September 7, 2014


Upcoming Events
Mon 9/8 TB Testing, 7:30 - 9:30 am
If you'd like to volunteer at school, you'll need an up-to-date TB test (once every four years). It is a quick test and we offer them at school for $20. 

Tue 9/9 School Site Council, 3:15 pm, Room 12

Wed 9/10 Bike/Walk-to-School Day. Details here.
Thu 9/11 TB Test Read, 7:30 - 9:30 am
Once you've had the TB test, you need to come back to have it "read" three days later.

Thu 9/11 Volunteer Training by Kevin Keegan, 8:20 am, Room 12

Thu 9/18 Third Grade Bike Rodeo. Details here.

Thu 9/18 PTO Meeting at CMS, 9 am

View the full PTO calendar here. 

BTSORMFirst PVSD Bike/Walk-to-School Day of the Year
  • Fun rewards given to all students who participate!
  • Looking for volunteers to help hand out rewards at Ormondale.  If interested, contact Christy Pinelli.
Ways to join in the fun and start the day with fresh air:
  • Meets friends at Roberts, the Deli, Alpine Hills or the end of your street, then walk, skateboard or ride your bike to school together!
  • Enjoy a quiet walk, ride to school.
  • Explore the local buses that drop off students safely at ORM/CMS.
Safety tips for participants:
  • Be sure to always use the crosswalk; remember to push button at Priory crosswalk to activate flashing lights!
  • Always be on the lookout for cars before crossing.  Look left, right, then left again before crossing.
  • If there is a car in the intersection, please be sure that you make eye contact with the driver to ensure that they see you before you cross.
Safety tips for drivers:
  • School is back in session and children are out and about. Please DRIVE SLOWLY through the Corte Madera and Ormondale neighborhoods, especially on the Bike/Walk-to-School days!
  • Keep an active eye out for children getting their way to/from school and sports activities.
  • Stay off cell phones while driving.
  • STOP when lights are flashing at the Priory crosswalk, this means children need to cross.
  • If dropping off students, always remember to give buses adequate room to back up. 
  • Remember to pull all the way forward when dropping students off in front of school.
Thank you for keeping our children safe!

Breakfast Club Volunteers Needed
Come help serve breakfast to those who most need one.  
Mon - Fri,  7:45 - 8:15 am
If you can help, contact  Lynn Holthaus

Lunch Volunteers Needed
Ormondale is in immediate need of one Fri volunteer to help with first through third grade recess/lunch. Volunteers report at 11:50 am and end with recess ending at 12:50 pm. Each volunteer receives a credit for one lunch to be used for their child at a later time. If you can help, contact
Kindergarten Recess Volunteers Needed
We have an urgent need for two or three people  to help with kindergarten recess on Thu and one more person on Mon, Tue, and Fri from 10:15 - 10:35 am.  It's a great opportunity to meet your child's new friends. Questions or to sign up, contact Tricia Christensen.

bikerodeoThird Grade Bike Rodeo

Corte Madera

Upcoming Events

Mon 9/8 TB Testing, 7:30 - 9:30 am
If you'd like to volunteer at school, you'll need an up-to-date TB test (once every four years). It is a quick test and we offer them at Ormondale for $20. 

Thu 9/11 TB Test Read, 7:30 - 9:30 am
Once you've had the TB test, you need to come back to Ormondale to have it "read" three days later.

Fri 9/12 Bike/Walk-to-School Day. Details here.

Thu 9/18 PTO Meeting at CMS, 9:00 am

Thu 9/19 CMS Back-to-School Picnic, 5:30 pm. Details here
View the full PTO calendar here. 

