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Weekly Post
January 13, 2014
ORM Principal's Message

Dear Families,


Welcome back and Happy New Year! Like most people, we have said goodbye to 2013 and have set our goals for 2014. We are excited to get to work with our students and look forward to all of the amazing educational opportunities we have planned in the next six months.


Our first classes have experienced The Lab @ Ormondale. It was great to see kids in the lab, doing STEM activities, all supported by our STEM coach and their teachers. We are in need of a number of supplies, as we continue to grow our STEM program. Here is a small list of items that you may find or have left over from your holiday vacation. If you would like to donate them, drop them off in the office. Supplies: cardboard tubes (wrapping paper, paper towels, toilet paper), all kinds of tape, wire, cotton balls, straws, legos, magna tiles, and small pieces of wood, cardboard (not boxes) or plastic. Mark your calendars, Friday, January 24th at 6:00 pm, for Science Family Night to see Science Experiments, Inventions, and a chance to experience The Lab @ Ormondale.  


Kindergarten Registration

It's hard to believe but Ormondale is ready to kick-off kindergarten registration for the 2014-2015 school year! On Thursday, January 30th at 8:30 am, there will be a Parent Visitation Day for parents whose children will be attending either Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten at Ormondale School in the fall of 2014.   It will begin in the Library with a short orientation and include the opportunity to briefly visit the kindergarten classrooms. Registration forms will be available in the school office following the classroom visits. Please review the following information if you have questions about birthdates and eligibility to start school in the fall:

  • Incoming kindergartners must be five years old on or before September 1, 2014 in order to be registered for Kindergarten.
  • In accordance with the Kindergarten Readiness Act of 2010, Ormondale will offer a Transitional Kindergarten in the 2014-2015 school year for those children with fifth birthdays that fall between September 2, 2013 and December 1, 2013.
In This Issue
CMS Principal's Message
Community Section
This Week's Calendar
Ormondale * Corte Madera * District
Mon, January 13 (A)
CMS: Woodside High visit to 7th and 8th graders 1:15pm 

PVTA Meeting 3:30pm, CMS 1102
Tue, January 14 (B)
CMS 4/5 Progress Report Info Meeting at 8:15am, Rm 102 
ORM 2nd Grade to Sunnyvale Performing Arts 9am

CMS School Site Council 3:15pm, Room 102

PVSF Board Meeting 7pm, Annex Building 
Wed, January 15 (A)
ORM PRIDE Assembly 11:35am

School Board Meeting, 7pm CMS Room 102
Thu, January 16 (B) 
CMS Trust In Education 9:25am

CMS 4/5 Progress Report Info Meeting at 3:15pm, Rm. 102 
Fri, January 17 (A) 
End Semester 1
Weekly Post Reminders: 
To submit an article to the Weekly Post, please send it to weeklypost@pvsd.net.  Deadline is Thursday at noon.  See the PVSD website for more information

Signing In on Campus

As a reminder, all visitors (including parents volunteers in classrooms) need to be signing in and out at the Ormondale Office daily. Please help us keep our children safe by adhering to this policy and encouraging nannies, babysitters, and other family members to do so as well.


School Site Council

Thank you to all of the families who responded to our SSC election. We would like to welcome Elisa Jagerson, Beth Gillbrand, Lael Bajet, and Brook Coffee as our parent representatives to SSC.


Parent Conferences

We are nearing the end of our first semester and looking toward the second half of the school year already. Please mark your calendars for the upcoming Parent Conferences, which will be the week of February 10th-13th. Stay tuned for information from your classroom teacher about arranging a specific time for these conferences.


Upcoming Events

Science Family Night

Join us for an educational fun family night, Friday, January 24th from 6:00 - 7:00 Pm, with our Science Fair, Invention Expo and The Lab @ Ormondale Open House.  


Parent Teacher Conferences

Februrary 10th to February 13th


I hope that your family had a wonderful vacation. I know that the two weeks home with family, partnered with the beautiful weather, made for a lot of family fun in my house. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact me at kkeegan@pvsd.net or 650-851-1777.




Kevin F. Keegan

Corte Madera Home
CMS Principal's Message


Happy New Year, everyone! I trust the time away over winter break was spent well with family and friends and our community is energized for this coming New Year.  


In my last article before winter break, I shared reflections about our journey thus far this school year. I also shared my excitement for what lies ahead related the transition to common core standards and implementation of our strategic plan

including how reading, writing and math, STEM, differentiation, service learning, creative expression and Project-Based Learning will be infused throughout our instruction.


