July 2013 - 5773

Volume LXI #10

Member of the Union For Reform Judaism


Congregation Shalom is a Reform Jewish community committed to education, spiritual growth, and Tikkun
Olam (healing the world).  We are proud to be an extended family of equals - welcoming, caring, and inclusive.
 Together, we engage in religious observance, enjoy social activities, and pursue life-long learning.
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Rabbi  From our Rabbirabbi    


Dear Friends,


Today is the Summer Solstice (FINALLY!) and I am looking forward to a renewing and peaceful summer with a lot of good weather thrown in! I hope the same for you and your loved ones. Ironically, even though I am on the cusp of some vacation time I am busy planning for next year and there is some important news that I would like to share with you.


As you know Meryl Gold will not be able to be with us this coming year. She is expecting twin boys and her due date is the 3rd week in August. Meryl and Adam are moving this week to Stamford, Conn. so they can be closer to her parents. Meryl sends her love to all of us and is already sad that she won't be singing with us this year.


On a happier note for us, we have been able to engage a wonderful young singer named Andy Papas to be our High Holiday soloist. Andy grew up in Winchester, MA and coincidentally belonged to Temple Isaiah in Lexington when I was the Associate Rabbi there. Currently Andy lives in Newton but his professional singing puts him on the road a lot. We had well over 30 applicants for our soloist position, including people from as far away as Germany, France and Alaska. Our interview committee was very enthusiastic and excited to have Andy joining us and we are confident that he will enrich all of our High Holiday worship experiences. If you would like to learn more about Andy you can read about him and even listen to some of his performances at his web-site: The recordings on the website are from his opera and musical theatre performances but he has also been a High Holiday cantorial soloist in two other congregations. One fun thing is that last year he did a program at the Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation called From Boheme to Broadway: A Concert of Musical Theater and Opera Favorites. We are hoping to work with him to bring a similar musical program to our community in the spring. Finally, Andy is performing in Fiddler on the Roof this July at The Reagle Music Theatre in Waltham, MA from July 11-21st. You can go see him perform in the part of Avrum.


The other news is that I am going to be on Sabbatical this coming winter from December through March. It has been 8 years since my last Sabbatical and alas, although I will not be in Italy (bummer!), I am looking forward to a time of study and renewal. As my plans become clearer I will share them with you. In the meantime the congregation has engaged a rabbinic student from Hebrew College to serve as a rabbinic intern next year. Amy Sands has been studying in the rabbinical program for two years and prior to those studies she was the religious educator of the Brandeis University religious school for 10 years. Amy brings with her a broad breadth of Jewish knowledge and enthusiasm and looks forward to being a part of our community. She will be teaching adult ed two times a month throughout the year on Sunday mornings and she will be leading services three times a month during the months that I am away. She will also fill in for other rabbinical responsibilities throughout the year and she looks forward to learning from all of us.


Next month, I will share more with you about our High Holidays services and the theme for the year!


Warm regards,

Rabbi Sig

Rabbi Shoshana M. Perry


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Stephen Rodman's photo From our PresidentBarryTop    


Dear Friends:

As you may know, July 1 is the start of our new fiscal year. It is also the changeover date when some of our lay leaders step down from their positions and our newly elected trustees and officers begin serving.


This year, five members of our Board will not be returning. Rob Berkovitz and Roger Loyer have served as our Treasurer, and Jon Libby, Tina Kempner and David Holladay have all been members of our Board of Trustees. Each of these individuals has volunteered their time and efforts to make us a better community, and each deserve our thanks. We are better off as a result for their commitment.


In their place, we have a group who has accepted the challenges that come with running a temple and who are all dedicated to help us strive to reach our mission. Fran Hirschel will be serving as our new treasurer, and Audrey Desrochers, David Penn and Roseanne Riddick have all agreed to serve as Trustees.


As I begin my second term as president, I am excited to work with the new officers and trustees, as well as all returning Board members. We will continue to serve the needs of the community, make sure we remain fiscally sound, and, above all else, operate with an eye on the mission of Congregation Shalom.


I hope you all enjoy your summer.



Stephen Rodman's signature



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Yael's pictureFrom Our Education DirectorEdDir


Anyone who spends any time with me will tell you that I love the sun and I am always looking to grab a few rays of sunshine any chance I get. It was this idea of warmth and strength that made me think about some of our unsung heroes in the school. Our Madrichim, most of whom are teenagers, come to school every week to help our teachers create the warm and nurturing learning environment that exists in the classrooms.


