April 13, 14, 15
Grade 3 ELA Testing
April 16, 20, 21
Grade 4 ELA Testing
April 22, 23, 24
Grade 5 ELA Testing
April 23, Thursday
PTA's Spring Teacher Birthday Lunch
April 25th, Saturday
Rockwell's School Musical
Disney's The Little Mermaid, Jr.
Redmond High School-Performing Arts Ctr.
3:00 pm & 7:00 pm
May 4 - 8
Teacher Appreciation Week
-More details to come soon
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Thank you to those who read and responded to our Spring Break Beagle Bugle listing PTA positions and volunteer opportunities for next year. If you didn't get a chance to read it yet, please take the time...as we need lots of help for next year!
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Please Order Your Child's 2014/2015 Yearbook Today!
Deadline is THIS Friday, 4/17!
The kids were cute, the pictures are in, the pages have been created and the book is on its way to the publisher. Your student will love hunting for their own pictures as well as our beagle mascot hidden on every page of the book. The kids enjoy signing their classmate's yearbooks during the last few days of school!
Now it's your turn. Please don't wait - pre-order your student's yearbook today as we won't be selling books at the end of the school year. The order deadline is Friday, April 17th.
Prices: Soft cover ($19) or Hard cover ($23)
Order directly online at:
School ID: 4886515
Instructions: If you are ordering multiple books, place the order under the name of your oldest student - we will use the class lists to distribute the books to each of your children. Print and save your order confirmation. The teachers will distribute books on the date they choose at the end of the school year.
Important: All books are shipped to Rockwell. If you are leaving town before the last week of school, PLEASE make arrangements for a friend to receive your yearbook and let me know.
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WHEN: Thursday, 4/23
DETAILS: Twice a year we feed the Teachers and Staff to celebrate their birthdays. We will be having a SPRING FLING birthday luncheon to celebrate the birthdays that fall from January to June...and we need your help! Please look at this Sign-Up Genius link to see what is needed.
We ask parents whose teachers have a birthday from January to June to participate (but anyone is welcome to participate). Please sign up to bring a food dish(s) or other items needed. In addition, we will need assistance with set up and clean up. All food needs to be at the school by 10:45 am. Don't forget to label your dishes with your child's name and teacher and we will return them to you via your child unless you opt to pick them up at 2:00 pm.
Ami King
VP Volunteer Services
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Registration starts now for the Spring Session of Chess Club with Chess4Life at Norman Rockwell: 
4/20 to 6/8
(skipping 5/18, 5/25)
4/24 to 6/12
(skipping 5/15, 5/22)
- Chess Club is in need of a parent or two to chair the club next year. If you'd like this great program to keep running at our school, we really need your help coordinating the club. Please email Cari Scotkin with any questions.
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Coding with Kids' Intermediate/Advanced class starts this Friday!
Coding with Kids offers two after-school classes at Rockwell Elementary:
1) The BEGINNER class runs on Wednesdays. This class is full and its current session will continue till May 13th.
2) The INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED class runs on Fridays. Spring session will start this Friday, April 17th. There are still 10 spots open - register ASAP!
CLASS: Coding with Kids / INTERMEDIATE-ADVANCED / Grades 2-5
DAY/TIME: Fridays, 3:10-4:10pm
SESSION: 8-week session; April 17 - June 12 (no class May 22)
PRICE: $152
REGISTRATION: https://www.codingwithkids.com/signup/rockwell
QUESTIONS? Email Jitka Brejlova at after-school@codingwithkids.com
This intermediate/advanced club is for students who have completed one or more previous Coding with Kids sessions (or attended other coding classes). Students will be introduced to more advanced concepts (game design, code structure, debugging, etc.) and enjoy a project-based curriculum that will teach them how to create their own multi-level, multi-player games! Expect short lessons, lots of hands-on coding, and FUN projects. Then double the fun by sharing your creations with your parents and friends online!
We teach in Scratch, a drag-and-drop programming environment developed by MIT Labs: http://scratch.mit.edu . To quickly see what kids can do with Scratch, we recommend watching this little video: http://vimeo.com/80961102
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Rockwell's school musical, Disney's The Little Mermaid Jr, is coming to the stage at Redmond High School's Performing Arts Center (where "the seaweed is always greener...")
When: Saturday, April 25th with two performances (3pm & 7pm).
Our talented cast of 4th and 5th graders have been hard at work to bring you a fantastic show! Join them as they take you "under the sea", while bringing to life a tale of mermaids, fathers and daughters, and true love. Plenty of funny fish, silly sea creatures, sassy seagulls, and heroic humans join Ariel on her quest to find her prince, while an evil sea witch has other plans for her. You won't want to miss the fun.
Tickets are on sale now! $7/pp
Go online at www.normanrockwellpta.org to order yours in advance. Tickets purchased via the website will be delivered via kid mail. Last day for kid mail will be Wed. April 22nd. Tickets ordered after that date will be available at will call. Anyone can order online via this link (not just Rockwell parents), so pass it on to family & friends...and let's fill the theatre!
Orders may also be sent in via Kid Mail with this downloadable form.
