Feb. 25, Wednesday
Informational Mtg about the new
SBA Testing. 6pm - 7:30 pm
LWSD Resource Ctr.
Feb. 26, Thursday
4th Grade Music Program, 7pm
Rockwell Gym
March 3, Tuesday
Evening Parent Event with Trudy Ludwig
7pm at R.M.S.
March 4, Wednesday
5th Grade Music Program,
Morning hours/varies by class
March 11, Wednesday
Orchestra Concert, 7pm at R.M.S.
March 13, Friday
No School
March 17, Tuesday
Regional Band Concert, 7pm at R.M.S.
March 19, Thursday
Choir Concert, 7pm at R.H.S.P.A.C
March 20, Friday
Rockwell School Dance Party
6-8pm at R.H.S.
March 26, Thursday
PTA General Membership Mtg
7pm - Rockwell Library
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This favorite family event on May 21 cannot run without a chair.
- Former Chairperson will train new chair/co-chairs!
- This event runs concurrently with the Used Book Sale (coordinated by the librarian) and the Art Showcase (coordinated by the Art Docent Chair)
Please help us keep this fun event going and email VP of Events: Jennifer Myrick
Friday, March 20th from 6-8pm
at Redmond High School
**All School Glow Dance is looking for artistic volunteers to create blacklight photo booth backdrop. Also need volunteers for lots of other
available time slots.
The planning is underway, the DJ is booked, now we need YOUR help to make it all happen. Can you spare a little time to set up, sell tickets or concessions, or act as safety patrol? Shifts are short and volunteers get free admission: SIGN UP HERE.
Jennifer Myrick and Valdene Claux
Co-Chairs of the Rockwell All-School Dance
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Dear Rockwell Families,
The Spelling Bee Club hosted its 3rd annual Norman Rockwell School Spelling Bee on Saturday, Feb 21st. There were 25 spellers ranging from Grades 1-5 all of whom performed superbly and put the ROCK in ROCKWELL! Below are the names of the School Spelling Bee Champion, Runners Up's and Grade Level Champions. Be sure to give them a hi-five or a 'congratulations' when you see them!
Speller's Name
Class Teacher
School Spelling Bee Champion
1st Runner up
2nd Runner up
Grade Level Champions
1st Grade Champion
2nd Grade Champion
3rd Grade Champion
4th Grade Champion
5th Grade Champion
The School Champion will represent Norman Rockwell at the Regional Spelling Bee of King and Snohomish County on March 29th at Town Hall Seattle.
The Spelling Bee lasted 5 ½ hours and took a total of 29 rounds to determine a champion. Two brothers, both of whom have been previous champions, went head to head in the last 8 rounds, and conquered words such as "punctilio" and "mynheer". The title finally went to Sayan B and his winning word, "weimaraner"!
All 25 spellers competed with patience and grace and we are proud of each and every one of these courageous and clever students! On behalf of the entire Spelling Bee Club Team, we would like to THANK the Rockwell PTA, all TEACHERS and STAFF, especially Mrs. Mahendran for weekly use of her classroom for club sessions, Mr. Cortes for pronouncing several rounds of the Final Bee, Mrs. Davenport and Mrs. Ward for use of the library, and Mrs. Bauman for helping us with bookings and other essential information!
THANK YOU also to ALL THE PARENTS and VOLUNTEERS who provided support and encouragement to our team all year. We couldn't have done it without all of you!
The Spelling Bee Club Team
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Award-winning author Trudy Ludwig will be visiting Rockwell on Tuesday, March 3rd. Her assembly presentations help students learn about preventing bullying behaviors. Trudy is the author of the DVD stories contained in our current bullying prevention curriculum taught by our school counselor. Her books will be available for purchase through University Bookstore using the advance book order flyer. Students will be able to bring home their pre-ordered book the day after the assemblies and books will be signed by the author.