Recently, a teacher was absent and his Madricha taught a class without him. I asked an adult to be in the room, and I nervously popped in and out of the classroom to see how things were going. What I observed was a poised and competent teenager leading a class using the skills she had learned from the lead teacher over the past year. I could never have anticipated the mutual respect and collaboration that I observed as the teenager taught "her students." Throughout the year I have observed rays of warmth and respect that have brought true sunshine to our school: a kindergarten student sitting on the lap of a teenager as he watched a presentation; students signing up for one on one reading time just to get the attention of their Madrich; teenagers taking a whole group of students out into the hall to read a story and play a game as the teacher was helping other students in a different activity. This role modeling cannot be replicated by the adults because it is the student to student connection that makes these relationships so unique. Whether it is reading a story, helping with an art project, leading preschoolers into a bathroom to wash their hands or teaching a class, the Madrichim give their total commitment to the school and the students in their classrooms.


If you have a student who may be interested in this unique opportunity please contact me. Each year the Madrichim ask to come back, some want to be with new students and some feel deeply connected their students from the year before but every time I see the connection between our Madrichim and their fellow learners, I am reminded of the true power and beauty of "L'dor vador - from generation to generation.

Yael Signature  



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Social Action CommitteeSocialAction 


Mitzvah Day 2013 was a great success!

Thanks to everyone who participated in Mitzvah Day on June 2, and especially to those who helped to plan the day. Our congregation is a better place (and so is the world!) because of your efforts. A summary of the day shows the many different ways our community helped make a difference.


 In the community:

  • 18 members served a barbeque lunch to 70 seniors at the Chelmsford Senior Center
  • 20 members contributed physical labor to ready the Paul Center disabled children's camp for the summer. Projects included painting, cleaning and repairing cabins, building a bridge, cleaning the pool, and mowing the property
  • 7 members prepared and served lunch at the Lowell Transitional Living Center
  • 11 members cleaned and planted vegetables in our congregation's garden plot at the Chelmsford Community Garden
  • 8 members weeded and mulched the McElligott handicapped accessible playground in Westford
  • Many members sang at the Atrium in Chelmsford, a senior living facility

 At temple:

  • More than 15 children created many objects that will bring joy to others: 40 placemats for Table of Plenty, 13 totebags, 20 greeting cards for homebound seniors, 5 scrapbooks for Alzheimers patients at D'Youville Senior Living, 23 rocks painted for placement in our Community Garden plot  
  • Members completed work on the Havdallah Garden in front of the building, digging and laying stone on a path, assembling and placing a bench, and completing landscaping
  • 8 members sorted 12 bags of clothes on behalf of the Wish Project
  • 2 members cleaned the kitchen
  • 1 full carload of toys and housewares were collected for Angels Above in Lowell
  • Members recycled 4 pallets of electronics

Thanks again to all who were a part of the day!


Blood Drive held on June 24

As this newsletter goes to press our June blood drive is planned for June 24. There has been an excellent signup and many people who volunteered to help during the event. Thanks to all who participated in this much needed community service.


Shelter food coordinator needed

Marilyn and Bob Frank are retiring from coordinating Congregation Shalom's monthly food donation to the Middlesex Transitional Living Center in Lowell. We are looking for someone who would like to make this mitzvah a part of their life going forward. For more information about this opportunity, please contact Social Action at [email protected].


Volunteer to serve at Table of Plenty in Chelmsford

Every 8 weeks Congregation Shalom members volunteer to help serve food to those in need at the Table of Plenty in Chelmsford. If you are interested in volunteering at our next serving date on July 9, please contact us at [email protected].


Watering at Chelmsford Community Garden

Congregation Shalom has planted a plot of vegetables at the Chelmsford Community Garden. A small group of volunteers cares for the garden over the summer growing and harvesting months. If you are interested in being part of the rotation of watering and weeding, we'd love to have you! Please email [email protected]  to sign up!


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Pick Your Oneg !!!
Yes, you choose the date

  • Want a Sunset Oneg?
  • Want to host the same night as your father's Yarzheit?
  • How 'bout hosting the same night as your child's class dinner?
  • Away all winter?

