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Weekly Post
May 12, 2014
A Message From Dean Shima

"Never do a wrong thing to make a friend or to keep one."

Robert E. Lee


This month at CMS, we are focusing on Friendship. Students are discussing what it means to be a good friend and what they value in friendship. We will also be exploring the difference between cliques and friendship groups.


Cliques are made up of a group of friends and often exclude other kids from joining. There are usually one or two students in the clique that are deemed "popular" and run the clique- controlling the other members and deciding who is in and who is out.  There are usually rules that must be followed in a clique- kids that must be excluded, what activities they can/ can't do etc.


In contrast, a friendship group is a group of friends that share common interests, but do not leave other students out on purpose. There is not a leader and there are no specific rules to follow. In a friendship group, members can socialize with other students who may not be a part of that group, and do not have the fear that they will become outcasts. They have the freedom to float amongst friends and do not feel the pressure of having to do everything together.


We will also be discussing what to do if their friendship or clique has become unhealthy. Often times, I meet with students that are seeking advice on how to break away from a group or particular child because the relationship has become troublesome.  In middle school especially, friends and groups are ever shifting. "Breaking up" with a friend/ or group can be very difficult for students. Below is a list of tips of how to "take a break" from a friend in a respectful way.

  1. Sit down and make a list of the pros and cons of being in the friendship. Make sure this is something you really want to do.
  2. Decide to what extent you want to "break up". Many students just need to take a "break" from a close friendship/group and this is o.k. to do.
  3. Don't initiate- playdates/ phone calls/ email dialogue. If the person is contacting you, be polite, but be brief.
  4. Talk to him/her or the group about how you feel.  Use "I messages" and do not place blame on the friendship ending solely on the other person. It is preferable to do this "in person" and not over email or text.
  5. Keep your cool. There may be some fall out, especially when leaving a clique, but it is important to not engage in the spreading of rumors, gossip etc. If you feel like you are being harassed/ bullied over the situation, seek help from an adult.
  6. Seek out help from an adult or ask advice from your family. Many adults have been through this situation and can offer advice. In addition, Ms. Shima can help mediate friendship breaks in a controlled, safe, confidential environment.

During this month, I encourage you to have an open dialogue with your child about what is means to be a good friend. Have them share with you who they consider are their closest friends and explore how each person treats them and makes them feel. In addition, discuss with them your experiences growing up in elementary and middle school and the friendships that were the most valuable to you.

In This Issue
Spotlights on Innovation
Math Coffee Chat Presentation Posted
Flight Night!
Safe Routes to School
ORM Principal's Message
More Flat Stanley Info
The Farmers Market is Here
Community Section
This Week's Calendar
Ormondale * Corte Madera * District
Mon, May 12 (A)
PVTA Meeting CMS Room 102 3:30pm  
Poetry Contest Reception
PV Community Hall
6:30 pm
Tue, May 13 (B) 
ORM 2nd Grade Field Trip 
De Young Museum Wong/Rickert 
Lunchtime Student Council Speeches - 12:45 pm
CMS School Site Council
Room 102 - 3:15 pm 
School Board Study Session
3 pm
PVSF Board Meeting
Annex, 7 pm
Wed, May 14 (A)
ORM Pride Assembly 
11:35 am  

ORM PTO Super Staff Lunch
Thu, May 15 (B)
Drama 7/8 Performance 
MUR 7 pm

Spotlights in Education
ORM 4 pm
Fri, May 16 (A) 
ORM 1st Grade Field Trip 
San Francisco Zoo, 8 pm
Tea at Two - ORM Garden
2 pm

CMS 5th Grade State Parade
12 pm

CMS 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Invited to Priory Dance, 7 pm
Weekly Post Reminders: 
To submit an article to the Weekly Post, please send it to weeklypost@pvsd.net.  Deadline is Thursday at noon.  See the PVSD website for more information

