March 9 - 12
Classified School Employee's Week
March 11, Wednesday
Orchestra Concert, 7pm at R.M.S.
March 13, Friday
No School
March 17, Tuesday
Regional Band Concert, 7pm at R.M.S.
March 19, Thursday
Choir Concert, 7pm at R.H.S.P.A.C
March 20, Friday
Rockwell Family Dance Party
"Neon Glow"
6-8pm at R.H.S.
March 25, Wednesday
Ecology Run
March 26, Thursday
PTA General Membership Mtg.
All Welcome - Please attend!
7pm - Rockwell Library
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Dear Rockwell Families,
Spring is upon us! It sure felt like it this weekend, anyway. This is a very busy time of the year at Rockwell, and we thank all of you who have come in to help us with Toymaker workshops, to join us for musical performances, and those who will soon be coming to tend to our salmon fry. Rockwell is the school that it is because of the people who are involved, and we are deeply grateful for our PTA. Thank you to Stacy Hatch, Liz Finnochio, and Laura Drover for Big Band Bingo, which was a huge hit for the hundreds who attended. Coming up: One of the biggest nights of the year, with our All School Dance onMarch 20th at the high school. Come on out and dance!
As we prepare for next year's boundary adjustments, we know that we will be saying farewell to some truly amazing parents who have volunteered their time to make this such a wonderful school. If you are leaving us, please know that we will miss you terribly. If you are not, please join me in thanking those who have given countless hours in the service of kids, and if you are thinking of taking on an increased volunteer role, please do! We have some very big shoes to fill as we bid farewell to some of our most engaged volunteers and PTA members.
This week, I want to invite all of you to join us in thanking our amazing classified staff members as we honor Classified School Employees Week. Who are Classified Staff members? They are the crossing guards who make sure your student gets to and from school safely every day, or who greet each student by name in the drop off line. They are our wonderful secretaries who greet everyone who walks through the door with smiles, and who attend to the hundreds of bumps and bruises and bloody noses we see in the office every day. They are preparing healthful meals for your kids, or cleaning and attending to the many needs of our aging school. They are keeping our indoor garden beds beautiful. They are coaxing the reluctant learners, helping solve recess conflicts, and essentially being the glue that holds our school together. Please join all of us this week in thanking them for the amazing work they do: To the IAs, Paras, Custodians, Kitchen Staff, Secretaries, Bus Drivers, and After School Staff: THANK YOU!
Please check our school website regularly for important dates. Some of these upcoming are:
March 9-12: Classified Staff Appreciation Week
March 13: NO SCHOOL for Students
March 20: All School Dance at RHS
March 25: Ecology Run
March 26: PTA General Meeting - All invited, Please Attend
April 6-10: Spring Break: NO SCHOOL
Thank you, as always, for sharing your wonderful children with us.
Kirsten Gometz
Rockwell Principal
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Online Ordering will be available TODAY through THIS FRIDAY, MARCH 13th.
This is the last week to order your Spirit Wear. Show your school spirit!
- Family Favorites plus NEW Special Items are available Online Only via PayPal or credit/debit card at the Rockwell PTA Website.
- NEW Embroidery design! NEW Gold color for select items!
- If you do not have PayPal or a credit/debit card, please email Stacy asap!
Yea Beagles!
Spirit Wear Coordinator
Stacy Hatch
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Calling Orchestra, Band and Choir Parents
We have pages set aside for photos of your amazing musical students in the yearbook, but . . . we need photos.
Can we get three parent volunteers (or more) - one to cover each of the following concerts and get photos of all of the Rockwell students - close-ups of each of them (or in small groups) with their instruments are so wonderful!
Please let us know that you'll be covering the concert and we'll be on the lookout for your photos.
If you have fewer than ten photos to send us, please visit https://community.lifetouch.com. Register and use our NEW school access code: LMGOVR. You will be able to upload photos directly to LifeTouch. If you have lots of photos, you can send a flash drive to the office and we'll return it to you ASAP.
Thanks! Minerva Butler Gaby Olson Yearbook Co-Chairs
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ORDER YOUR YEARBOOKS TODAY! Fifth grade artists designed the covers and parents have photographed our students on the first days of school, playing bingo, learning about other cultures, riding bicycles, reading books, and so much more.
Order yours today!
Prices: Soft cover ($19) or Hard cover ($23) Order directly online at: https://ybpay.lifetouch.com School ID: 4886515 Sale Ends: Monday, March 31st
Instructions: If you are ordering multiple books, place the order under the name of your oldest student - we will use the Rockwell class lists to distribute the books each of your children. Print and save your order confirmation. The teachers will distribute books on the date they choose.
Important: All books are shipped to Rockwell, no exceptions. If you are leaving town before the last week of school, PLEASE make arrangements for a friend to receive your yearbook.