Just let us know, and we'll make it happen. Every member is expected to host two Onegs, however, if you volunteer to be the coordinator, one Oneg will fulfill your obligation.  


There is always a need for those of you willing to host some special services for Erev Rosh Hashana, Rosh Hashana children's service, and Simchat Torah service.


Please send e-mail to [email protected] with requests, as well as stating whether you are willing to be a Coordinator or not. Requests may contain any/all of the following:

Service type: Tot, Family, Adult, MOCA, Adult Sunset*, or any 8 PM.

Event: Holiday or Special Shabbat (e.g., Brotherhood, Grade 3 Shabbat Dinner, or a friend's Bar/t Mitzvah weekend)

Unavailable dates, such as vacation or snowbird schedule: "we're in Florida from December 1 - May 31" or "not during tax season", so we'll schedule you for a better time.

Specific date: such as December Family Service or November 6 at 8 PM.

The final schedule for services/special Shabbats is not available until August. Assignments are made during August and published in the September newsletter. Therefore, requests can be made during July and early August.


If you do not request specific dates, you will be assigned to ones that we hope are appropriate; however, the best way to ensure that the assignment is correct is to let us know your preferences before being assigned. Once the assignment has been made, you are responsible for swapping your date (if it later becomes a conflict) with another member family. In case of several requests for the same date- first come, first served.


Thank you for your part in making our congregational Oneg program successful; it's yet another part of Congregation Shalom's tradition that we feel is special and unique.


The Oneg Committee

[email protected] 

Caren Boroshok, scheduler 

Pat & Rick Karpeles, letter senders 


* Adult Sunset = 6PM Adult Service, with the Oneg being wine + cheese before the service, and with the service ending at 7:15PM, with no traditional Oneg afterwards. Usually the third Friday of the month.


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podium Would You Like to Be a High Holiday Reader?

We have begun planning for high holiday services. If you would be interested in being a reader - in English or Hebrew - please email Janet Dubner at [email protected].

Please indicate which services you will be attending and if you are able to read Hebrew.


Family Service -   Rosh Hashanah

                           Yom Kippur


Adult Service -     Erev Rosh Hashanah 


                           Rosh Hashanah - Day 1

                           Rosh Hashanah - Day 2


                           Erev Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre)

                           Yom Kippur 


Thank you for your interest.


The Ritual Committee
Featured This Issue
Pick your Oneg
Summer Shabbat Service times
High Holiday Services
Women's Health letter
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ExtFamilyEventsExtended Family Activities


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QuickLinksQuick Links




Thank you so much to the many friends and fellow congregants who have wished me well in my treatment and recovery from Lymphoma over the past year. This includes many who made donations on my behalf, those who worked on the beautiful hand-knit blanket which I enjoy cuddling under nearly every day, and all of you who have held me in your prayers. While I still have additional healing before I'm back to my old self, I am feeling great and believe I am on my way to full recovery. It means a lot to me to be a part of such a caring community; thanks again.

   Josh Friedman


Dear fellow congregants:

Many thanks to all of you who honored me in so many different ways in recognition of my selection as congregant of the year. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated.

   L'Shalom, Margi Loyer


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New MembersNewMembers  

We welcome Kerri and Jonathan Strauss and their children to our Congregation Shalom community. Please reach out and help make them feel welcome.

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July BirthdaysBirthdays

Brett Denly

Jacob Notinger

Spencer Notinger

Hannah Wolman

Eli Moskowitz

Scott Cohn

Shannon Kempner

Samuel Hiski Matson

Ava Sharpe

Mia Eisenhandler

Sydney Linden

יום הולדת שמח  
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Wilma Ruth Carrick

Abraham David

Joseph David

Hilda Edelstein

Bernard Hovsha

Sam Salmirs



Ella Antokal

Elaine Capland

Abraham Danzig

Alfred DesLauriers

Sam Fagelman

Marianne Fried

Dorothy Griffith

Rose Kallus

Michael Picard

Clara Roberts

Lawrence Wikander



Sidney Berenson

Melvin Boroshok

Joseph Davis

Adele Friedlander

Ida Friedman

Justin David Goldman

Zelman Kamien

Sherry Rosenberg



Milton Capland

Samuel Eisenstein

Bernice Kert

Rita Miller

Steven Silverman

Moses Solomon Strock



Barry Berkovitz

Evelyn Derby

Eleanor Myers

Allan Rosenberg

Saul Shurdut

Al Silverstein

Please contact Joan LaRochelle for all Yahrzeit matters.
Summer Shabbat Services


Reminder: during the summer all Shabbat services will be at 6:00 pm without an oneg.  