Upcoming Reminders and Events at CMS

  1. If you have an 8th grader that is registering at a public school in the Sequoia Union High School District (SUHSD), please make sure to complete the Address Verification Process at the SUHSD office and also register online. Information should have been sent to you via mail. Contact me or the SUHSD office if you have questions.
  2. Please remind children to lock up their bikes and skateboards at school. We have just installed a new skateboard rack by the MUR and students are being reminded that if they bike or skateboard to school, they must lock them up in the racks. Also, remind your child to NOT leave these items overnight on campus unlocked.  We cannot guarantee that the bikes or skateboards will be here the next day.
  3. Tuesday, May 13th at lunch in the MUR- Student Council Speeches for next year's elected student council positions. All students are invited to come and hear the candidates.
  4. Thursday, May 15th  8:00-9:00 am in the Annex. 8th grade Parent Meeting about Washington D.C.
  5. Friday, May 16th - Last Spirit Dress Up Day- Color Day! Grade levels will be assigned a particular color to wear
  6. Friday, May 16th  7:00-9:00pm- CMS 6-8th graders have been invited to a dance at the Woodside Priory! Student must sign-up prior to the dance and be on the list to attend. See Susan or Kathy in the office to sign up.
  7. Wednesday, May 21st  9:00 am- School Wide Assembly- BMX Bikers with a message about Friendship.
  8. Thursday, May 22nd 7:30-9:00am- 3rd grade Orientation at CMS.  3rd graders come to CMS to visit 4th grade classrooms and tour the campus.
  9. Friday, May 23rd  12:00pm- Sports Fair at CMS
  10. Friday, May 23rd  7:00-9:00pm- CMS Dance in the MUR for 6-8th graders. It's the last dance of the year and the theme is Neon!
  11. Wednesday, May 28th 12:19-2:10pm- Spirit Point Winner Celebration. The grade that has earned the most points all year with Spirit Point competitions will participate in a celebration- food, bounce houses and more!
Spotlights on Innovation
PVSD Spotlights on Innovation is coming up on
Thursday, May 15 from 4 - 5:30 in the Ormondale MUR

Please join PVSD teachers, parents and staff to explore exciting approaches used this year in Corte Madera and Ormondale classrooms.  After a brief strategic plan overview, teacher presentations will focus on Project Based Learning, STEM, Reader's and Writer's Workshop, Genius Hour, and Tech Integration.  The event will conclude with special guests.... our students!  Each teacher will have students present to share their learning.  

At this year's Spotlights on Innovation Event you will learn how:
  • Kindergartners are using QR codes to link to content that enhances and extends learning.
  • 1st graders are benefiting from Writer's Workshop curriculum.
  • 2nd graders are investigating what effect local watershed erosion is having on our community.
  • 4th graders are delving deeply into books through historical fiction book clubs.
  • 5th graders are using weekly Genius Hours to foster creativity through passion-based learning.  
  • 5th graders are engineering plausible alien species using knowledge of celestial locations and correlating earth biomes
  • 6th graders are exploring why ancient Egypt is considered a significant civilization.
  • 8th graders are experiencing flipped instruction and self-pacing, and how these innovations are helping create truly individualized learning environments.
  • Students in all grades are benefiting from PVSD's new STEM labs and activities.  
Spotlights on Innovation highlights the best of teacher instruction and student learning this year, so don't miss it!
Math Coffee Chat Presentation Posted
Thank you to all the parents able to attend our second math coffee chat. I have posted my presentation as a PDF and also a one page version of the grades 6-8 Common Core Math Pathways. For those unable to attend, please know the change to the pathways will affect incoming 6th graders and begin in the Fall of 2014. Incoming 7th and 8th will continue on the existing pathways (slide 7, brown). Please let me know if you have any questions. 

We look forward to implementing common core and continuing to strive to provide the best possible eduction for our students. Thank you for your support. 

Links can be found on the District Website under District Information > Curriculum. http://www.pvsd.net/domain/79

Thank you, 
John Dean
Director of Learning and Media
Flight Night!

