
PTA Newsletter 06.08.15
In This Issue
Field Day is Wednesday
Volunteer & Staff PTA Award Winners
Library Books Due
Farewell Coffee for Parents
PTA Board for 2015/16
2015/16 Chairs Needed
Reimbursements Due
First Day Forms Going Online
Summer Camps
Quick Links
(Filtered for Rockwell)

June 9th, Tuesday
Library Books & Fines are due!

June 10th, Wednesday
Field Day, 9:30 - 11:15am
Volunteers Please!

June 11 & 12
Pac-Sci Science Van at Rockwell

June 15th, Monday
Farewell Coffee for Parents 
8:30 am, Front of school

June 17, Wednesday
Last Day of School
11:30 am Release
*5th Grade Promotion at 9:00 am, Gym 

*Happy Summer*

September 1, Tuesday
First Day of School

*Back to School Business Day/Meet & Greet date (late August) and more info coming soon!

  • Field Day (an all-school event) is this Wednesday, June 10th from 9:30 - 11:15 a.m. 
  • K-5 students will participate in a wide variety of fun events that test their endurance and creativity.
  • We need your help to make this exciting day as fun and organized as possible! We still need more volunteers. Dads, Moms, Grandparents etc are all welcome to volunteer - as long as you have volunteer approved status with LWSD.
  • Event Hosts will receive all materials needed to set up and manage a field event station. Hosts will offer students encouragement and praise for their participation, and assist with station clean up. Host check-in is at 9:00 a.m. in front of the school. 
  • Younger siblings are welcome to accompany hosts, just let us know so that we can assign you to an appropriate station. Also, let us know if you would like to be paired at your event station with an English-speaking volunteer.

If you can volunteer please email Laura Drover


Thank you!

The Rockwell Field Day Team


Last Thursday was the Volunteer Tea and PTA Awards. Special thanks to the teachers and staff for making this "nautical theme" so fun and providing a delicious lunch for our fabulous volunteers. 


Our awards committee (Ami King, Barbara Puk, Melissa Sutton, and Angie Ballas) had their work cut out for them with many heartfelt nominations filled out by fellow parents and teachers!


Congratulations to the recipients of our awards for the 2014/2015 School Year:


Dog-Gone Volunteers (honoring volunteers in their last year of service at Rockwell): Kristina McCrady, Tracy Brooks, Beth McIntire, Joanne Bily, Colleen Broughton, Kirsten Moreno, Claire Hogan, Mike Shea, Y-Nhi Nguyen, Heidi Showman, Lana Fernandes, Suzanne Aplund, Sarka Petrbokova, Liz Finocchio, Sherry Uyematsu, and Laura Drover.


Dog-Gone Teachers (honoring outstanding staff members in their last year at Rockwell): Colleen Smith (also Happy Retirement to her), Kerry Legg, and Lisa Mahendran.


Bow-Wow Awards (recognizing volunteers for outstanding service to the Rockwell Community this school year): Beth Batig, Kit Craig, Taunya Covington, Tim Nightengale, Myriam Pollock, Renee Lawson, Fumiko Emura, Minerva Butler, and Todd DeBoer.


Heart Of Rockwell (recognizing teachers or staff for outstanding service to the Rockwell students and community during the school year): Debbie Conklin (P.E.), Stacy Hatch (IA), Jaimi Sowby (Kindergarten), Colleen Smith (First Grade).


Outstanding Educator Award (recognizing an educator to goes above and beyond to make the learning environment fun, beneficial and challenging. A donation is made in their name to a WSPTA scholarship fund): Lisa Mahendran


Golden Acorn Award (recognizing a volunteer who has gone above and beyond and provided outstanding service to all children in the school community. A donation is made in their name to a WSPTA scholarship fund): Emily Papel


Congrats to all!  


We need a new awards committee for next spring. If you're interested, please email me!


Ami King

VP Volunteer Services

Library Books Are Due!
All Rockwell library books are due by Tuesday, June 9th.  It is LWSD policy that the replacement cost is paid for lost or damaged books.  This fee is also due by June 9th.  Please search now for any missing
items.  Classes that have returned all books and paid for lost or damaged books by June 9th will celebrate with Popsicle parties during library class!  Thank you for your support of reading and Rockwell.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at [email protected].

Diane Davenport
Teacher Librarian 


Rockwell teachers will distribute the yearbooks on a day of their choosing.   LifeTouch sent us a dozen extra books.  If you would like a copy - please send $23 in cash or a check made out to the Rockwell PTA and we will reserve a book for the first 12 that are sent in.

Thanks - 
Yearbook Staff

School is almost over, and although Rockwellians often go different ways during summer, this year we're saying goodbye to an extra large number of families and volunteers!