Already in our first week back to school amazing examples of student learning and progress have been on demonstration. Our STEM Fair was a great success - congratulations to our students, staff and parent community on a fantastic showcase of student inquiry! As well, thank you to all parents and CMS community members who served as judges for the fair.


There was a well-attended meeting and tour this past week for our 4th and 5th grade parents regarding 6th grade and the middle school program at CMS. We have a top-tier, first choice middle school program and it was exciting to share what the transition to middle school looks like, answer questions and share impressive data regarding the success rates of our students upon their graduation from CMS. There will be another informational meeting later in the spring, but in the meantime, please feel free to reach out and ask any questions or provide any suggestions you may have regarding the transition to 6th grade for our students.


Over the next week, two informational meetings will be offered about our new 4th and 5th grade common core aligned report card (it's been over a year in the making!). One meeting will be on Tuesday, January 14 from 8:15-9:00am and the other on Thursday, January 16 from 3:15-4:00pm. Both meetings will be in Room 102 and I hope all 4/5 parents can attend at least one of the meetings.


As well, our School Site Council will be meeting this coming week and throughout the remainder of the school year to discuss, articulate and provide advise regarding our Single Plan for Student Achievement and our end of year school survey. Congratulations and thank you to the following members of Site Council - Karyn Bechtel, Susan McLaughlin, Sandra Vaughan, Maryann Chwalek, Crissy Untrecht, Rebecca Parker and Kathy Hoskin.


We have a lot to accomplish moving forward but it is exciting work that I know will get done in an astounding way because of the wonderful support provided by all members of the CMS community on behave of our students. Happy New Year, everyone!


Michael Corritone


Community Calendar and Events
Soccer Shots 
Soccer ShotsŪ, a popular enrichment nationwide (at many schools on the peninsula), is back to serve Ormondale Elementary this spring.

Soccer ShotsŪ is an acclaimed national non-competitive soccer program for children. Through teaching the beautiful game, we aim to develop character, motor skills and teamwork. Our team believes children are invaluable and our goal is simple: to leave a lasting, positive impact on every child we serve. They were awarded '#1 in Children's Fitness' by Entrepreneur Magazine for the second year in a row!

See the Spring Season info below:
Who:         All children K-3rd Grade are welcome to enroll
Where:     On-site -- at Ormondale Elementary (no equipment or cleats needed)
When:      Wednesdays, 12:10 - 12:45pm -- Jan 15-May 14 (no session 2/19, 4/2, 4/16)
Cost:        $240 for 15 week fun Spring Season (includes Soccer Shots dry fit jersey & team photo) 
How:        Register ONLINE: bayarea.soccershots.org
Contact: bayarea@soccershots.org  / 650.260.GOAL
Alpine Little League Registration is Open 
Registration is open for the Spring Alpine/West Menlo Little League season.  Boys and girls between 5 and 12 years old can register for Alpine Little League baseball. Tryouts will be held Jan. 19 and Jan. 26 Online registration can be completed at http://www.alpinelittleleague.com.  
Bulldog Youth Flag Football Comes to Corte Madera! 

4th & 5th  grades co-ed

Fridays: 3:15 - 4:15 p.m.

No scores! No Stats! JUST FUN!


Winter Session:

Jan 17th-March 28th 2014

10 classes $250 (includes team shirt!)

Kids will be mixed and placed in appropriate groups.


Register here.

Got Books? 
Thanks to the generous PVSD school community and the PV community, we have collected books, shipped, and set up 14 children's libraries in Lesotho, Botswana, Ghana, and Swaziland as part of African Library Project. 

We are now collecting more books for libraries in Malawi and Sierra Leone.


If your have gently used children's books in English, K through 8th grade, we would love to get them and make sure they end up in a children's library in Africa. We are happy to pick up, or you can always drop off at 405 Cervantes Road.


Questions? Contact sofie_vandeputte@yahoo.com (CMS parent) or Carol@Younge.com (PV resident).

We truly appreciate your help. Thank you!
Jeff Arons' Spring Tennis Program At Sacred Heart Schools 



Programs for Adults and Juniors


Jeff Arons is the director of tennis for Sacred Heart Schools.  His coaching experiences include founding/directing the East Palo Alto Tennis and Tutoring Program and coaching a Wimbledon doubles champion.


Website:  www.jeffaronstennis.com 

Email: jeffaronstennis@gmail.com