May 20, 2016

Hadley Junior High 8th Grade Graduation 

Congratulations to all of the Hadley 8th grade students who will be graduating and heading to Glenbard West next year.
We are very proud of all of our students and wish them much success!

Hadley Graduation
Thursday, June 2
Glenbard West Biester Gym
7 p.m.
Tickets are required.

District 41 and College of DuPage Partnership 

This year District 41 partnered with the College of DuPage (COD) to offer parents the opportunity to take a free 16-week English as a Second Language course taught by a COD instructor. The 20 parents who took the course recently celebrated their completion of the course. Parents across the district were invited to participate and the course was held at Churchill School. The course will be offered again next year. To sign up, contact the ESL Center at the College of DuPage at (630) 942-3697.

Click Here
for a news item about this partnership published in the Daily Herald.

Lincoln School Teacher Published in National Journal  

Lincoln School first grade teacher Lisa Buchholz had an article published in the journal National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Her article "A License to Think on the Road to Fact Fluency" appeared in the May 2016 issue.

Click Here to read the article.

New PTA Board

Welcome to the new PTA Council Board! The new officers participated in a special leadership transition day event at Brookdale Senior Living in Glen Ellyn. This event is an annual tradition of the PTA Council. The outgoing officers and the new officers come together to transition the positions and make some plans for the following year. Superintendent Gordon attended to thank the outgoing officers and welcome the new. "I continue to be incredibly impressed with the PTAs at all of our schools. We are very fortunate to have this deep level of parent involvement throughout the district." The new officers are:

President - Catherine Lemon 
Vice President, Communications - Alison Overtoom
Vice President, Leadership Development - Margaret Immink
Secretary - Lee Fruit
Treasurer - Jodi Herbold


Churchill's 'Fifth Grade Gives Back' Scholarship
On Wednesday, May 18, the members of the Churchill School Fifth Grade Gives Back (FGGB) program presented a $500 Scholarship to a Churchill alumnus at the Glenbard West Senior Honors Convocation. The founding members of FGGB, now among the Glenbard West Class of 2016, were the first eligible students for this scholarship.

Our first scholarship winner is Chrystian Maciorowski. Chrystian will be studying International Business and playing football for Illinois Weslyan University in the fall. He is the oldest of four Churchill kids, the youngest of which is Filip, currently in 5th grade.

On May 24th, the Churchill Class of 2009 (Glenbard West Class of 2016) will be joining each other and former teachers at a reception at Churchill.  The FGGB children will serve as hosts and tour guides for the afternoon. If you would like more information about this event please contact Karen Winter

Hadley Junior High Students Advance in National History Bee

Congratulations to the Hadley students who will be competing in the National Finals History Bee June 9 - 12 in Chicago. The National Finals is the main event of the National History Fair, a four-day celebration of America's greatest history students. Congratulations to the following students who worked very hard to get to nationals this year:

Lucas Marting - 6th grade
Sophie Netzel - 8th grade
Ali Siddiqi - 8th grade
Johann Summers - 8th grade

For more information about the History Bee Click Here.



Lincoln 5th Grade Tea

Abraham Lincoln School hosted the Annual 5th Grade Tea for seniors in the community. My Suburban Life newspaper featured the tea in the paper last week.

Click Here to read the article.