BTSCMSFirst PVSD Bike/Walk-to-School Day of the Year
For Corte Madera on Fri Sep 12.
  • Spirit points given to all CMS participants
  • Grand prize party in Dec for the CMS grade with the most participants from Sep through Nov.
Ways to join in the fun and start the day with fresh air:
  • Meets friends at Roberts, the Deli, Alpine Hills or the end of your street, then walk, skateboard or ride your bike to school together!
  • Enjoy a quiet walk, ride to school.
  • Explore the local buses that drop off students safely at ORM/CMS.
Safety tips for participants:
  • Be sure to always use the crosswalk; remember to push button at Priory crosswalk to activate flashing lights!
  • Always be on the lookout for cars before crossing.  Look left, right, then left again before crossing.
  • If there is a car in the intersection, please be sure that you make eye contact with the driver to ensure that they see you before you cross.
Safety tips for drivers:
  • School is back in session and children are out and about. Please DRIVE SLOWLY through the Corte Madera and Ormondale neighborhoods, especially on the Bike/Walk-to-School days!
  • Keep an active eye out for children getting their way to/from school and sports activities.
  • Stay off cell phones while driving.
  • STOP when lights are flashing at the Priory crosswalk, this means children need to cross.
  • If dropping off students, always remember to give buses adequate room to back up. 
  • Remember to pull all the way forward when dropping students off in front of school.
Thank you for keeping our children safe!

Back-to-School Picnic

picnicDon't miss the CMS Back-to-School Family Picnic on Fri Sep 19, 5:30 - 7:00 pm.  Please bring a salad, side dish or dessert to share. Amigos Grill will provide burritos. Our kids will enjoy field games organized by the 8th grade leadership class, an inflatable obstacle course, a raffle, and music by DJ Joy Bonner. Questions or to volunteer, contact Mary Jo Kloezeman.

Open PTO Leadership Positions

We hope your first few weeks of school have started off well. We have two PTO leadership positions for the 2014-15 school year in which we are seeking additional parent help.  
  • Auditor: Perform audit and fill out tax forms.
  • CMS Book Fair Co-Chair: Work with another co-chair to coordinate the Corte Madera Book Fair. Includes working with parent volunteers, book vendor, etc.
If you are interested, contact Heather Asborno or Michelle Bellomo.

Thank You!

BIG thank you to Jill Horn, Kate Hamel, and Lisa Giblin for chairing our New-Family Welcome this past summer. Reaching out to all our new CMS families over the summer, setting up the new families with buddy families, and coordinating get togethers allowed the kids to make new friends and feel more comfortable the first day of school.

Portola Valley School Foundation

Help the Schools Foundation on Brochure Night
Help us raise money for the Portola Valley Schools Foundation Annual Campaign by attending Brochure Night at Alpine Hills on Thu Sep 18 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. This year's goal is to raise $900k for the schools and it all starts with mailing the brochures to each School District family. A light dinner and beverages will be served. Email Beth Gillbrand to sign up for the event or for more information. Thanks for making a difference!

Community News

Help Our Schools While Shopping with Amazon & eScrip
Each year the PVSD PTO pays for classroom supplies for every student in the district using funds raised through the eScrip and programs.

Your direct purchases at also support our programs, teachers, and children. Simply click here:, then bookmark that page, and make sure you click that bookmark every time you shop with You must enter the website through this specific link. It's that easy. Portola Valley School District PTO will receive a minimum of 4% of every purchase made through this method and, aside from the extra click, you should see no difference in your shopping experience. Don't forget to bookmark the new page for future purchases.

All you need to do to help is to go to and register 
your credit cards and Safeway Club Card (if you have one). Please make sure to direct donations to the Portola Valley School District 
Calling All Future Girl Scouts

For 1st grade and older: Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. With Girl Scouts, girls make discoveries about themselves and the world around them while they learn the importance and values of personal responsibility, goal-setting, and teamwork.  If you are interested in joining a troop but aren't sure who to ask, contact Kristi Travers to connect with a troop at ORM or CMS. 

ABC Language Classes at Ormondale

This fall through spring 2015, ABC Languages will again offer after-school language programs at Ormondale for Spanish and Mandarin Chinese, meeting on Tues, 3:00 - 4:00 pm and starting on Tue Sep 30.

To get more information and to enroll your child online, click here.

Questions? Contact ABC Languages directly or call 415 738-7383.
Basketball Class at Ormondale

K through 3rd grade, boys and girls, Fall 2014, on Mon at Ormondale Multi-Purpose Gym.
Class on Mon Sep 15, Mon Sep 22, Mon Sep 29, Mon Oct 6, Mon Oct 13, Mon Oct 20, Mon Oct 27,and Mon Nov 3

Camp W Presents Pixar Film Class at Corte Madera

Have you wondered how Pixar continues to deliver so many memorable movies? Immerse yourself in Pixar's world by learning more about great movies such as
CarsUpToy StoryFinding Nemo, and many other classics. The class will provide an introduction and opportunity for those interested in learning more about the power of Pixar's filmmaking including screenwriting, cinematography and lighting. Campers will work in teams and create their own short film. 