Parent Event: Understanding Our Kids' Online and Offline Social World: Friendships, Cliques, & Power Plays.
Parents can hear Trudy speak at a parent event on that same Tuesday evening (March 3rd) at 6:30pm at Redmond Middle School. More information on the Parent Event here.
Marion Holland
Elementary School Counselor
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Start clipping and saving your Box Tops for Education.
BIG All School Box Tops Contest April 27 - May 1.Our goal is to raise $1000!
Every Box Top given to the school or registered online earns the school 10 cents. That's only 15 box tops per student to reach our goal. The more, the merrier! Have your family/friends/grandparents send them to you. Buy items with the pink label instead of "the other" brands. Prizes will be announced two weeks before the contest starts. They will be worth it!
We have $13 in the Rockwell account so far! To add more to the school and watch the donations increase, create an account at box tops for education and make sure to find our school!
Click here to sign up for an account and learn more about this program that gives money to our school! You get points ($$$$) for the school by buying qualifying General Mills products like Hanes, Ziploc and Land O Lakes, and tons of cereals!
Here is a link for coupons to help get you started! http://www.boxtops4education.com/coupons
Stacy Hatch
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The time has come to start planning for next year! We will be in need of more Rockwell parents to chair or co-chair positions on both the PTA Board as well as committees and special events for next year. Please be thinking about the ways you can help our school, contact any board member, and keep an eye out for a more detailed announcement coming soon.
In the meantime, if you can be a part of our Nominating Committee (helping us find great people), or are interested in a position, please email Rockwell PTA's President Cari Scotkin.
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Keep up the great work! Thanks to the Lake Washington Schools Foundation for the school-wide IXL subscription and the Rockwell PTA for the prizes. Parents, has your child already earned Prize F? They can continue to practice and earn end of year prizes-gift cards, medals or a trophy. Thank you for supporting our math enrichment program.
-Parent IXL Math Coordinators
5th Grade: Lennard (B), Surya (F), Garrett (A), Jack (B), Daniel (D), Sebastian H (E). Dimitri J (C), Kadin K (E), Anna P (F), Sriyukti T(D), Regen W (E), Caroline (D), Kaitlyn B (C), Lily D (C), Yasaswini G(E), Sydney H (B), Bradley S (D), Sawako T (E), Kaylor A (A), Rylie B(A), Timofey D (A), Omar E (B), Theodore Gt (A), Melis G (B), Tyler H (A), Aaryan J (F), Harry K (A), Cole M (C), Elliotte W (B,C,D)
4th Grade: Sohil B (D), Ian C (F), Maria D (D), Aarav (K), Ellie H (F), Katelyn Y (F), Pranav S (C,D), Tushar Z (D)
3rd Grade: Chloe C(F), Stella C(C), Aparna I(D,E),William S(E),
Kelyan (D), Vihan D(E), Haruka W(A), Mark El D(A), Soffia L(B), Ori A(C), Georgia B(C), Srikrishna G(E), Camille U(A)
2nd Grade: Alexander C (B), Shiven K (C), Artem S (C), Judy W (A), Kendrick D (C), Alexander C (A), Hoa Ran Jiajia (A), Erynn E (A), Rushaan M (D), Jerry T (D)
1st Grade: Abhigya S (F), Amuktha N (E), Grace Z (F), Sanj S (F), Avika A (E), Suhani G (B, C), Sofiya A (B), Paval D (E), Suhani R (A), Jenna Y (D), Sol Z (B)
Kindergarten: Artem (A, B, C), Brooklyn (A), Sawyer (A), Marcus (B), Nathan H. (A), Victoria (E), Thomas C. (F), Matteo (B), Rahul (A), Chloe N. (B), Colin (B), Victoria (C, D), Trishaa (D), Ava A. (special #2), Kayla (B), Sonia (E), Malcolm (A), Anthony C. (E), Elaine (D), Hyeon Seo (F), Alexander F. (D), Clara (F), Ekansh (D, E, F), Shaurya (A), Lucia (B), Kexin (B), Maxwell (A), Varsha (A, B), Atul (special #2), Oliver (special), Suhana A (A,B)
Long Range Facilities Planning Task Force Update
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The Working Subcommittee (WSC) of the Lake Washington School District's (the district) Long-Term Facilities Planning Task Force* met at the L.E. Scarr Resource Center on February 18.
