May 20th, Wednesday
Elementary Orchestra Concert
at RMS 7-8pm
May 21st, Thursday
Rockwell's Art Showcase/Ice Cream Social
and Used Book Sale
(Art & Ice Cream 6-8pm and
Book Sale from 3-8pm)
May 22nd & 25th
No School
May 28th, Thursday
Last PTA - General Membership Meeting of the year/Elections
***All Invited***
7pm Rockwell Library
June 4th, Thursday
Volunteer & PTA Awards Celebration
June 10th, Wednesday
Field Day!
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Dear Rockwell Families,
As you know, at this time of year we begin looking ahead to next year. Many of you are experiencing changes this year due to the boundary adjustment process, and as our numbers change, so does our staffing. In addition, many of our staff are experiencing life changes that have necessitated some adjustments. I want to keep you as aware as possible so that you may send your well wishes accordingly.
After several years with Rockwell, Colleen Smith will be retiring this year and spending time with her family. We wish her the best and will miss her tremendously. The gifts that Colleen has shared with her students and her team will carry on for years. Enjoy some well-earned relaxation, Colleen!
Keri Legg, who has been with us for two years, will be moving to Kirk Elementary in the fall. Most of her family and close friends live in Kirkland, and Keri is excited to be closer to her many loved ones. Kirk is very lucky to have her.
Kate Haase, who joined us midyear when Ms. Armstrong took on the K-1 Highly capable program, will be heading to the Snohomish School District in the fall. Kate has done a wonderful job here and quickly became part of the team - thank you, Kate! We'll miss you!
Lisa Mahendran, who has taught here at Rockwell for several years, is also leaving us to work in the Snohomish School District, at a school which is mere minutes from her house. We are so sad to see her go, but know that she will be a gift to her future students. Lisa and Kate will actually be teaching in the same school next year, so we are happy that they will each be traveling with a buddy.
Lois Park and Richard Colbert are also both leaving Rockwell after this year. We thank them for their dedication and support to our students in special education and our ELL program.
After an amazing year here at Rockwell, our Assistant to the Principal, Jimmy Cho is taking on the role of Principal at Franklin Elementary School. We are so proud of Jimmy and appreciate all that he has done in his time here with us.
In addition to saying goodbye to these treasured friends, you will see some familiar faces in different places this fall: Danielle White will be rejoining the kindergarten team, where she did wonderful work in the 2013-2014 school year. Rebecca Breier will make the switch from fifth grade to third, and is very excited to do so and learn a new curriculum. Kim Honkawa and Julian Cortes will both be moving to fifth grade, and are excited to participate in all of the activities and learning that make fifth grade so special.
As our enrollment numbers shift, there may be more changes ahead. However, please join me in thanking all of our departing teachers for their service, and in welcoming our teachers who are taking on new challenges with warmth and support. We have an amazing staff, and I am so proud of our teachers for continuing to grow and challenge themselves as learners.
Thank you for your support and kindness,
Kirsten Gometz
Principal, Norman Rockwell Elementary
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It is the passion and commitment of dedicated volunteers and staff who make all the difference!
"Exceptional" "Outstanding" "Above and Beyond" - When you  read these words, do any parent volunteers, teachers, or staff come to mind? If so.... Get your nominations in for the 2015 Rockwell Volunteer Awards Celebration held on June 4.
All nomination forms are due TODAY - Mon, May 18th.
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Three events in one!
Rockwell's annual Ice Cream Social is THIS WEEK!
(This event runs concurrently with the Student Art Showcase and Used Book Sale.) Come enjoy an evening of ice cream, art and books! Read on for details:
What: Ice cream sundaes served by Rockwell teachers and staff
When: Thursday, May 21st from 6:00 to 8:00pm
Who: All Rockwell students and family
Where: Rockwell Gymnasium (ice cream), School Courtyards (art showcase), Library (book sale).