In honor of our departing friends, we'd like to invite all parents and community members to our Farewell Coffee on Monday, June 15th, at 8:30am by the flagpole. Much like the "Welcome Back Coffee" held in September, we'll have tables set up just after the last morning bell rings and the kids go off to school, and we encourage everyone to have a cup of Joe and share your Rockwell stories. 
Coffee will be provided. If you love to bake, please consider bringing a plate of cookies or snacks to share with other parents! 
Let's get together for coffee!
Farewell Coffee hosts.
Parents! We still need a volunteer for Welcome Back Coffee in September! This is an easy way to get involved and network with other parents, and the time commitment is almost negligible. Talk to Emily or Ellie to learn more about this fun Get-To-Know-You event.

Thanks to all who attended the May General Meeting where we elected our 2015/16 new board members. (Some board members will be returning in their roles from this current year.)


Our PTA Board for next year will be:


Co-Presidents: Cari Scotkin and Ellie O'Rourke

Treasurer: Liz Kwan

Secretary: Shannon Kronemeyer

Director of Funds Allocation: Stacy Hatch

Co-VPs of Fundraising: Beth Batig and Stacy Hatch

Co-VPs of Events: Jennifer Myrick and Kelly Johnson

VP Communications: Angie Ballas

VP Academic Enrichment: Mandi Bhatia

VP Volunteer Services: Ami King

VP School Services: Melissa Sutton

Legislative Advocate (appointed position): Jill Stoddart

Membership Chair (appointed position): Heather Armenise

Special Needs Coordinator (appointed position): Rose Mayeda

Board Member Ex-Officio: Principal Kirsten Gometz


We've elected our new board for next year but there are still a number of open chairperson positions that need filling!  

  • Chess Club
  • PTA Reflections (Art)
  • Heritage Night 

...and a few more REALLY need a chair asap. Chair or co-chair with a friend or two. (Chairing a position does not mean you're on the PTA Board!)  We really don't want to cancel these programs, but they can't run without a chairperson(s). 


Click here for remaining positions! Thanks for your consideration.


Calling all PTA Chairs!  Please submit your reimbursements to the treasurer's box in the office by June 8th. Download the reimbursement form from our website here.


Questions? Contact:

Michael Trzupek

PTA Treasurer


We are excited to announce that many of our first day packet forms for the 2015 - 2016 school year will be going online (in an effort to help streamline the process for years to come!).  Parents will soon be able to access and complete many district forms and PTA forms (including volunteer sign-ups, ordering and paying for items, joining PTA and more) prior to the Open House in late August. 


Please stay tuned in next week's Bugle for more information of the new online process! 


In the meantime, visit our PTA Website and register for your account if you haven't already:

-Art Wizards "Everyone Can Draw" Summer Art Camps: Link to Flyer

-Redmond High School Boys Basketball Camp (for boys going into grades 3-8): Link to Flyer

-Redmond High School Girls Basketball Camp (for girls going into grades 3-8): Link to Flyer

-Newport Knights Gymnastics Camp: Link to Flyer

-Coding With Kids STEM camps for ages 5-15. Link to Camps

-Lots of other camps listed here (including theatre, science, nature, sports, and more on the LWSD Community Bulletin Board.

-AmazonSmile: Give a little back to Rockwell PTA by using

our AmazonSmile link!  Bookmark it and use the link every time you shop.


-Volunteer Application:   LWSD Volunteer application. It's easy to complete and is good for 2 years. Fill yours out or check your renewal status today!


-Rockwell PTA Facebook Page: Stay connected and updated on  Rockwell PTA & school info. Stop by and "Like" us!  

-Bookmark & Register for your account on our  New PTA  Website. Calendar info, announcements, forms, first day packets in the fall, and much more!

Bugle Article Submissions Welcome
The Beagle Bugle welcomes article submissions from students and parents.  Student journalists may submit articles about current events, students opinion-editorials and poems or short stories.  Parents may submit articles about PTA events and school related topics. 

Any article that is unrelated to PTA or Rockwell must be approved by the Lake Washington School District, and will be posted on the Community Bulletin Board.  The Lake Washington School District website has more information on the submission and approval process.

Short pieces will be edited for inclusion in the Bugle, longer pieces will be posted on the website with a link in the Bugle.  The Deadline for submissions for the next weekly Bugle is the preceding Thursday.  The Bugle Staff reserves the right to be selective regarding the materials that are publicized.

Contact the Bugle staff or submit articles at [email protected]
Angie Ballas
Beagle Bugle Editor
Norman Rockwell Elementary PTA