4th Annual Portola Valley Flight Night

Friday, May 16, 2014, 6 -9 pm
Portola Valley Town Center
765 Portola Rd, Portola Valley, CA

Add a description
Photo Courtsey of Michelle Le/The Almanac
2011 Flight Night Spectators - Courtesy of Michelle Le and the Almanac

Radio-Controlled Model Flying Demonstrations

    Demonstrations by Local Expert Pilots!

    Spectacular Lighted Model Displays after Sunset! 

    Fixed-Wing, Helicopters, Multi-Copters, Sailplanes!

    In-Flight Video Technology, Real-time Ground Displays! 

    Talk with Pilots!

Hands On! Do-It Yourself -

    Fly Dual-control "Buddy Box" with Experienced Pilots!

    Instruction/Practice on Computer Flight Simulators!

    Build and fly your own glider, we supply material!

    Fly your own R/C "Park Flyer"! (AMA members only)

Visit Exhibits -

    Great Variety of Aircraft, Impressive Scale Models

    Flight Controllers, Motors, Batteries, Videos

    Career Directions in Science and Technology


Free and Open to the Public!

Sponsored by the Portola Valley Nature & Science Committee

Safe Routes to School
The final monthly Bike/Walk to School events took place last week, during national Bike to Work and School week. We had big crowds at both schools. The Corte Madera grade winner will be announced shortly. The grade with the highest participation rate for the entire year wins the grand prize! Stay tuned for that announcement.

A big thank you to the following for making this Bike/Walk to School program possible this year:
  • Ormondale volunteers from the Holland family, Lowe family, Stroh family, and Gilpin family
  • The many enthusiastic Ormondale students who volunteered to jump in and help out each time
  • Kristen Shima
  • 8th grade student council at Corte Madera
  • John Bamber
  • All of the supportive parents in our district who help encourage their children to participate
We at Safe Routes to School hope that you have developed the love of biking or walking to school on a regular basis. You are helping yourselves and helping your planet. Keep up the great healthy, active start to your day!

Ormondale Home
ORM Principal's Message

Dear Families,


Congratulations to the Ormondale Community on being named a 2014 California Distinguished School.  We are very proud of our students, staff members, and families.  This is really an award the reflects the accomplishments of the entire Ormondale community!  


Here is a little background on the award.  In December of 2013 we were invited to apply to become a California Distinguished School.  The entire staff pitched in and wrote a lengthy application that highlighted two of our signature practices.  The two signature practices we identified in our application were Data Driven Differentiation and The Whole Child - A Caring School Community.  The application was reviewed at the state level and we were moved on to the next step and hosted a site visit.  The site visit involved San Mateo County Office of Education staff touring our classes and campus, while looking for evidence of our signature practices. A special thank you to PTO, who hosted a fabulous lunch on our site visit day and to our parents who were able to attend the community interviews.  The SMCOE office staff then wrote a summary piece in support of our application and submitted it to the state, where we were awarded the 2014 California Distinguished School Award.  Check out our write up in The Almanac @    http://www.almanacnews.com/news/2014/05/06/ormondale-named-a-distinguished-school


Smarter Balanced Assessment

The Smarter Balanced Assessment is finally here.  This is a pilot year and the assessment results will be gathered by the state and will not be shared at any level.  If you would like to see more about the SBAC or test your skills, check it out at  http://sbac.portal.airast.org/ca/practice-test-ca/.


Spotlights in Education - Thursday, May 15th @ ORM from 4:00 - 5:30

Plan to attend this great event showcasing some innovative teaching and learning.


PTO Volunteer Coffee Celebration - Wednesday, May 21st @ ORM from 7:45-8:45

Be prepared to be appreciated with some coffee and treats.


Flat Stanley is Almost Here!

The students and staff have been working overtime to put on a fabulous play.  We have two performances on Wednesday, May 21st.  The whole school performance is 8:30 AM and the evening performance is 6:00.  Looking forward to a great play!