Any remaining tickets will be for sale at the door. Ticket questions? Email ticket chair: Angela Shannon
-Our school musical is brought to you by the Rockwell PTA, Youth Theatre Northwest, and produced by Rockwell parent Taunya Covington with the assistance of a team of parent volunteers!
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Thanks to everyone who participated in Math Challenge #11.
Congratulations to the following winners:
Jonathan C, Aidan G, Zoe G, Anika K, Jaisal V, Shriya T, Alisha L, Alexandra M, Shriya P, Madeline L, Katie H, Jennifer L
Math Challenge #12 is now available for download here. The Challenge is due on the 16th April 2015.
*Please make sure the student's name is on the paper before submission. We have received a few anonymous papers recently!
Let the challenge begin!
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Math Skills Tourney - Students can Win a Popsicle party for their class!
Did you know that April is Math Awareness month . . . to celebrate, Rockwell will be having an online IXL Math Skills Tourney. The classes with the most new skills practiced in the lower grades (K - 2) and the upper grades (3 - 6) will win a class Popsicle Party in May!
Students can practice new skills at or above your grade level for the rest of April.
for the fun . . . for the awards . . . for the cool prizes . . .for the chance to win a Popsicle party for their classroom!
-IXL Parent Volunteers
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IXL Math Practice Continues!
Prizes were distributed to the following students who have practiced IXL math and earned points. Keep up the great work. Parents thank you for helping to develop a culture of math here at Rockwell. Thanks to the Lake Washington Schools Foundation for IXL subscriptions for all students. Parents - please visit www.mathinaction.org to learn more about Math at Rockwell.
-Parent IXL Math Coordinators
Kindergarten - Maxwell (C, D), Marcus C. (D, E), Alanna P. (C), Riya (D), Nathan H. (D), Oyku (D), Ava A. (special #3), Vishnu (C), Saanvi (C), Sonia L. (F) First Grade - Prayas D (B), Aditya V (E) Second Grade - results coming soon! Third Grade - Stella C (E), Rithika M (B), William S (F), Jaisal V (D), Chhavi A (E), Camille U (B), Sophie Z (D), Emily F (D) Fourth Grade - Jennifer L (F), Nathaniel N (B), Sarah R (C), Caleb R (A), Bryson T (E), Maria D (F), Kashvi P (E), Viktoria S (A), Catherine T (D), Nicolas A (E), Katie H (F) Fifth Grade - Anna Beth H. (D), Maya M. (C), Alya B. (D), Liam G. (F), Timothy V. (F), Caroline B. (D), Sydney H. (D), Ela O. (B), Cassandra L. (E)
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Classic & Contemporary - The Redmond Region Orchestra Boosters invite you to attend our two night concert series on April 17th & 18th at 7:30 pm in the RHS - Performing Arts Center. The series will feature acclaimed viola soloist Brett Deubner accompanied by the Redmond High School Mustang Symphony, Redmond High School Chamber Orchestra, and members of the Lake Washington School District Honors Orchestra.
To purchase tickets go to brownpapertickets.com (check event under the heading "Brett Deubner"). For more information please visit redmondorchestras.org.
*All proceeds will support the orchestra programs in the LWSD Redmond area.
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The recent Spirit Wear order should be received this week.
We will deliver the items to your child's classroom as soon as they are sorted! It appears that the NEW Full Zip Sweatshirt is a NEW favorite!
The NEW PTA website proves to be accurate and easy to use!
We've got spirit! Now you do, too!
Stacy Hatch
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-Neighborhood Parking Concerns: Please respect our neighbors' driveways and mailbox areas when dropping or picking up children at Rockwell. Complaints have been received
about blocked driveways and mailboxes on NE 109th and NE 112th specifically. Our neighbors will be calling law enforcement if necessary. Thanks for watching those driveways!!
BIG All School Box Tops Contest April 27 - May 1. Our goal is to raise $1000! Don't send them it yet...stay tuned for more info.
Where to find Box Tops.
-Donate Used Books! Continue to drop off your donations of used books to the school library for our Used Book Sale in May. All proceeds go to the library for the purchase of new books!
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-AmazonSmile: Give a little back to Rockwell PTA by using
our AmazonSmile link! Bookmark it and use the link every time you shop.
-Volunteer Application: LWSD Volunteer application. It's easy to complete and is good for 2 years. Fill yours out or check your renewal status today!
-Rockwell PTA Facebook Page: Stay connected and updated on Rockwell PTA & school info. Stop by and "Like" us!
-Register for your account on our New PTA Website !
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Bugle Article Submissions Welcome
The Beagle Bugle welcomes article submissions from students and parents. Student journalists may submit articles about current events, students opinion-editorials and poems or short stories. Parents may submit articles about PTA events and school related topics.
Any article that is unrelated to PTA or Rockwell must be approved by the Lake Washington School District, and will be posted on the Community Bulletin Board. The Lake Washington School District website has more information on the submission and approval process.
Short pieces will be edited for inclusion in the Bugle, longer pieces will be posted on the website with a link in the Bugle. The Deadline for submissions for the next weekly Bugle is the preceding Thursday. The Bugle Staff reserves the right to be selective regarding the materials that are publicized.
Beagle Bugle Editor Norman Rockwell Elementary PTA |