Class Location: Corte Madera School, Room 503


Dates: Thu Sep 25 - Thu Dec 11 


Eligibility: 4-8th grade


Days and Hours: Thu 3:30 - 5:30 pm


Cost: $450.00 ($100 deposit due by Thu Sep 18. This includes instructional and course materials, a snack, and use of video and editing equipment. At the end of the session, we'll celebrate by having a mini film festival to showcase camper work.


Questions? Contact William Frederick or call 650 483-8546.

Registration: Registration begins NOW at

Creative Art for Young Children
At Portola Valley Town Center
Wed Sep 17 through Sat Dec 6 (no classes Nov 26 - 29)
Sign-ups start Mon Sep 1 for Portola Valley residents; 
Mon Sep 15 open registration

Calling all kids with wild imaginations! A splash of Red...a dab of
Yellow...a smidgen of have just painted an Autumn tree!
For this session the kids will find and use fall colors in all we do
starting with sculpting Da Vinci's Giant Red Clay Horse...then paint
Fall Leaves making up stories of how they turn from green to red,
orange, and yellow (could it be tiny, little people with tiny, little
brushes painting them while we aren't looking?) Corn Husk Dolls, Paper
Bag Pumpkins, robot parts shop and Robot Collages, wood sculptures of
Van Gogh's Yellow House and drawn pictures of our toy Red Fire Truck.
Then to top everything off we will end with our ever famous Art Show
with the Magic Brush!

For more information and to register online, go to, or call Cindy at (650) 851-1700 ext. 200.
Registration forms are also available at the office, 765 Portola Rd.
Brain Imaging Research at Stanford University

We are currently recruiting children and adolescents for a paid research study that aims to help us better understand how anxiety and trauma impact brain development in children. Families will receive $50 for participation, as well as access to ongoing updates about the outcomes of the study.

At this time, we are seeking healthy, right handed, English speaking children ages 7-14 with or without a history of anxiety and/or post-traumatic stress symptoms. Participation will take about one hour and involves evaluation including self-reports, behavioral tasks and brain imaging with Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS). 

fNIRS is a specialized examination of the head that uses infrared light to examine the function of the brain. fNIRS scans are safe, non-invasive, and do not use X-rays or radiation. They are used to look at brain function. By participating, families will be contributing to our knowledge of brain development in children, which can help childcare providers, educators, and medical practitioners.

For more information about the study, click hereTo learn more about our research, click here. Questions or to enroll, email
Portola Valley Library News

OverDrive eBooks/eAudiobooks Help: Appointments on Weds, 4:00 - 5:00 pm. .

Music Monday, Mon Sep 8, 11:00 am. For ages 3 and under.

Family Storytime, Sat Sep 13, 10:30 am. For all ages.

LEGO Club, Sat Sep 13, 11:00 am. For ages 0 - 99.

Imagination playground, Sun Sep 21, 1:30 - 4:00 pm. Town's Community Hall. For all ages.

The Corner Laughers -- In Concert! Sun Sep 21, 3:00 pm. For the whole family. A free tricycle will be raffled off to a lucky attendee!

Adobe Photoshop Elements - Beginning, Sat Sep 27 at 10:00 am. For teens and adults. Registration required as spaces are limited.

Bilingual Babies and Books Storytime, Mon Sep 29 at 11:00 am. For infants (0-18 months). Introduce your baby to Spanish with stories, songs and rhymes!

Little Chefs - Cooking Fun for Children, Tue Sep 30 at 10:00 am. For ages 2-5 years old. Register by calling 650 851-0560 x222 or emailing


  • Babies and Books Storytime: on Mons at 11:00 am. For infants (0-18 months).
  • Toddler Storytime: on Tues at 11:00 am. For toddlers 18-36 months.

Portola Valley Library, 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley, CA 94028
650 851-0560 --