Beagle Bugle
newsletter 11.17.14
In This Issue
Directory Advertising
Events Update
Fundraising Help
Reflections Reception
PE - Bike Safety Volunteers
Scholarship Basket Auction
December Music Events
OCT. IXL Prizes
Math Challenge #4
Notes from the Office
Boundary Process Meeting
Extra Extra!
In Every Issue
Link to District Calendar (Filter for Rockwell)

Nov. 18, Tuesday
LWSD-PTSA Special Needs Group Mtg.
7-8:30 pm, LWSD Rescource Ctr.

Nov. 20, Thursday
Reflections Reception
7pm, School Library

Nov. 24, Monday
Picture Re-takes

Nov. 26, 27, 28 -Thanksgiving Break
Weds: 1/2 day - 11:30 release
Thurs & Fri: No School

Dec. 1, Monday
Boundary Process - 
Community Feedback Meeting
6:30 pm R.H.S.

Rockwell Directory Advertising Opportunity!
Local Businesses Welcome

The PTA is now accepting ads from local businesses for print in the Student Directory. Over 500 directories are distributed to the families in the Rockwell community, and it is a great way to promote your business. The cost is $100 per single ad, or $250 for a full-page ad (the size of three singles)!

Please contact Jessica Johnson with your submission. Single ads should be business card sized - 3.5" x 2". Checks made out to Norman Rockwell PTA can be sent to the school office, c/o The Rockwell Directory. Submissions will be accepted until November 24th, and the PTA retains the right to approve or reject advertisements.

The directory is a closed directory, designed solely for personal use between Rockwell students and parents. Potential Advertisers will not receive a directory unless an employee has a student in the school. Information within the directory cannot be used for direct marketing purposes.   

We have a new VP of Events!  Many thanks to Rockwell parent Jennifer Myrick for stepping up to plate. 


That said, she really needs some chairs/co-chairs to help make our fun family events happen this year!  If we have no chairs, the events will need to be canceled. Please consider chairing/co-chairing one of the events!


-Heritage Night - Jan 22: Chair or Co-Chairs needed ASAP!
-Disco Bingo - February 6th: Co-Chair needed 
-All School Dance - Date TBA: Co-Chair needed
-Ice Cream Social - May 21st: Chair or Co-Chairs needed


Please email Jennifer Myrick if you can help.

Are you great at finding deals and raising money? This position is perfect for someone who is good at finding creative ways to raise money for Rockwell's PTA. 


-Coordinate annual "Pass The Hat" fundraiser at Curriculum night (and beyond)

-Stay up-to-date, find, and apply for: Local money saving programs (scrips programs at local stores such as PCC and Bartells etc), box tops, contests, local restaurant nights, local or national PTA or corporate grants etc...


Please email Cari Scotkin if you can help!


Thank you to all the participants in this year's PTA Reflections art contest! 


Friends and family will be able to view some of the photos and visual art entries in the school hallway the week of November 17th-20th, and a small reception will happen in the Rockwell Library at 7pm on Thursday, November 20th, where we'll show off the recorded performances.  
Once again, thanks to all the children who participated. Keep up the good art!

Emily Papel & Felice Nightengale
Reflections co-chairs. 

3rd-5th grade students will be able to participate in a bike safety unit during their PE time. Helmets are provided and have a disposable liner for safe hygiene. Students are encouraged to bring their own helmet on their PE days. Our focus will be on learning safe riding practices and rules of the road. 


**I could use parent volunteers this week. WEDS is the last day of the bike unit! Please sign up here if you can volunteer!


Debbie Conklin

P.E. Specialist


Please visit the LWSD Resource Center (in Redmond Town Center) and bid on one or more of many beautiful and creative baskets any time between now and Dec 6th. This auction raises funds for Scholarships which graduating seniors and staff in our district. Rockwell's basket theme this year is Thundercats--Toys and Treats for Seattle Kitties!