3rd Grade Cocoa Breakfast @ Corte Madera on Thursday, May 22nd from 7:30 - 9:00 am

Mark your calendar, for a fun transition activity for our 3rd grade students.  Please drop your child off at Corte Madera and we will walk back to Ormondale.  


I hope to see you around and one of our many events.  If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact me at kkeegan@pvsd.net or 650-851-1777. 




Kevin F. Keegan  

More Flat Stanley Info
The show is just around the corner, Wed 5/21 at 8:30 am and 6 pm, and we wanted to share a few quick updates.

Parent Volunteers
We could really use a few more volunteers to help with this last stretch to the show. If you can help, please email me our director Naomi at naomi@naomikinsman.com

- Costume Coordinator- A parent who can check the delivered costumes against the list and ensure that all the costumes have been delivered. This parent would follow up with parents, as needed, about missing costumes. Also, ideally, this parent or team of parents would be able to help pin, tuck and otherwise assist as the children put on their costumes on Monday afternoon's dress rehearsal and on the morning/evening of the show.
- Prop Master- A parent who can make sure that all the props are in place for the start of the show and also returned to their places at the end of the show. Ideally, this volunteer would be able to help problem solve with students near the prop table during the show as well. We could use this volunteer as soon as this coming Monday afternoon, and through the rest of the rehearsals.
- Rehearsal Assistant- Two or three parents who can assist off-stage actors during rehearsals. We've worked out the schedule so that during run-throughs, not all of the kids need to wait in the auditorium for their turn. We'd like to assign a parent to each key staging group so that the kids can play/rest when it isn't their turn and be in the auditorium ready for their cue. Also, students need help with the transitions on and off the stage so that we can keep the show going. Ideally, rehearsal assistants would join us this coming Monday afternoon and help through the rest of the rehearsals.
- Bulletin Board Decorator- A parent who can decorate the bulletin board so that it looks like it belongs in Stanley's bedroom. This is a project someone can take, do on their own time, and bring back when done.
Thank you for helping us make this show a fabulous, engaging experience for your children!
Costume Reminders
Students who auditioned for particular roles have been sent a separate email regarding their costumes.  Contact Karyn Bechtel at karynadam@yahoo.com if you did not receive this email.  
For all other students who will be performing their grade level song, the costumes are below.  Our aim is to pull costume pieces from what families already have at home and minimize cost for all.  Please keep in mind that students will be seated on the MUR floor (as they would be during an assembly) when they are not performing. Comfortable and manageable clothes will help them be better able to enjoy the show.  
Kindergarten: BIRDS
  • Solid bright color shirt
  • Dark pants or jeans
  • Students will decorate their own bird face/visor in class (red, yellow, blue, purple, pink or green); shirt can match their visor but does not need to
1st Grade: ENVELOPES
  • Black or dark color shirt and pants 
  • Students will decorate their own envelope costume in class that will hang on their chest and back
2nd Grade: HOLLYWOOD 
  • Sparkly "glitz" and "glam" clothes for the girls; sequins, glitter...think award-show flash
  • White button-down collared shirts for the boys with pants
  • Big sunglasses for all, worn up on their heads
  • Tropical shirts, shorts, sundresses, grass skirts, leis, sunhats, etc.
  • Please no swimsuits/bikinis, even with clothes underneath
We have extra beachwear and can help with other costumes if you don't have these items at home.  Please contact Denise Schectman (dschectman@pvsd.net) to discuss, and we'll help you borrow or find what you need!

Building the Set
The students have done a great job building the set!!!  Thanks for your understanding when paint spills came home.  You'll be so impressed with their hard work!

