As the year draws to a close, we hope you'll pledge your support to help more farmers achieve land security. Our food security depends on the land security of our farmers. 

Farmers are the backbone of a secure food system that provides ample, healthy food in the face of disruptions, shortages and climate change. It takes community support to help new and established farmers gain access to land, and pass on working farms to the next generation. 

For the growing ranks of new farmers, access to land is a top challenge
. New England has some of the highest farmland prices in the country, and competition for good land is fierce. Yet the most recent Agricultural Census release this year shows that New England has seen an increase in beginning and small scale farmers. New and established farmers alike need information, support and new models to acquire affordable and secure land to farm.


70% of farmland will change hands in the next 20 years. Most farmers lack transfer plans and many don't have an identified farmer successor. More working farms than ever could be lost forever during this historic generational transition unless we find creative ways to help farmers pass on their farming legacy to this new generation of farmers.  Established farmers, farmland owners and communities are all part of the solution to overcoming our land access challenges. 

Please make your year-end gift today so we can continue working with all these groups to bring more farming opportunity, healthy lands and a more secure food supply to our communities.

In 2014 Land For Good gained more ground than ever to help farmers access, hold and transfer land. Thanks to your support we:
  • Directly assisted over 300 farmers, landowners and farm families with their farmland access and transfer challenges.
  • Educated hundreds more through workshops, presentations, and educational materials.
  • More than doubled usage of our new website, with over 35,000 accessing information and resources.
  • Continued or launched community projects with partners in the Berkshires (MA), Monadnock (NH) region, Maine, and Connecticut.
  • Began new projects on farmland investor models, farming on conserved land, and training Vermont real estate agents.
With your support, we'll get even more farmers more securely on more land in 2015. 

Please consider making a year end gift now - or set up a recurring donation to support our work year round. If you have questions about our work or its impact, please contact us.


Thank you for your generous support.



Jim Habana-Hafner

Deputy Director