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Weekly Post
February 10, 2014
Learn How Math Education is Evolving: This Tuesday
This Week: Learn How Math Education is Evolving with David Foster of the Silicon Valley Math Initiative

Please join us this Tuesday, February 11th at 7pm in the Corte Madera Annex to hear David Foster, Executive Director of the Silicon Valley Math Initiative, discuss how the Common Core Standards are changing how math is taught.  PVSD school administrators will also be present  to answer questions about plans for math instruction at Ormondale and Corte Madera.
Download the PVSD APP

PVSD has gone mobile! We've launched our new PVSD app, now available on Google Play or in the Apple Store. Just search "Portola Valley School District" and voila...there is it! 

We've had a number of board members, parent leaders, and staff who have weighed in on this first iteration of the app. We had many great suggestions on improvements and have worked with ParentLink on those logistics.


Please take a few minutes to download the app. You'll find links to the resources that our data shows us is most frequently viewed of the PVSD website, including directories, links to teacher webpages, the calendar, the PTO and PVSF pages, lunches, and other resources that we've housed in an aptly named folder for items like PowerBuilders and bus schedules. The app also has push notifications that you can sign up for.


Our new app is part of a bigger communication plan that we are looking at, which will include a revamp of our website in the near future. We're working with the PTO and Weekly Post editor Kristi Patterson to look at how we utilize the Weekly and how it might be used to focus information from both school sites. More to come on this.

In This Issue
Math Education
Smarter Balanced Assessments
PTO Needs Your Help
eScrip Update
ORM Principal's Message
ORM Flat Stanley
CMS Principal's Message
Community Section
This Week's Calendar
Ormondale * Corte Madera * District
Mon, February 10 (B) 
ORM Parent/Teacher Conferences

PVTA Meeting 3:30pm ORM Room 5
Tue, February 11(A)
 ORM Parent/Teacher Conferences

ORM Meldonian Class Field Trip to History Museum 8am

CMS School Site Council Room 102 3:15pm

Math & the Common Core Presentation by David Foster 7pm Annex
Wed, February 12 (B)
CMS PTO Super Staff Lunch
Thu, February 13 (A) 
ORM Parent/Teacher Conferences

CMS Rynewicz's Class to Lytton Gardens 10:30am 
Fri, February 14  
Winter Break-No School

School Resumes Monday, February 24th 
Weekly Post Reminders: 
To submit an article to the Weekly Post, please send it to weeklypost@pvsd.net.  Deadline is Thursday at noon.  See the PVSD website for more information

Learn About the New Smarter Balanced Assessments

Save the Date:  Teaching is changing and so is testing! Learn how student knowledge will be measured with the new Smarter Balanced assessments, March 6th at 7pm in the Corte Madera Annex.


Starting in the 2014/15 school year, standardized testing in California will happen in a very different way.  The multiple-choice, paper and pencil STAR tests are being retired, and students will instead take online, adaptive Smarter Balanced assessments intended to measure not only subject knowledge, but also critical thinking and problem-solving skills.  On March 6th, PVSD is fortunate to host Justin Wells, Associate Research Director for Performance Assessment at the Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning, and Equity, and an expert on the new Smarter Balanced assessments. Justin  will discuss why Smarter Balanced assessments will provide a more authentic and rigorous measure of learning, and how teachers, administrators and parents can best prepare students for these tests.  We hope you can join us.    

The PTO Needs Your Help!
We are in need of an Assistant Treasurer (no accounting experience required!) that can help finish out the year and then take over as Treasurer next fall.  We will also have additional open positions in that same area...
Please contact Heather Prelle, our current Treasurer, for more information:
Treasurer - Oversee all financial aspects, monthly account reconciliation, deposit/withdraw funds for all events except those listed below, financial reporting/budgeting, all QB entries.

Accounting Assistant - Collect/enter member data and donations/deposit checks from back to school forms, send Treasurer documentation for QB entries .

Auditor - Perform audit and fill out tax forms.
eScrip Update

We need your help to keep earning money for our schools!  Safeway has made an important change.  Paying for your groceries with a credit card will no longer earn a contribution.  Use your Club Card and please pay with any form of payment that is NOT a credit card so our group will earn.

And, if you have not signed up yet, please go to http://www.escrip.com/signup



Thank you for supporting our schools!