New this year! Final bidding and the close of the auction will take place at our first ever Holiday Social and Gift Wrapping on the evening of Saturday, December 6,  2 - 6 pm at  the Lake Washington Resource Center. Do some shopping in Redmond and then stop by for the final bidding. Enjoy some cookies, coffee, and hot chocolate and let us wrap your gifts!  A "buy it now" price will be set for all baskets, so if you want it, you can buy it! More Info on the Basket Auction here.


Come see our wonderful students in the following musical events:


Dec. 10 - Orchestra Concert - Redmond Middle School gym at 7pm.

Dec. 13 - Rockwell Elementary Choir -  Redmond Town Center at noon

Dec. 16 - Rockwell Elementary Choir - Crossroads Mall Center Stage at 11am


Nancy McKay

Rockwell Elementary School General Music and Choir

Redmond Region Elementary String Orchestra


IXL Math Practice Continues. Prizes were distributed to the following students who have practiced IXL math and earned points. Keep up the great work. Parents thank you for helping to develop a culture of math here at Rockwell. Thanks to the Lake Washington Schools Foundation for IXL subscriptions for all students. Parents - please visit to learn more about Math at Rockwell.

Kindergarten - Ava (E), Anisha (C,D), Oyku (A), Thomas C (C), Mahum (A), Lydia (C), Kelsey (A), Neev (A), Alisha (A), Chloe N (A), Ekansh (A), Tharan (B), Saankhya (A), Atul (E), Elain (B), Anthony (A,B), Jillian (A,B), Srisahasra (A)

First Grade - Savannah D (A), Eren E (B), Sai Anivarth S (A), Eva X (C), Jenna Y (A), Sofiya A (A), Nathan F (D, E, F), Arda K (D), Isabella L (C), Mihir M (A), Shriya P (F), Sarath S (D), Steven H (E), Trisha L (D), Madeleine L (A), Lachlan C (C), Nabeel F (D), Romy Y (C), Dhruv I (B), Gowtham M (B), Grace Z (B), Zach H (A), Noam J (A), Lucas N (C), Julien W (A)

Second Grade - Nagai A (C, D), Diaconu N (A), Ingec K (B, C), Kim A (B), Kolosov M (A), Sangnak T (B), Dinh K (A), Haddad J (C), Pineda A (B), Song L (B), Alderete L (E), Luo Y (B), Pushar A (A), Sifuentes A (A)

Third Grade - Brendan H (A), Rane C (B), Freyja D(A), Troy H(A), Aashish K(A), Ebru S(C), Shriya T(A), Connor N(C), Jordan K(B), Chloe C(A,B), Todd B(D). Beyza Y(A), Trent K(A), Rayna H(A)

Fourth Grade - Jennifer L (C), Kirill U (A), Alexander C (B), Fredo G (A), Manindra G (A), Anjali M (B), Shealyn O (A), Nicolas T (E), Ishan V (A), Amol V (C), Sohil B (A), Ian C (B), Maria D (B), Aarav K (A), Shivas K (A), Arjun M (A), Jake N (A), Malia P (A), Kashvi P (A), Catherine T (A), Louise L (C), Katelyn Y (B,C), Omid F (B), Katie H (B), Maleekah K (A), Tushar Z (A)

Fifth Grade - Jonathan C (C), Shreshtha D (B), Omar E (A), Malgorzata K (E), Xin S (B), Aidan G (C), Surya G (B,C), Anna Beth H (A), Jonathan M (D), Maya M (A), Connor O (A), Benjamin Y (A), Marc A (C), Elizabeth A (C), Alya B (A), Megumi C (D), Holden F (B), Liam G (B), Morgan G (A), Sebastian H (B), Dimitrii J (A,B), Bryce J (C), Preston J (B), Maya K (B), Kadin K (C), Kaumudi N (B), Brianna O (C),
Anna P (D), Marie P (D), Jeremy T (E), Cole U (C), David Z (D), Rayna B (B), Kaitlyn B (A), Brooke C (A), Caio D (B), Shreyas J (A,B), Zachary M (A), David P (B), Noam R (A), Bradley S (A), Sawako T (B)


-Parent IXL Math Coordinators  

Congratulations to the following winners for 
Math Challenge #3:
Elaine C, Ava A, Murali C, Ryan B, Yuxuan L, Rushaan M, Nishita B, Aparna I, Ian C, Fredo G, Ben Y and Rayna B

Math Challenge #4 is now available here. 12 lucky winners with a qualified submission will win a stretchable flying frog.

