
PTA Newsletter 05/04/15
In This Issue
Teacher Appreciation Week
Ice Cream Social
Used Book Sale
Event & Academic Chairs needed
PTA General Mtg in May
LWSF-Legacy for Learning
Math Challenge
Redmond School Pool
Parent Resource Fair
Moving to Horace Mann?
Extra, Extra - Bits of News (including Parent Input Forms)
Quick Links
(Filtered for Rockwell)

May 4th & 5th 
Visiting Author

May 6, Wednesday 
NO SCHOOL - Details here

May 4 - 8
Teacher Appreciation Week

May 8, Friday
LWPTSA Council Parent Resource Fair
6-8pm, Old Redmond Schoolhouse CC

May 14, Thursday
Elementary Band Concert
at RMS, 7-8pm

May 20th, Wednesday
Elementary Orchestra Concert
at RMS 7-8pm

May 21st, Thursday
Rockwell's Art Showcase/Ice Cream Social 
and Used Book Sale

May 22nd & 25th 
No School

May 28th, Thursday
Last PTA - General Membership Meeting of the year/Elections
All Invited!!
7pm Rockwell Library


EXTRA! EXTRA!  Read all about it!!



We need your help to CELEBRATE our favorite  SUPER HERO'S.... Norman Rockwell Staff!!


It's Staff Appreciation Week!!


Below is the schedule:


MON:  I think you are SUPER because.....

(Kids to bring in their colored and filled out sheet - Need a new one? Find it here on our website.) 


TUES:  Hero's Vital Tools & Teacher's SideKick

(Kids to bring in a classroom school supply and wear their teacher's favorite color)

*PTA-Sponsored Coffee cart for teachers




THURS:  Brain Power Fruits & Treats

(Kids to bring in a fruit or treat to share with class)


FRI:  Super Hero Dress UP

(Kids to wear their super hero costumes) Same rules as Halloween, no weapons.) *Room Parents may modify slightly due to their classroom needs, watch for information from your room parent(s)!)

*PTA "Souper-Salad" lunch for teachers

**If you can help with the PTA-sponsored events (coffee & lunch), please check out the Sign-up here!


Renee Lawson

Room Parent Chair


Three events in one!  Rockwell's annual Ice Cream Social is fast approaching. (This event runs concurrently with the Student Art Showcase and Used Book Sale.) Come enjoy an evening of ice cream, art and books! Read on for details:


What: Ice cream sundaes served by Rockwell teachers and staff
When: Thursday, May 21st from 6:00 to 8:00
Who: All Rockwell students and family
Where: Rockwell gymnasium
Why: Because it's ice cream of course- and it's only $1.00/pp!


Parent volunteers are needed! This year we have an online sign up sheet. Please consider a short shift to help make this event a success! 
Ice Cream Social Co-Chairs
We're down to the last few weeks before our 11th Annual Used Book Sale on Thursday, May 21st, but there's still time to do your spring cleaning and donate your gently used books! We're accepting donations in the Rockwell library until Friday, May 15th. We already have an awesome assortment of books ready to sell.

You'll find quite a variety - books for kids and adults alike. Be sure to tell your family, neighbors and friends to empty out those piggy banks and bring all that loose change to the sale. Prices start at 10� and few items are more than $1! All proceeds go toward the purchase of new books for our Rockwell Library. The evening will be fun with great deals on books, a gallery of children's art projects, and, of course, yummy ice-cream!

Thank you!
Teacher Librarian

It's the first week of May - we're in the home stretch for this school year!!


As the time has come for us to plan for the following school year, we'd like to take this time to ask every parent to strongly consider upping your volunteer commitment at our wonderful school. Many of Rockwell's fantastic volunteers will be leaving us at the end of the year due to their child graduating to middle school or due to the boundary change. We will miss them all greatly!


Many chair or co-chair positions need to be filled for next year prior to the end of this school year. Chairing a position is vital to the survival of each program or event. 


Some positions include


Chairs or co-chairs for fun events such as Heritage Night, Bingo Night, School Dance, and Field Day. Academic Enrichment programs need parent coordinators for: Salmon in the Classroom, Chess Club, Lego Club, and PTA Reflections Art Contest. 


(*More available positions listed here. Note: Membership chair has now been filled)





Our LAST PTA General Membership meeting of the school year is on Thursday, May 28th at 7pm


You're ALL Invited!


*Maybe it's your last meeting or maybe it's your first one ever...regardless, please come!!  We need a good showing of support to vote for our elections for next year. Get involved with your child's school and PTA. 


Thank you to everyone who attended our 10th Anniversary Legacy for Learning luncheon - Celebrating 10 Years of Investing in Kids!


Nearly 600 guests gathered to support the 26,000+ students in the Lake Washington School District, raising over $260,000 and counting!


The event was truly a celebration, with guests enjoying robots waving from the stage, an electric vehicle demonstration, inspiring messages from Superintendent Pierce, Principal Kirsten Gometz and STEM-7th grade teacher Jason Ewert, and a finale including a parade of K-12 students sharing how Foundation-funded programs enrich their classroom learning!


Were you not able to make the Luncheon? Did you make it and are still feeling the impact of what you heard? Please consider making a gift online at or leverage your gift by making a donation through GiveBIG on Tuesday, May 5th!