If you have any questions please contact Michelle Bellomo: mrbellomo@yahoo.com

 Ormondale Home
ORM Principal's Message

Dear Families,


The rain is finally here! Rain can cause for some anxious days at school, with in door recess, in door lunch, and limited outdoor time, but we are still excited to have the rain and looking forward to our different watershed projects, that need this rain, in the coming months!


This week brings us to our Parent Teacher Conferences. Our teachers have worked to prepare meaningful, informative and encouraging progress reports. The conferences are a great opportunity to celebrate the successes of your child and focus on some areas for improvement. Thank you for your partnership and we are looking forward to a great conference week.


The Science Family Night was a huge success. Thank you to all of our students and their families who prepared inventions, experiments and demonstrations. We had a great turn out and our students' creativeness really shone through. Students were able to request images from our telescope and they have just started to show up.   You can check the images out here http://projecttara.com/tara-images/. We also opened our STEM Lab and students and their families had an opportunity to explore and experiment. We have a lot of excitement around our STEM lab. The students have enjoyed programming the Bee Botts and are looking forward to more STEM activities and our tinkering section is full of great supplies for creating and designing.   Our goal is to open the STEM Lab during lunch, a few days a week, and we will be looking for parent volunteers. If you think you might want to volunteer in the STEM Lab, be on the look out for an email asking for help!   Thank you to Jeanne Rusch and Curtis Schneider who set up this great night.


PTO Thank You!

Thank you to Lisa H. and our fabulous PTO families who prepared a delicious Super Staff Lunch. We felt very appreciated and quite full! Thank you Wendy A, Kate H., Stephanie B., Tricia S., Margaret W., Joyce C., Kim Z., Moonyi S., Jami W., Hayley L., Kari R., Sarah D., Loni A., Tammy C., Irene R., Shannon B., and Erika D.


Progress Reports and Parent Conferences

Progress reports were sent home on Friday, February 7th. By now you have had time to review your child's progress and prepare for your parent teacher conference. Our teachers are excited to meet with you this week and discuss your child's progress, as well as their goals for the coming months.


Upcoming Events

Parent Teacher Conferences

February 10th to February 13th


David Foster Common Core Math Family Night

Tuesday, February 11th from 7:00 - 9:00 PM @ CMS

This looks to be a very informative night with a CCSS expert!


Winter Vacation

February 14th to February 23rd


With the arrival of the rain in our valley comes snow to the mountains! Thank goodness! I hope that many of you are looking forward a relaxing winter vacation. For those of you heading to the slopes, enjoy this new snow. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact me at kkeegan@pvsd.net  or 650-851-1777.




Kevin F. Keegan

Flat Stanley Cast

Dear Parents,


We are very excited to work on the Flat Stanley production with your children. We have a strong parent volunteer team forming and will be in touch with all families who noted willingness to help on their audition forms. Many hands make light the work! If you have not yet volunteered and would like to, let us know on the included confirmation form.


Below, please find the cast list for the show. All students who auditioned have been assigned a role that both fits their indicated interest and provides them with an opportunity to be featured.


Casting Note: The students have started to become familiar with Flat Stanley in music class, so many roles will be self-explanatory to them. However, some roles have been created to provide more students with opportunities. We will be sharing more information about roles at rehearsals as we shape scenes, and most questions should be cleared up at our full cast meeting on February 26. If you need information on your child's assigned role, please email me at Naomi@naomikinsman.com.


Our rehearsal schedule, here, provides detailed information on the time commitment for each role. Students are only called for the rehearsals at which they are needed. Please look over the cast list and the rehearsal schedule to determine whether your family is able to commit to the role your child has been assigned. While we understand that you may have a conflict here and there, should you have significant conflicts, please let us know right away. We may be able to shift the schedule to accommodate, or we may need to change the role we've assigned your child.


Please complete the form included to confirm your child's participation and bring it to the full cast meeting on February 26.


Set Painting Note: We've listed all students who asked to be included in the set painting project on their audition forms. If we've missed your child and he/she wants to be included, please indicate that on your confirmation form. Students who are only taking part as set painters are not called to the cast meeting on February 26.


Costume Note: We will be in contact regarding costumes. Our aim is to pull costume pieces from what families already have at home when possible, to ask for volunteer help for the more complex costumes, and to minimize cost for all.


Thank you so much! We're looking forward to an excellent show.