Thanks! Yearbook Staff
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Speak Easy; Building Young Leaders Through Public Speaking, grades 1-5
Thursdays at Rockwell, 4/16-6/4 3:05-4:20pm $125
Isn't learning how to captivate an audience something that everyone could benefit from? Why not start practicing these skills early when it's easiest to overcome fears. Through engaging, interactive games and fun activities, you and your classmates will learn and practice the following skills:
� Learn how to "WOW" an audience with public speaking techniques.
� Improvisation-sometimes acting goofy is the best way to overcome fears.
� Team building and leading others
� Explore key methods to become a leader in family, school, community and life.
This class is all about inspiring kids to do great things! And the best part is that it is fun, too! The class will culminate with an interactive presentation for family and friends. Join us for this fun and inspiring class!
Register online at www.grasshopperenrichment.com
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Rockwell's production of Disney's The Little Mermaid Jr is coming on April 25th!
Do you work at or own a business that would like to place an advertisement in the musical program or would you like to congratulate your student?
500-600 programs will be printed, reaching audiences at two performances on April 25th! Ad prices range from $25 for 1/8 page to $125 for a full page.
Please email Emily Papel for more details, or to submit your advertisement! Checks can be made out to Rockwell PTA (Attention: Musical) and sent to the school office. Please submit checks and ads by March 31st, to give us time to format the program for printing.
View Ad Samples and Download your ad form here (in the announcements section).
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Every spring, the fifth grade classes get to attend "Outdoor Education", a three-day camp, where the students receive lessons in exploring ecosystems, understanding natural resources, and improving outdoor skills. The cost of this camp to our families can be a burden, so we hold this annual fundraiser to offset some of the expense. It is a one-day fun run to raise money for every fifth grader, and whatever is raised is divided evenly by the number of students to reduce the cost for every family.
- The funds raised by ALL students will help 5th graders go to camp this year, where they learn about our northwest ecology!
- The kindergarten through fourth grade class that raises the most money will earn a PIZZA PARTY!
- Students will collect flat pledges prior to running laps at the Ecology Run.
- Students who raise $30 or more will receive a 2015 Ecology Run T-shirt
- Students who raise $50 or more will receive the T-shirt and their name will be added to the "Hall of Fame" plaque by the office
- Students who raise $100 or more will receive the T-shirt, be added to the "Hall of Fame", and receive a trophy at the awards assembly in June
- All donations are eligible for corporate matching - if your company participates in a matching program, please consider matching your gift.
- Simply note: "ASB-Outdoor Education" to designate the payment to the correct account.
The donations are all flat donations - they are not based on the number of laps that are run. We encourage every child at Rockwell to participate if possible - because eventually every child will become a fifth grader and receive these benefits for their own Outdoor Ed camp experience. In the past we have raised over $10,000 - which is an amazing help to offset the cost of the trip!
The fifth grade teachers will be outside during lunch recess on Wednesday, March 25th to facilitate the run. All pledges need to be received by Friday, March 27th.
If you have any questions, please contact Fifth Grade Teacher,
Mrs. Weinmeister at mweinmeister@lwsd.org.
Thank you so much for supporting our students and participating in the Ecology Run!
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Students can start where they left off in the fall and work on completing their marathon card while running during their lunch recess. Many students are already working on their 2nd marathon of the year! Kindergarten students may also run in the spring!
I need parent help to pass out and punch lap cards on Mondays/Thursdays and Fridays starting Monday, March 16th. Please follow this link if you can volunteer this spring...either occasionally or regularly!
Debbie Conklin
P.E. Teacher
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Thanks to everyone who participated in Math Challenge #9.
Congratulations to the following winners: Tharan S, Neev J, Aditya V, Hank D, Jaeger G, Sankeerth A, Chandana P, Liam S, Rithika M, Sohil B, Sayan B, Jonathan M
Math Challenge #10 will be available for download on Fri, Mar. 13, 2015 after 3pm.
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Online IXL Math Practice Continues!
Prizes were distributed to the following students last week. Keep up the great work. Thanks to the Lake Washington Schools Foundation for IXL subscriptions for all of our students and the Rockwell PTA for the prizes. Parents, has your child already earned Prize F? They can continue to practice and earn end of year prizes-gift cards, medals or a trophy. Thank you for supporting supporting our math enrichment program.