Why: Because it's ice cream of course- and it's only $1.00/pp!
Parent volunteers are still needed! Check our online sign up sheet. Please consider a short shift to help make this event a success!
Ice Cream Social Co-Chairs
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Don't Miss The Used Book Sale! Rockwell's 11th Annual Used Book Sale is this Thursday! You'll find an amazing selection of books at incredible prices. We'll accept cash or checks and all proceeds go toward the purchase of new books for our school library. Now is the time to stock up for summer reading! See you Thursday between the hours of 3:00 and 8:00 p.m. in the Rockwell Library. Thank you for supporting our school!
Thank you!
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On your marks! Get set! Go!
Mark your calendars for Rockwell's annual Field Day which will take place rain or shine on Wednesday, June 10th from 9:30 - 11:15 a.m. K-5 students will participate in a wide variety of fun events that test their endurance and creativity.
We need your help to make this exciting day as fun and organized as possible!
- Event Hosts will receive all materials needed to set up and manage a field event station. Hosts will offer students encouragement and praise for their participation, and assist with station clean up. Host check-in is at 9:00 a.m. in front of the school. Younger siblings are welcome to accompany hosts, just let us know so that we can assign you to an appropriate station. All hosts are required to have a current background check on file with LWSD. Also, let us know if you would like to be paired at your event station with an English-speaking volunteer.
- Water Balloon Fillers will receive 30 small balloons and nozzle via Kid Mail the week prior to field day, and will need to return the filled balloons to school with your student the morning of Wednesday, June 10th. Drop containers will be located in front of the school.
***We are also looking for new recruits who would be interested in taking over the duties of Field Day Co-Chairs (Volunteer Coordinator and Equipment Coordinator) for next year as we will sadly have to say our goodbyes. There is lots of time to jump on our team now and get the hang of things while having some fun.
If you are interested in either position or would like to volunteer as a Host or Water Balloon Filler please email Laura Drover.
Thank you!
The Rockwell Field Day Team
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On May 5th, the entire 4th grade, parent volunteers, and teachers trekked out to Bear Creek along the Tolt Pipeline Trail, to say farewell and good luck to the coho fry we had been raising from eggs since January. Thanks to our Norman Rockwell community, we successfully released a total of 131 coho salmon fry into Bear Creek this year!
I may have done the daily checks and water changes to keep our salmon fry happy, but I certainly could not have maintained this program this year without a LOT of help. I'd would like to give my special thanks to:
- our parent fry feeders Kit Craig, Nithya Nagarajan, and Jan Stemple who helped orient our students on their daily feeding duties;
- our extra help on the field trip day to Judith Breed, Raluca Dumitru, Kelly Johnson, Chamu Kallem, Nishita Mohan, Akiyo Nelson, and Jennifer Roland.
- our fourth grade teachers Mr. Cortes, Mrs. Hein, Ms. Honkawa, Ms. Terrelli and Mrs. Williams, for their support throughout the year, and getting those students lined up for their feeding duties;
- all of the fourth grade students, who fed the salmon all on their own in the mornings and made sure the tank was A-OK;
- the Norman Rockwell PTA for funding and continuing this awesome program each and every year!
- Mrs. Rita Yiu and Mr. Chandara Hun for making sure we had access to the janitor closet every day (water and sink source),
- Suzannah Cox from the Friends of the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery, and the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery for providing the salmon eggs to us to raise.
Lastly, this program will be needing a new chairperson for next year! If you are going to be a 4th Grade Parent next year, and are interested in helping raise 200-plus coho salmon, then please contact the Norman Rockwell PTA (VP of Academic Enrichment, Mandi Bhatia) or email me if you have any questions.
Tim Nightengale
Salmon in the Schools Chairperson
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Thank you Bushnell Craft and Thank you Rockwell Parents! 