High Holyday Prayer Books


It is the tradition of Congregation Shalom that each temple family has their own High Holyday Prayer books. We are now taking orders for the books. Gates of Repentance with either English or Hebrew opening are $22.00. The Gates of Repentance for Young People (Family Service) are $18.00. All orders must be received by August 8th, 2013. Please click here for an order form and send it, along with the appropriate check made out to Congregation Shalom Prayer Books, to Congregation Shalom, 87 Richardson Road, N. Chelmsford, MA 01863.


If your family is moving from the Family Service to the Adult Service and would like to sell your prayer books, we will TRY to sell them for you. There are no guarantees that this will happen. Your books MUST be in good condition. The books will sell for $10.00 each. Families willing to participate in this exchange, please contact me ([email protected]) stating how many books you wish to sell or how many you wish to buy. This will be on a first come, first served basis. The sooner you let us know about wanting to sell or buy used books, the better your chance of this happening.


Please remember to have your order in by August 8, 2013.


Newsletter Ads and You!


We are always looking for advertisers for the Temple newsletter. Ads can be placed at any time with special pricing for members. Ads need not be for a year so if you want to try us, we take ads for 3 months as well as six months. If you decide to continue your ad for a full year, we do pro-rate the price. As the saying goes, "Try us, you'll like us!"


Youth Scholarships Available


Throughout the year, there are many enriching Jewish experiences available to our youth through our synagogue or the community. These include but aren't limited to summer camps and trips to Washington, New York, and Israel. Fortunately, there is some scholarship money available through the temple to those families in need of financial assistance for these opportunities. Please contact Margie Berenson at [email protected] with any questions and/or for an application form.   

Changed Your Address?
 Notify us at [email protected] and we'll make sure all the right organizations at the Temple are informed. Please include your full name in your request.

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Donate to Congregation Shalom
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Reminder - Based on IRS rules, donations made to the Rabbi's Discretionary Fund should be written directly to "Rabbi Perry's Discretionary Fund".

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Deadline for the

August Newsletter is

Thursday, July 18.


Please send articles to  


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Join Our Mailing List

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High Holiday Services at Congregation Shalom  


It seems very early to be writing about High Holiday services, but Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on Wednesday, September 4, 2013. The Ritual Committee would like to remind you of the choices you have for participating in High Holiday Services. Please see the schedule below for all service times. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].


The Adult Service on the first day of Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur morning begins at 11 AM and lasts 1 1/2 - 2 hours. Services on the 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah begin at 10 AM. Please note: we appreciate that families want to save seats for one another for services. However, fifteen minutes before services begin, we ask that you relinquish any empty seats to those who are coming in.


The Family Service is held on the first day of Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur. These services begin at 9:00 AM and end approximately at 10:20. They are geared to meet the needs of families with children in the 2nd to 6th grades. This service is distinct from the children's service in the afternoon, which is designed as a service for younger children. We use a beautiful High Holiday prayer book that is written to meet the needs of children ages 8-12. Rabbi Perry leads this service with our soloist and the traditional High Holiday melodies are used. There is a shorter sermon geared to this population. For many, this service will be a substitute for the later service, although some adults may choose to attend both. In fact, some adults without children may choose this service. The service is designed to maintain a sense of sacredness and seriousness. We remind all of our members that this is not a service for young children.


The Young Children's Service is held at 2:45 on the first day of Rosh Hashanah and at 1:45 on Yom Kippur. Itis for children from toddler to age 7 and lasts about 45 minutes.


We would like to review information regarding flow of traffic, timing, and seating. The Family Service will end at 10:20 AM and the Adult service will begin at 11 AM. This will give our community a 40-minute window to have the sanctuary clear out, be picked up and to have people get seated for the next service. When the Family Service is over we will ask all those who are in attendance to exit out the doors to the side of the building and the back of the sanctuary. People will not be able to exit into the lobby. If people have used the coat room it will mean that they need to circle back to pick up their coats, or if their children are in baby-sitting they will need to circle around into the lobby to pick them up. Meanwhile people who are coming to the 11 AM service will not be able to enter the sanctuary until the early service is finished and all the people have left.