Let the challenge begin!

  • Lost and Found is overflowing with lovely coats, jackets andsweatshirts!  Unclaimed items will be donated after Dec. 19th. 
  • Sack lunches can be ordered for Wednesday, Nov. 26 (early release at 11:30)  if desired.  Please see this link or pick up a form in the office. You must pre-order through school. Deadline is Thursday, Nov. 20th. Payment for this lunch will be charged to the student's lunch account, the same as the purchase of lunch on a regular school day.

Keep up with the district's boundary process, taking place now to determine new school boundaries for the 2015-16 school year. Updates on the process are posted on a new page on the district website in the News section. On the right side of that page is a link to sign up for email updates when new information is posted. If you are interested in following this process, in addition to signing up for the updates, mark your calendar to attend one of the four Feedback Meetings where staff, parents and community members will weigh in on possible boundary options. 


Redmond Learning Community Feedback Meeting: 

Redmond High School - Commons 

Monday, December 1, 6:30 - 8:00 pm. 

-Corporate Matching! Please remember to submit the donations you made to the Rockwell PTA (Pass the Hat etc...) to your employer's corporate matching program asap. Many employers such as Microsoft and many more have matching programs...if you are unsure, please check with your HR Department. Our PTA enrichment programs rely on your donations as well as the matched funds! Many companies also pay our school's PTA (a non-profit) for your volunteer hours here at the school? Check into it if you haven't already!


-Running Club We can always use more parent volunteers to punch cards at recess from now until December. Please sign up at this link if you can help on any upcoming Mon/Wed/Fri from 11:50-1:10.

-Recycling: Collection boxes are placed around the school for recycling of the following items: Inkjet and toner cartridges, cell phones, MP3 players, GPS devices, digital cameras, headsets, and laptops.  Bring yours in today!

-Yearbook: If you have photos to send us (fewer than ten), please visit this site. Register and use our NEW school access code: LMGOVR. You will be able to upload photos directly to LifeTouch. If you have lots of photos, you can send a flash drive to the office and we'll return it to you ASAP. 



-Volunteer Application:  Whether you want to volunteer regularly (or even just occasionally) in your child's classroom, attend a field trip, help out at a special PTA event, or assist in various capacities around the school (such as in the health room), you will need to complete an LWSD Volunteer application. It's easy to complete and is good for 2 years. Fill yours out or check your renewal status today!


-Rockwell PTA Facebook Page: Stay connected and updated on Rockwell PTA info, school events, important dates, and more on our Facebook Page.  

Stop by and "Like" us! 

Join Our Mailing List
Bugle Article Submissions Welcome
The Beagle Bugle welcomes article submissions from students and parents.  Student journalists may submit articles about current events, students opinion-editorials and poems or short stories.  Parents may submit articles about PTA events and school related topics. 

Any article that is unrelated to PTA or Rockwell must be approved by the Lake Washington School District, and will be posted on the Community Bulletin Board.  The Lake Washington School District website has more information on the submission and approval process.

Short pieces will be edited for inclusion in the Bugle, longer pieces will be posted on the website with a link in the Bugle.  The Deadline for submissions for the next weekly Bugle is the preceding Thursday.  The Bugle Staff reserves the right to be selective regarding the materials that are publicized.

Contact the Bugle staff or submit articles at
Angie Ballas
Beagle Bugle Editor
Norman Rockwell Elementary PTA