-Parent IXL Math Coordinators
Kindergarten Colin S. (C), Vishnu (B), Artem (D), Varsha (C), Anna S. (A), Angela L. (C), Kexin (C, D), Lucia (C), Shaurya (B), Marcus C. (C), Mahum (C), Victoria S. (F), Alanna (B), Trishaa (E), Nathan H. (B), Oyku (C)
1st Grade Marianna D (D), Siebe R (A), Avery L (E), Sriram M (E), Olivia A (C), Isabella L (F), Sol Z (A), Savannah D (D)
2nd Grade Jerry T (E), Sofiia C (C), Jeslyn H (B), Alexander C (B), Joseph J (A), Kumar S (D), Mikhail K (D), Adam N (F)
3rd Grade Peter B (A), Sophie Z (C), Troy H (E), Rithika M (A), Saanvi T (C), Jaisal V (C), Sarah O (B), Emily F (C), Ori A (D), Brendan H (E)
4th Grade Manindra G (F), Shealyn O (C), Bryson T (D), Aarav K (F), Malia P (C), Nicolas A (C), Mason B (A), Grace P (A), Pranav S (E), Ethan T (B), Brian Y (B), Tushar Z (E)
5th Grade Rhys F (C), Mackenzie S (A), Jack U (C), Zayna A (F), Alya B (C), Tanvi D (F), Holden F (E), Morgan G (B), Bryce J (F), Preston J (F), Marie P (F), Sriyukti T (E), Cole U (F), Brooke C (B), Artemiy G (F), Shreyas J (D), Mohsin J (A), Jonathan K (F), David P (F), Noam R (C), Sawako T (F), Seamus B (A), Shreshtha D (F), Taufeeq A (B), Timofey D (B), Tyler H (B), Maxwell J (C), Joshua K (A), Cassandra L (C,D), Ella M (C), Bryant S (C,D), Xin S (E), Dione V (A), Elliotte W (E), Alain Z (A)
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Dear parent/guardian:
Lake Washington School District wants your input on long-term school facilities planning.
In December 2014, the district convened a Long-Term Facilities Planning Task Force to make recommendations for potential strategies and policies to address the district's challenges of a classroom space shortfall and of aging facilities.
A Working Subcommittee has been meeting since late January to learn about existing conditions in district school buildings; the district's growth projections, capacity and standard of service for class size, space use and specialized space needs; and current and potential strategies to address the challenges as well as funding options.
As part of this process, the Task Force is asking for feedback on these potential strategies and policy questions from parents and community members.
An online open house has been available since January to provide ongoing information on the Task Force's work. A previous opportunity to provide input gathered feedback on the scope of the issues the Task Force should address. You are invited to provide feedback now on potential strategies and policy questions the Task Force should consider as it develops a long-term facilities strategy recommendation. Please visit the online open house and share your thoughts by March 11.
The online open house will be updated at key milestones. It will stay open until the Task Force makes its final recommendation. That recommendation is expected in June 2015.
Visit the online open house here.
Thank you for taking the time to be part of the community conversation on school district facilities.
Janene Fogard
Deputy Superintendent, Operational Services
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-All School Dance Party, Friday March 20th, 6-8pm at R.H.S.
Neon-Glow theme, children must be accompanied by an adult. Get ready to have fun. Volunteers needed, click here for details!
-Microsoft is increasing their company volunteer match to $25 per hour. This means that four hours of your employee volunteer time to Rockwell also results in a $100 donation to the school! So please get your volunteer time submitted (be sure to designate Rockwell Elementary PTA, a 501c3), so we can collect the funds for more great programs and activities at our school!
BIG All School Box Tops Contest April 27 - May 1. Our goal is to raise $1000! Don't send them it yet...stay tuned for more info.
-USED BOOK SALE Please clear out your shelves by donating books (adult and children's) to the school library today for our Used Book Sale in May. You may bring them to the library any time!
Diane Davenport , Teacher Librarian
-Sodexo Nutrition Services is Hiring. Interested in earning extra money? Sodexo Nutrition Services currently has paid positions available to help serve your students. Paid positions are 2-4 hours in length. Starting pay is $9.75 an hour. If interested, please call Nutrition Services at: 425-936-1393
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-AmazonSmile: Give a little back to Rockwell PTA by using
our AmazonSmile link! Bookmark it and use the link every time you shop.
-Volunteer Application: LWSD Volunteer application. It's easy to complete and is good for 2 years. Fill yours out or check your renewal status today!
-Rockwell PTA Facebook Page: Stay connected and updated on Rockwell PTA & school info. Stop by and "Like" us!
-Register for your account on our New PTA Website !
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Bugle Article Submissions Welcome
The Beagle Bugle welcomes article submissions from students and parents. Student journalists may submit articles about current events, students opinion-editorials and poems or short stories. Parents may submit articles about PTA events and school related topics.
Any article that is unrelated to PTA or Rockwell must be approved by the Lake Washington School District, and will be posted on the Community Bulletin Board. The Lake Washington School District website has more information on the submission and approval process.
Short pieces will be edited for inclusion in the Bugle, longer pieces will be posted on the website with a link in the Bugle. The Deadline for submissions for the next weekly Bugle is the preceding Thursday. The Bugle Staff reserves the right to be selective regarding the materials that are publicized.
Beagle Bugle Editor Norman Rockwell Elementary PTA |