If you or someone you are bringing to services has a disability and needs special seating, please call Marilyn or email her at [email protected]. Please note we have several infrared hearing devices. Please contact Marilyn if you would like to use one. If you will need handicapped parking, please contact Janet at [email protected].

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High Holiday Schedule - 2013HHschedule   


Rosh Hashanah

Wednesday, September 4         

                      8:00 PM -  Erev Rosh Hashanah Service


Thursday, September 5              Rosh Hashanah Day1

        9:00 AM -10:20 AM  Rosh Hashanah Family Service

      11:00 AM - 1:00 PM  Rosh Hashanah Adult Service

                      2:45 PM -  Children's Service

                      4:00 PM -  Tashlich - Freeman Lake, North Chelmsford


Friday, September 6

                    10:00 AM -  Rosh Hashanah (Day 2) Service



Yom Kippur

Friday, September 13   

                      7:30 PM -  Kol Nidre


Saturday, September 14

      9:00 AM - 10:20 AM  Yom Kippur Family Service

                    11:00 AM -  Yom Kippur Adult Service

                      1:45 PM -  Children's Service

                      2:30 PM -  Service of Music & Meditation

        3:45 PM - 5:00 PM  Topic to be Announced

                      5:00 PM -  Yizkor/Neilah/Havdallah

         Approx. 6:30 PM -  Congregational Break-fast follows the conclusion of services. All are invited to attend.

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A Letter to Our Members on Women's Health  




One of our members, Marilyn Katler, is currently being treated for breast cancer. She has written a very moving account of her familiy's medical history as well as her own assertive efforts to receive the best medical diagnosis possible in her situation. She shares this information in the hope that it might inform us about our medical choices and care. We hope that no one in our community will need to go through what she is going through but I personally am appreciative that she is willing to share her story with all of us. We wish Marilyn and her family well and will keep them all in our prayers in the months ahead as she goes through her treatment.



Shoshana M. Perry


Hi Rabbi,


In late February I had an appointment with my Primary Care physician. Usually, she then arranges a mammogram. For the past five years or so, I was getting digital mammograms and each time results came back negative. This time I was a bit more nervous. My breasts have always been thick and when self examining, everything feels like a lump. Whenever checked they would be benign. And I could never tell if anything was new. Also, my mom, at the age of 90, had just had a mastectomy in November and, about 6 years ago, my sister had been diagnosed with stage 3A cancer. At the time my sister was diagnosed, she was two years older than I was at my visit to the Primary Care physician. My sister also needed a mastectomy. Both my mother and sister had been getting regular mammograms each year. My sister had just had one that came back negative, but she felt something so went back in to check. After several more tests, the doctors found the lump and also found the cancer had gone into 6 lymph nodes.


Because of my fear, I firmly asked my doctor for the best possible mammogram. She then sent me to Lowell General the St. Memorial Campus for a 3D Mammogram aka Breast Tomosynthesis.They found a very small lump and, when biopsied, they found it was a cancer. I was told by the oncologist, and others that this lump would not have been found on a regular mammogram. My surgeon, prior to doing surgery did an exam and said she could not find the lump during the regular breast exam.


I am lucky in that my prognosis is very good. Unfortunately, the cancer did get into one lymph node, so I do need chemo, but given my family history, this cancer was found very early on. Without the 3D Mammogram, this lump may not have been found until much later. So far I have had a lumpectomy, have started chemo after which I will have radiation and then take an estrogen blocking pill. My sister is doing well also, but truly had to go through much more than I will by the time I am done. If found early enough, chemo may not even be necessary. So I encourage all women, especially women with thick breasts, to ask for a 3D mammogram (Breast Tomosynthesis) the next time they need to get a mammogram.


Marilyn Katler

Congregation Shalom member

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Sisterhood Newssisterhood 


We had a wonderful dinner at Bamboo in Westford on June 12th to mark the end of our programming year. Dinner was served banquet style to about twenty-two women and most of us went home with leftovers.


Our summer event is a pool party and will be hosted by Deb Cohen on Wednesday, July 17th at 6:30 p.m. If you want to come earlier, the pool is open to all at 5:30. This event is potluck and swimming is completely optional. If you haven't received an invitation for this event via punchbowl and would like to come, please send an email to us so we may correct our mailing list.