30 gifts of $100 can fund a robotics program or an anti-bullying program for 600 elementary school students!


To keep up with our rapidly growing district, the Foundation is working to double the amount it invests in students. Your gift is important. Thank you!



*Rockwell attendees were pleased to see our own Rockwell parent Minerva Butler (Board President of LWSF) and Rockwell Principal Gometz speak at the event!


*Rockwell PTA is looking for an LWSF-Ambassador for the 2015/16 school year. Report foundation announcement to our school community.

More info here


Thanks to everyone who participated in Math Challenge #13. 

Congratulations to the following winners:
Sri K, Sanj S, Colby S, Fredo G, Kashvi P, Srikrishna G, Rushaan M, Udhay G, Owen U, Connor N, Maya A, Rayna B
Math Challenge #14 will be available for download here on May 8, 2015


Norman Rockwell Elementary and the City of Redmond are partnering up again to encourage our students to walk, bike, carpool, and ride the bus to school in May! SchoolPool will help reduce traffic in the neighborhood and encourage a healthier lifestyle by getting students to exercise and socialize while commuting to and from school.

The Redmond SchoolPool is a secure, online network for our school that helps families find carpool partners, form 'walking school buses' and start a 'bike buddies' program. 


Participants can raise money for our school and rewards for your student! (In the fall, we raised $4,870.00 for Rockwell...let's do it again!)

  • For Our School: Earn $10 for the school/PTA when you sign up and another $10 when you take a walking, biking, carpool or bus trip and add it to the online calendar ($20/family).
  • For Your Student: Earn a free Redbox movie or game rental when your student takes at least one trip on the calendar. 

How to Participate:

1. Register for SchoolPool here. (This is a new, easier reg. system so if you signed up back in the fall, please sign up on the new system.)
2. You'll receive an email to verify your account
3. Search for carpool partners, neighbors to walk with, or others to bike with
4. Add your SchoolPool trips (walking, biking, carpooling, and bus) to the online calendar. 

5. Earn rewards for your school & your student!

You can email the SchoolPool staff if you have any questions or call (425) 556-2419.

Thanks for helping us raise money & reduce traffic around Norman Rockwell Elementary!

Jimmy Cho & Rockwell PTA

Rockwell Principal Intern 


All parents from the Lake Washington School District (LWSD) are invited to attend Lake Washington PTSA Council's 1st Annual Parent Resource Fair. It will be held on Friday, May 8, 2015,6:00 - 8:00 PM, at the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center, 16600 NE 80th St, Redmond, WA  98073. Admission is free and all are welcome to attend. Community organizations who promote education, health, safety, and recreation will be in attendance with information for K-12 students who live in Kirkland, Redmond, and Sammamish. Superintendent Dr. Traci Pierce and district staff from the LWSD will be on hand to answer questions. Free parent education sessions will be offered at the event.  For more information about this event please click Parent Resource Fair for parent ed times/topics and what groups and organizations will be attending.  Questions?  Contact [email protected]


The Horace Mann Elementary PTSA Nominating Committee is seeking volunteers who would like to take an active role in leading the PTSA as members of the PTSA Board for the 2015-16 school year. Positions are: Co-Presidents, Co-VPs of Fundraising, Co-VPs of Volunteers and School Services, Co-VPs of Enrichment, and Co-Treasurers. If you are moving to Mann as a result of the boundary changes and are a current member of the PTA, you are eligible to serve on the Board. This is a great way to get to know other families at the school while supporting your child's education. Turn in your nomination form (available by clicking here) by May 8th


Nominating forms can be returned to the Horace Mann office in an envelope directed to the attention of the Nominating Committee, or emailed to Florinda DavisJenn SuttonKat Spottswood or Kimberly Furdell



-FALL SOCCER: Lake WA Youth Soccer Assoc. is currently registering for Fall Soccer. Register by May 15th. More details here.


-Shop Everything Party in Redmond for Teacher Appreciation Week (or anytime, bdays, graduation, summer parties etc...). Mention Norman Rockwell Elementary at the cash register and they will donate a portion of every sale to Rockwell PTA!

-AmazonSmile: Give a little back to Rockwell PTA by using

our AmazonSmile link!  Bookmark it and use the link every time you shop.


-Volunteer Application:   LWSD Volunteer application. It's easy to complete and is good for 2 years. Fill yours out or check your renewal status today!


-Rockwell PTA Facebook Page: Stay connected and updated on Rockwell PTA & school info. Stop by and "Like" us!  

-Register for your account on our New PTA Website !

Bugle Article Submissions Welcome
The Beagle Bugle welcomes article submissions from students and parents.  Student journalists may submit articles about current events, students opinion-editorials and poems or short stories.  Parents may submit articles about PTA events and school related topics. 

Any article that is unrelated to PTA or Rockwell must be approved by the Lake Washington School District, and will be posted on the Community Bulletin Board.  The Lake Washington School District website has more information on the submission and approval process.

Short pieces will be edited for inclusion in the Bugle, longer pieces will be posted on the website with a link in the Bugle.  The Deadline for submissions for the next weekly Bugle is the preceding Thursday.  The Bugle Staff reserves the right to be selective regarding the materials that are publicized.

Contact the Bugle staff or submit articles at [email protected]
Angie Ballas
Beagle Bugle Editor
Norman Rockwell Elementary PTA