Our best,

Naomi Kinsman & Carlton White


Flat Stanley Cast List 

Stanley: Bennett L

Arthur: Noah S

Mr. Lambchop: Charlie K

Mrs. Lambchop: Catie B

Caleb: Jack H

Jacob: Aidan V

Cousin Sophie: Samantha M

Cousin Kenzie (formerly Jackson): Lindsay T

Mrs. Cartero: Savannah K

Sarah (Postwoman in training): Brooke S

Bulletin Board:  Sophia B, Divya D, Stella M

Doctor Dan: Claire S

Nurse Betty: Madelyn R

King of the Cool Kids: Colin C

Cool Kids: James G, Kenai L, Soren S, Max P, Anders, Olivier B, Liam T

Cool Kids (younger siblings): James W, Liam K, Milo P

Hollywood Agent: Ethan H

Assistant 1: Autumn B

Assistant 2: Sophia H

Assistant 3: Evelyn G

Mona Lisa: Annabelle B

O Jay D'Art: Raphael B

Napoleon: Tanner B

Sneak Thief: Katie K

Samantha: Stella S

Assistant Director: B

Herb Wavecrest: Nicholas Z

Bikini Wahini: Mackenzie B

Kiki: Elior H


Envelope Soloists: Nola D, Ida K, Ruby S, Rhonda W, Izzy K

Dancing Envelopes: Annika K, Carolina R, Eric R, Megan D, Chloe R, Megan B, Viva S,  

Madeline A, Annabell, Naomi A


Envelope soloists and Dancing Envelopes will be featured onstage in the song "Traveling through the Mail." Soloists will sing as part of a small group.


Go-go Dancers: Ella D, Cristina L, Elior H


Go-Go Dancers will be featured onstage in the song "Surfing the Mail." They will also have a few lines as part of the crowd during the scene before the song.


Wannabes: Natalia K, Eve K, Ava B, Isabelle A, Loli P, Bella L, Reese K, Paulina


Wannabes will be featured during the song "Talent." They will also have a few lines as part of the crowd during the scene that comes before the song.


Bird Soloists: Quincy H, Haley D, Andre F, Grant H, Elijah H, Cleo S, Madeleine S, 


Dancing Birds: Kate H, Quinn H, Josephine P, Pearl M, Cameron T, Teagan S, Lucca 


Bird Soloists and Dancing Birds will be featured onstage during the song "In a Tree." Soloists will sing as part of a small group.


Chorus: Bella L, James G, Kenai L, Olivier B, Liam T, Evelyn G, Annabelle B, Reese K, Blake C, Jack R, Naomi A, Ellie A, Maxwell S, Alexander S, Sean B, Linnea K, Elior H, Isabelle A, Soren S, Eve K, Cristina L, Anders B 


Set Painters:

Second Grade/Third Grade: Leif A, Marco C, Olivia C, Soren S, Ella D, Cristina L, Colin C, James G, Jack H, Aidan V, Ethan H, Nicholas Z, Charlie K, Noah S, Samantha M, Evelyn G, Claire S, Autumn B, Brooke S, Annabelle B, Stella S 

Kindergarten/First Grade: Quincy H, Madeleine S, Sarah M, Kate H, Quinn H, Cameron T, Teagan S, Nola D, Carolina R, Eric R, Chloe R, Megan B, Viva S, Jack R, Ellie A, Maxwell S, Sean B, Ishan H, Luke Z

Corte Madera Home
CMS Principal's Message

It gets busy this time of year at CMS. Staff is continuing our focus on great instruction for all our students - that never ends. We also, though, are working with next year in mind to make sure we are optimizing the learning opportunities for all our Panthers.  


The implementation of common core standards-based instruction has been an exciting shift in education and a focal point related to professional development for our staff and instruction for our students and their development as learners. On Tuesday, we are fortunate to have David Foster, Executive Director of the Silicon Valley Math Initiative, and an expert on the Common Core math standards and Smarter Balanced Assessments, come talk with our community about the shifts in math instruction and what it means for districts across the state, including ours.


The importance of developing strong mathematicians at CMS is not new, of course, for our teachers, parents or students. CMS teachers have worked closely with each other over the last couple of years to shift their instruction to reflect the demands of the common core standards. They are also working collaboratively with teachers from Ormondale to study and develop a K-8 scope and sequence for mathematics across the district that identifies what students need to learn as they progress through our schools so they are prepared for success in high school and beyond. This collaborative effort, also called vertical articulation, has been a great example of the Portola Valley Way at work! I hope you are able to join us Tuesday night at 7:00PM in the Annex to hear David Foster and learn more about the math standards and their impact on math instruction in the coming years.