We hope you have an enjoyable summer with family and friends.



Katie Ebersman and Susan Miller, Co-Presidents

Brotherhood Buzzbrotherhood


Thanks to our outgoing President, Jon Raichek, and his board on the great job they did during the past year. We are looking forward to working with our new board to offer a full range of activities in the coming year. The new board is as follows:

            Chris Shuldiner - Treasurer

            David Ebersman - Recording Secretary

            Larry Segal - Corresponding Secretary

            Jon Boroshok - Program Director

            David Brother, John Waxman, Jerry Bass, and Mel Starr - Trustees


Circle Sunday, September 22 on your calendar for the New Member Night featuring Chris Shuldiner's slow smoked BBQ - always a crowd pleaser. We hope to see a lot of new faces that night. In the meantime we wish everyone a wonderful summer.


Neal Berenson and Roger Loyer, Co-Presidents 


Click here to view the Brotherhood calendar at our Congregation Shalom website.


Return to Groups.

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Shalomite Newsshalomites


Hello all! I am excited to announce the talented Shalomites Board that has been chosen for the next year:


      Joey Penn was chosen as President.

      Our Programming Vice President will be Hannah Mulfelder.

      Our Membership and Financial Vice President will be Kylie Sedgwick.

      Religious and Cultural Vice President will be Will Moore.

      Channah Powell will be the Social Action Vice President.

      The Communications and Liaison Vice President will be Andrew Bass.

      Alaina Gertz will be serving as Secretary.

      Oren Karp will be the NFTY Representative.

      Rachel Landress will be our 8th Grade Representative.


I am eager to start the new year, in which our focus will be on re-connecting with the community. So keep an eye out for Shalomites-Sponsored Events - they are sure to be a great time!


Joey Penn

Shalomites President  


Click here to view the Shalomites calendar at our Congregation Shalom website. 


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 Lowell Transitional Shelter (Middlesex Shelter)FoodDonations
Food Contributions...
...are due at the Franks' house by 4 PM on Friday, July 19th.  This month the food should be meatloaves and/or brownies.  Leave food in the blue ice chest at the front of the driveway starting Wednesday.  For more information contact [email protected].  Thank you!

We are looking for someone interested in assuming the mitzvah of getting food to the Lowell Transitional Shelter each month. It doesn't take much time, but it is a once-a-month commitment each month all year. We do it in conjunction with St. Mark's in Westford. They bring their contributions to the Franks house now. Bob and Marilyn Frank have done this for 30 years. It would really be perfect if we could find such a volunteer from Westford. 

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 BookClubBook GroupBookGroup


The Congregation Shalom book group will be taking a summer break and will meet again in the fall. We hope that everyone will have a wonderful summer with lots of time to read.


Some suggestions for "good reads" are:


   Five Quarters of the Orange by Joanne Harris

   Half a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche

   The Columbus Affair by Steve Berry

   The Glass Room by Simon Maiver

   Once We Were Brothers by Ronald H. Balson

Return to Extended Family links.  

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Join the Library Committee

Please join our committee and help us make the Library more "user friendly". Volunteer time needed. We will be discussing opening the library for congregant time.


Email Amy Degen at [email protected] if you are interested.

Return to Extended Family links.  

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Book Review of

A Thread of Grace by Maria Doria Russell


Mary Doria Russell is another of my favorite authors! An American writer of Italian-Catholic heritage, she is a convert to Judaism. One of her earlier books, The Sparrow, is about space travel, missionaries and aliens! All three of the books of hers that I have read discuss religion, politics, evil vs. good, the strong vs. the weak, and the consequences of either getting involved in these struggles or in not getting involved.


A Thread of Grace, is a novel that takes place in German-occupied Italy during World War II. Although it is a work of fiction, Russell based her story on accounts of survivors from this period. There are many characters and story lines in the novel, which takes place from 1943-1945.


To aid the reader, Russell lists the main characters and their relationships in the beginning of the book, along with a map of the area. There are Italian Jews, Jewish refugees, Italian Catholics (priests, peasants, and partisans), Germans, and British. Although initially difficult to follow these many characters, the reader is quickly swept up into their stories, which are often tragic. Although this is a novel, do not expect that all of the characters will live happily ever after. This is WWII.