The week of April 25- May 2nd you contributed $172 to the PTA. This was our first Family Night Out in a couple of years and we are glad to see you enjoy great food and quality time with your family. We look forward to offering the opportunity again next year.
Stacy Hatch and Beth Batig
FUNdraising Chairs
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Our SchoolPool program is well under way and we've already raised $240 for the school and had students take 76 non-drive alone trips!
Bike and Walk to School Day was a great success! Thank you to everyone who participated. If you tried a new way of getting to school, hopefully you saw how fun it can be for your students to get active!
If you're already signed up for SchoolPool, make sure you've added your walk, bike, carpool, or bus trips to the SchoolPool Calendar to raise an additional $10 for our school's PTA.
So far, we've had 17 new families join, and it's not too late to encourage your classmates and neighbors to sign up. To sign up go here.
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Our LAST PTA General Membership meeting of the school year is on Thursday, May 28th at 7pm.
You're ALL Invited!
Principal's Update!
PTA Update!
Door Prizes!
*Maybe it's your last meeting or maybe it's your first one ever...regardless, please come!! Let's have a good showing of support to vote in our incoming board members for next year. Come hear about your child's school and PTA and have your voice heard.
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Calling all PTA Chairs! Please submit your reimbursements to the treasurer's box in the office by June 8th.
Questions? Contact:
Michael Trzupek
PTA Treasurer
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Many chair or co-chair positions need to be filled for next year prior to the end of this school year. Please consider chairing (or co-chairing with another parent) one of the many positions that need filling! You'll have fun and, more importantly, so will the kids!
We can't do it without all of you and unfilled positions may result in the cancellation of some of our treasured events/programs.
Some EVENTS chairs needed for next year:
- Heritage Night (January)
- Bingo Night (February)
- School Dance (March)
- Field Day (June - jump on the team this year to be trained for next year!)
- Contact Jennifer Myrick with questions
Some ACADEMIC ENRICHMENT parent coordinators needed for next year:
- Chess Club
- Lego Club
- Salmon in the Classroom (incoming 4th grade parents)
- PTA Reflections Art Contest Coordinator
- Contact Mandi Bhatia with questions
...and there's more open.... PLEASE READ FULL ARTICLE HERE!
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Thanks to everyone who participated in Math Challenge #14.
Congratulations to the following winners:
Keaton W, Selin I, Itai A, Vedant G, Aarav K, Kartik K, Lee S, Ding Y, Avery L, Vidhur P, Liya S, Yohan Y
Math Challenge #15 will be available for download here on May, 22 2015.
Let the challenge begin!
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Did you know the LWSD Website has a Community Bulletin Board? Check there often (and year-round) for special events, classes, and summer camps for kids! Community Board Link.
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-AmazonSmile: Give a little back to Rockwell PTA by using
our AmazonSmile link! Bookmark it and use the link every time you shop.
-Volunteer Application: LWSD Volunteer application. It's easy to complete and is good for 2 years. Fill yours out or check your renewal status today!
-Rockwell PTA Facebook Page: Stay connected and updated on Rockwell PTA & school info. Stop by and "Like" us!
-Bookmark & Register for your account on our New PTA Website. Calendar info, announcements, forms, first day packets in the fall, and much more!
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Bugle Article Submissions Welcome
The Beagle Bugle welcomes article submissions from students and parents. Student journalists may submit articles about current events, students opinion-editorials and poems or short stories. Parents may submit articles about PTA events and school related topics.
Any article that is unrelated to PTA or Rockwell must be approved by the Lake Washington School District, and will be posted on the Community Bulletin Board. The Lake Washington School District website has more information on the submission and approval process.
Short pieces will be edited for inclusion in the Bugle, longer pieces will be posted on the website with a link in the Bugle. The Deadline for submissions for the next weekly Bugle is the preceding Thursday. The Bugle Staff reserves the right to be selective regarding the materials that are publicized.
Beagle Bugle Editor Norman Rockwell Elementary PTA |