The WSC discussed the district's options for funding facility construction. Among other options, they considered ways to better inform the community of the district's funding constraints and the limitations of state funding and impact fees.
The WSC identified a number of issues that they are interested in bringing to the Task Force including considering private funding as a strategy, considering "future-proofing" new schools by building for additional capacity, considering the role of portable classrooms in addressing capacity needs, and ways the district can approach funding in the future.
At their March 5 meeting the WSC will take a tour of Juanita High School and delve further into priorities they want to share with the Task Force.
Copies of the meeting materials are available on the district's Long-Term Facilities Planning Task Force webpage. A detailed summary of the Feb. 18 meeting will be posted in the next couple of weeks.
For more information or to add your input to the online open house, please visit the LFPTF website.
Long-Range Facilities Planning Task Force Member for Rockwell Elementary.
*The Long-Range Facilities Planning Task Force is a group consisting of 63 parent, community, business, senior citizen, staff and student representatives. They will study, analyze, and make recommendations concerning the district's long-term facilities needs.
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-VOLUNTEER at Meadow Park this Saturday, February 28th!
From 10 am - 1 pm Green Redmond is holding a work party in the woods at Meadow Park. Everyone can help make a greener Redmond. Join other students and your neighbors in hands-on restoration to keep our forest healthy! All ages and experience levels welcome. Tools and instructions provided. Bring your own coffee mug and water bottle - we'll fill it! All students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
More information at www.greenredmond.org
Please RSVP to Kirk at kirk.mcgettigan@gmail.com
-ROCKWELL'S HEALTH ROOM needs more parents to help "staff" the Health Room during busy times of day such as lunchtime and recess. If you can spare a few hours a month, please email Melissa Sutton.
With the weather getting nicer, we are looking for more supplies for recess fun. If you have extra jump ropes, balls, sidewalk chalk, sketch pads and pencils, loom bands etc, please send the donation to your child's teacher with a note that it's for the Recess Collection or bring in to the collection box in the office.
-USED BOOK SALE The Rockwell Library Used Book Sale is still a few months away, but we're already busy preparing for it. Please clear out your shelves by donating books (adult and children's). We had an awesome sale last year and promise a great time and great deals again this year! Thank you to those of you who have already brought your donations to the library. Feel free to email me with any questions! Diane Davenport Teacher Librarian
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-AmazonSmile: Give a little back to Rockwell PTA by using
our AmazonSmile link! Bookmark it and use the link every time you shop.
-Volunteer Application: LWSD Volunteer application. It's easy to complete and is good for 2 years. Fill yours out or check your renewal status today!
-Rockwell PTA Facebook Page: Stay connected and updated on Rockwell PTA & school info. Stop by and "Like" us!
-Register for your account on our New PTA Website !
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Bugle Article Submissions Welcome
The Beagle Bugle welcomes article submissions from students and parents. Student journalists may submit articles about current events, students opinion-editorials and poems or short stories. Parents may submit articles about PTA events and school related topics.
Any article that is unrelated to PTA or Rockwell must be approved by the Lake Washington School District, and will be posted on the Community Bulletin Board. The Lake Washington School District website has more information on the submission and approval process.
Short pieces will be edited for inclusion in the Bugle, longer pieces will be posted on the website with a link in the Bugle. The Deadline for submissions for the next weekly Bugle is the preceding Thursday. The Bugle Staff reserves the right to be selective regarding the materials that are publicized.
Beagle Bugle Editor Norman Rockwell Elementary PTA |