO to Karen Urbanek (5 year Turkey Trot veteran), Aimee Armsby (3 years on the job) and Heather Prelle (2 years on the job) for being such amazing chairs of the Turkey Trot these past years! All of these wonderful ladies are hanging up their Turkey Trot hats after multiple years of service. They deserve an extra round of thanks for their amazing volunteerism in bringing this super fun family event to Ormondale year after year. From all of us, thank you, Ladies.
Corte Madera Upcoming Events
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No school November 25 - 27. Happy Thanksgiving!
View the full PTO calendar here.
Camp W Open House for 2nd - 8th Graders
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Come join us for a free OPEN HOUSE on Tuesday, Dec. 1 from 4:30 to 5:30 in Corte Madera School Rm 503. The Open House will allow prospective and former campers a chance to see what exciting things go on at Camp W. Join us for a very relaxed evening. There will be Q & A, slideshow, treats, and some surprises.
Portola Valley Schools Foundation
Spare the Air & Support our Children!
100% of Smog Check costs go to the Portola Valley Schools Foundation!
Support our children while helping to spare our air!
We care about our children's future and the environment! The team at Portola Valley Garage is donating 100% of the costs of Smog Checks to the Portola Valley Schools Foundation!
Help us reach our goal of donating $10,000 and becoming a Platinum donor!
Call us at 650-851-7442 or click here to make an appt.
We look forward to seeing you!
Tom Ramies
Portola Valley Library Events

Food for Fines Library Food Drive: November 16 - December 31.
Clear library fines while providing food to those in need! Beginning Monday, November 16, bring non-perishable food items into our library and applicable fines/fees will be waived. Please contact the library for donation guidelines. All food will be donated to Second Harvest Food Bank and will be delivered to low income people in need in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties.
* Bilingual Babies and Books Storytime: Monday, November 23rd at 11:00 AM. For infants (0-18 months) but older children are welcome too!
Introduce your baby to Spanish with stories, songs and rhymes! Age appropriate toys will be brought out at the end for playtime.
* Music Monday: Monday, November 30th at 11:00 AM. For infants (0-18 months) but older children are welcome too!
Come on in everyone and put on your dancing shoes! We'll be singing and dancing today. Age appropriate toys will be brought out at the end for playtime.
* Toddler Storytime: Tuesdays at 11:00 AM. For toddlers (18-36 months).
Songs, stories, and movement activities to encourage children to listen and read. Age appropriate toys will be brought out at the end for playtime. An activity will follow the storytime on the third Tuesday of the month.
* Preschool Storytime: Fridays at 11:00 AM. For Preschoolers (2½-5 years).
Books, songs, and activities just right for a Preschooler's curious and ever-growing mind. The first Friday of the month will feature a STEM Storytime and Activity in which we will explore the wonders of science, technology, engineering and math through the power of play.
Programs preceded by * are generously funded by the Friends of the Portola Valley Library.