I guess I knew in my head that priests, nuns, and farmers helped to hide Jews. I knew that some Jewish children were placed in Catholic schools and pretended to be Catholic. I guess I just didn't know the extent to which these people risked their lives to help. Especially toward the end of the war, when Germany was becoming desperate, and the partisans were making headway, they posted announcements that they would kill any civilians that hid or aided partisans or Jews. Even though Germans did in fact murder thousands of peasants, many Italians continued to help until the war was over.


Despite many of the horrors in the book, the characters were engaging and some were quite funny and loveable, regardless of their dire circumstances. The bravery of the people that had the courage to stand up to the Nazis continues to amaze me.


            Submitted by Rhonda Waxman

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 We Care!WeCare     


We care what is going on in your life - keep us informed.  Please let Rabbi Perry or Caring Committee Chair Margie Lotto know if there has been a death in your family, an illness, or if you are simply in need.  Please contact Rabbi Perry at 978-251-8515 or at [email protected], or contact Margie Lotto at [email protected].


Donelan's logo
hannafordTurn Your Shopping Into Cash!     


If you shop at Hannaford, Donelan's or Stop & Shop, then donating to Congregation Shalom has never been easier. Order a gift card from the Temple and not only do you get the value of the card purchased, but Congregation Shalom gets a 7% bonus (5% back from the stores and 2% from the credit card purchase).


Gift cards can be purchased by calling Gail Brother or emailing [email protected]. Cards will also now be available at the Temple on Sundays during the religious school year.




Caring Yarns


Caring Yarns is a Congregation Shalom program that provides Misheberach afghans for temple members undergoing treatment for serious illness or who have significant family crisis.  Several times a year we meet to teach knitting and crocheting and to share patterns and friendship.


If you already knit and/or crochet and would like to make squares, this is what you will need: worsted weight acrylic yarn in any shade of blue or pure white (please, no off white).  Variegated blue/white combinations are fine.  Squares should measure 10" x 10".  We usually use size 8 knitting needles or crochet hook H or J.


If you have any questions or would like to learn how to knit or crochet so you can participate in this activity, please contact Janet Dubner at [email protected].
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HelpingHandHelping Hand FundHelpingHandFund
Congregaiton Shalom is a community of people who care about each other.  This fund's purpose is to offer interest-free loans to members who are in need of support with such things as health insurance, rent, food, etc.  When the money is returned, it goes back into the fund to lend to others.  Please do not hesitate to call Rabbi Perry at 978-251-8515 if you would like to inquire about a loan from the Fund.  All of the inquiries will be kept strictly confidential.
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Tree of LifeZelman Kamien Tree of Life Fundtreeoflife
Our new Tree of Life will fill up quickly with your help.  If you would like to contribute a leaf in commemoration of family life cycle events such as Births, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Weddings, Anniversaries, Birthdays, and In Memory of loved ones, please contact Gayle Hurd at  [email protected] .


Click here for more information and a form for ordering a Leaf.


Return to Quick Links. 

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RemembranceCardsRemembrance Cards 

If you would like to send a special card to friends and family for life cycle events or "In memory" of a loved one, sending a Congregation Shalom Remembrance card is a wonderful, thoughtful, and convenient way to let others know that you are thinking of them.
We are offering several ways in which to purchase these cards.
1) For sale in packages of 5 cards for $20, or 11 cards for $40.
2) You can enroll in our Automatic Remembrance Program, where your cards will be sent to members automatically.  With this option, you enjoy the convenience of having remembrance cards sent out in your name without having to remember to contact anyone at the time of the event.  When you enroll in this program, please specify what life cycle events you want recognized with a donation card, as well as which members you want to be included in your mailings.  The cost of all card purchases will be reflected on your Temple bill.
3) Individual remembrances can also be sent by phoning or emailing Jane at the contact info below.  The $4 charge will be added to your bill.
Please send your remembrance requests to Jane Nahabedian by phone or by emailing her at [email protected].
In this age of e-mails, text messages, and voice mail, remembrance cards are a welcoming and personal way to respond to a life cycle event, and your contributions help to defray Congregational expenses.
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iGiveiGive for Congregation Shalom
Have you ever thought how great it would be to be able to shop online at 783 different well-known stores and still donate money to Congregation Shalom?  Well, you can do that!  It's free and easy so join those of us who have been sending donations to the synagogue for years simply by shopping by first going to the iGive website once you have established the link.  Click here to register for Congregation Shalom to automatically be the recipient cause.
If you make a purchase through iGive within 45 days of signing up, an extra $5.00 will go to Congregation Shalom.  If you have any questions, please contact Laura at [email protected].