As I know you have heard through communications since this past fall, the group of staff, parents and students working to re-think and re-shape our master schedule has been hard at work. Prototyped schedule ideas were shared at a community outreach night last month and the feedback gathered has been considered and incorporated into the next round of prototypes. As we move closer towards creating a final product, the community will have an opportunity to learn more and provide thoughts and feedback through our district website. Stay tuned for more information about that coming soon.

As I mentioned, it is a busy time of year. Thank you to all of our staff, parents and students for your continual support of our Panthers!


Have a good week.


Michael Corritone


Community Calendar and Events
Library Programs 

Puppet Art Theater Co. returns to the Portola Valley Library for our annual Dad & Me at the Library event on Saturday, February 15 @ 11 AM. Come and see the new show, Tale of the Dragon's Tail.  Upon return from her world travels, Princess Penny discovers that a dragon has been spotted in the hills about the castle, and that the king has been giving all of the kingdom's gold to a wizard who claims he can keep the dragon away.  Will Penny get to the bottom of the mystery?  Is there even really a dragon?  Bring your dad, your mom, friends and family, to find out and enjoy this fun tradition at the library.  For all ages. This program is funded by the Fatherhood Collaborative of San Mateo County and the San Mateo County Library.

The Talking Playhouse 

The Talking Playhouse in Redwood City offers Social Skills Groups, Writing with Visualizing and Verbalizing™ from Lindamood Bell™ and Executive Function Therapy with "ORGANIZATIONAL LIFEŠ".


ORGANIZATIONAL LIFE is a curriculum designed to help students organize their thinking (cognitive) for academic tasks and logistical (physical environment) for paperwork, homework assignments, binders, backpacks, desk and bedroom.


We build executive functioning skills such as planning out tasks, time management, increase goal directed persistence, develop sustained attention, enhance task initiation, develop more flexibility, understand how to sequence & prioritizing, enhance working memory, learn to navigate the big picture &  identifying how to solve the organizational challenges thus increasing motivation to task.

PARENT TRAINING: We teach parents to increase productivity and maximize your child's organizational skills with more independence and less tug of war.


For more information please contact: jenn@talkingplayhouse.com  

Encore Lacrosse 
Encore Lacrosse is excited to host the most FUNdamental lacrosse camp for introductory and intermediate players! Sign up to play the "fastest sport on two feet!" No previous experience is needed for beginners as safe soft balls are used, and lacrosse sticks can be purchased ($30) and delivered at camp. Equipment rentals are available for the intermediate division. For more information visit the intro/intermediate tab of the lacrosse section at www.EncoreLacrosse.com or e-mail at info@EncoreLacrosse.com .
Make Dreams Come True...Donate Dresses or Accessories! 
The Key Club at Menlo-Atherton High School is sponsoring a dress and accessories drive to benefit The Princess Project. The Princess Project promotes self-confidence and individual beauty by providing free prom dresses and accessories to high school girls who cannot otherwise afford them. With your help over 1,100 girls will be served by Princess Project Silicon Valley dress giveaways this Spring!


Ideal donations include long or short, formal gowns from 2008 to new in excellent condition and in all sizes and colors.  Accessories should be stylish, clean and in excellent condition.


Where to Donate: Menlo-Atherton High School Front Office, 555 Middlefield Road, Atherton

When: Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4:00pm through the first week of March

Contact: If you would prefer for us to pick up your donations or need a donation receipt please e-mail Sally Carlson at sally@carlsonland.com 
Summer Camp in PV: Programming Java with Minecraft 
This is a great way for kids (grades 5-8) who love games to learn programming and build their own Minecraft mods. We use real programming with a real programming language - Java - on a real world server that your child will setup and configure. 

In its second season, the camp is run by local CMS graduate Jack Youstra, with assistants (and adult oversight) for a 3:1 student:teacher ratio. Topics include:

- How to setup and use their own Minecraft server
- How to setup a programming environment on their laptop
- How to install customized mods using Bukkit
- How to build a mod using Java
- Programming basics
- Java basics
- Programming workflow and debugging

There are two week-long sessions available: 7/6 and 7/13. Camp days are 9AM-3PM with an optional extended day plan that covers 3-5PM. Fee $500/week.

To learn more about the camp, email jack@youstra.com. 
AMA Softball Registration Now Open!
Girls from K-7th grade are invited to join us for the 2014 AMA Softball season. Everyone plays and teams are organized by schools. Volunteers are always welcome, especially coaches. Games in Menlo Park and Portola Valley. 
Register here today!