Many thanks to all!  General questions can be directed to Carlton White, 
cwhite@pvsd.net.  On with the show! 
The Farmers Market is Here!
The second graders of Ormondale have been working hard on their Pumpkin Palace garden and have been making beautiful decorations.  To start, Mrs. Wong's investigative learning group has made paper, cards, pinwheels, and signs.  Next, Mrs. Grech and Mrs. Clark's group had painted pots, posts, cans, had decorated hats, and created art.  Then, Mr. Rickert's group made birdhouses and downspouts.  Last, Mr. Ahlbach's group was in charge of publicity and making scarecrows.  We will be selling these items at our Farmer's Market on Friday, May 30th from 4:00-6:00.  We will also have food trucks, musicians, and various other booths.  Profits will be going to support our school garden, and any left over food items will go to charity.  If anyone wants to sell items from their own garden and have a booth, please contact any second grade teacher. It only happens once a year, so make sure you come and enjoy yourself.  Don't forget because it's that special!

Written by Mrs. Wong's Second Grade Class

Corte Madera Home
Community Calendar and Events
Creative Writing Summer Camps

Play your way to the page! All of Society of Young Inklings' camps are game-based and use improvisational theatre exercises to get creative juices flowing. 

 Invent A Story (Ages 7-9)
Young writers will explore the essential elements of story: character, setting, conflict, and plot development while inventing their own unique short stories.
Christ Church: Portola Valley
June 23-27, 9:00-12:00pm
July 7-11, 9:00-12:00pm
Synapse School: Menlo Park
July 14-18, 9:00-12:00pm
July 21-25, 9:00-12:00pm 
Novelist's Workshop (Ages 9-12)
Young writers will explore the finer points of story development. Students are free to come to camp with a novel-in-progress, or start from the very beginning.
Christ Church: Portola Valley
June 23-27, 12:30-3:30pm
July 7-11, 12:30-3:30pm
Synapse School: Menlo Park
July 14-18, 12:30-3:30pm
July 21-25, 12:30-3:30pm
Tuition is $245. Register online at www.younginklings.org
Sign Up Now for AYSO Fall Soccer Fun!

Everyone Plays - Balanced Teams - Open Registration

Positive Coaching - Good Sportsmanship - Player Development


FALL SEASON SOCCER: Boys & Girls, Ages 4-14


REGISTER:  April 1st - May 31st      

Use this link to register.



$175 until June 1st (U8 and up)

$225 late registration  

$125 Kinder (U6)



  • K-League plays Wednesday or Thursday at Ormondale (subject to change)
  • U7-U10 games are played Saturdays in Portola Valley and Woodside
  • U12-U14 games are played Saturdays; away games are played in Area regions
Alpine Strikers FC Tryouts for Fall 2014
Want fun competitive soccer for the fall? Join the Alpine Strikers FC!!! High quality professional coaching and fun play in local league games. Tryouts for all age groups, 6 years old and up, will be starting the week of May 13th.  Please go to www.alpinestrikers.org for more information and registration.
Legarza Camps  
Legarza Camps give children the knowledge and motivation they need to achieve their personal best in sport and life.  Over 100,000 children have experienced and benefited from our 25-year, tested and proven system.  Our program is tailored to help your young athlete succeed on and off the court in a safe, professional and encouraging environment of learning and fun. 
12 Exciting Weeks
Boys and Girls Ages 5 -14
50 Convenient Locations
For more information, see this flyer.
Jeff Aron's Summer Tennis Camps at Sacred Heart Schools

Jeff Arons is the director of tennis for Sacred Heart Schools.  His coaching experiences include founding/directing the East Palo Alto Tennis and Tutoring Program and coaching a Wimbledon doubles champion.  His morning camps offer the beginning/intermediate level player the opportunity to develop their skills in a child friendly and fun environment.  His afternoon camps are geared towards improving the match play performance of intermediate and advanced players. 

Grades:  1st through 12th
Location:  Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton
Days: Monday through Friday
Times:  9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Sessions:  Ten one week sessions beginning June 9 and ending August 15
Contact:  Email:  jeffaronstennis@gmail.com
Note: We offer a 10% discount to all campers who attend multiple sessions   


website: www.jeffaronstennis.com