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directory cover-2010Our Member Directory is Here!

View or download it from the secure Members section (About Us, For Our Members) of our website.  You must be logged in using your username and password to see it.

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Oneg Shabbat Assignments
Congregation Shalom has a tradition of all member families hosting two Onegs each year.  Hosting an Oneg includes ALL of the following responsibilities:  
  • Bringing baked goods or fruit (to serve 15-20) to the service, AND
  • Doing set-up, and/or clean-up with the other Oneg hosts for the service.  (You'll receive instructions by regular mail, then a reminder e-mail.)  Your Captain may choose to split set-up and clean-up duties among the participants, or have everyone help for the entire Oneg.  AND
  • Finding replacement hosts for your assigned dates should you later want to change your date.
 If you are a newer member you will be placed with experienced members who will introduce you to the procedures.  One host family serves as Captain (indicated by asterisk) for each Oneg.

Thank you for your service to the Temple,
The Oneg Committee, Caren Boroshok and Pat & Rick Karpeles.

Due to the fact that we have several children in the congregation who have severe allergies to peanuts and tree nuts, we have instituted a policy for all Oneg food. Please do not bring any items to the Temple that contain these ingredients.


To report changes if you swap assignments with another member 
(so it can be corrected in our database to send e-mail reminders) please send e-mail to: [email protected]
On-line Oneg look-up facility lists all families/dates currently assigned. 
-- OR -- You can sort by event to see assignments by DATE
 (useful to find someone with
whom to swap assignments). 
Log in to the Congregation Shalom Website using your personal login information.  Go to 

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ExtendedCommunityExtended Community

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Parent Support Group 

A Parent Support Group has formed, with monthly meetings in Westford.  The group is designed both to offer education and to form a supportive community for parents challenged with raising children struggling with mental health issues.  Come together and gain information and some skills to help your child.  The group is open to all.  Please click here for details about meeting times and location.


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From The Boston Jewish Music Festival....

Boston Jewish Music Festival will be part of this summer's Outside the Box Festival, a new, free nine-day festival of over 200 music, dance, and theater events.


Together with Outside the Box, BJMF will be presenting the grand finale event, a concert by Shye Ben-Tzur & The Rajasthan Gypsies. This is a unique multi-ethnic, Israeli and Indian ensemble that produces 'world devotional music.' Don't miss what promises to be a remarkable free concert Sunday, July 21, 4 pm at Boston City Hall Plaza.


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Clark University Study - Holocaust and Genocide Studies


Dear Congregation Shalom,


I am writing to invite members of your congregation to participate in online study on Jewish Americans' opinions about present-responses to the Holocaust.  This study is being conducted by my professor Johanna Ray Vollhardt, who is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Clark University and also affiliated with the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies.  I am a member of her research group and together we examine intergroup relations in the aftermath of genocide and mass violence.


The study takes about 15-20 minutes to complete and can be accessed through this link.  Participants will be entered into a raffle for a $50 gift certificate upon completion of the survey.  We hope that the members of your congregation find the topic as interesting and important as we do and are willing to support our research by participating in the study.  

Please feel free to pass on this e-mail to other Jewish Americans who you think may be interested in participating.


Many thanks for your time and efforts!


Best regards,

Melanie Rice    [email protected] 



Spiritual Poetry Journal


"Soul-Lit" is a new on-line spiritual poetry journal. A number of entries have been from Jews and have Jewish content. Writers are encouraged to submit their own poems which have a level of spiritual content to them. Two volumes have already been published.


To check out the website, please click here.


Please spread the word to members of the community who are writers / poets, and who may wish to submit their own writings.

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Please support our Congregation Shalom advertisers

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 new QPL ad Nov 2012
Morse Bayliss Ad April 2012
Dan Dubner new business card doubleDennis McHugh double
BethEl CemeteryMatt Schwartz Ad (2012)
Sharon Grier Business Card 2011
single sized ad

Peter Powell March 2013
Danzing Business Card Feb 2011

Radisson Mazel Tov Ad
Sky Meadow