Thank You To District 41 Teachers! 

This week is National Teacher Appreciation Week and today is National Teacher Day! District 41 would like to say thank you to all of our educators during this special week.

To learn more about the National Education Association #ThankATeacher Campaign Click Here!

Last Day of School

The District 41 Board of Education has designated Wednesday, June 1, 2016 as the last attendance day for all half-day programs (Kindergarten, Pre-Kindergarten and Early Childhood); Thursday, June 2, 2016 as the last student attendance for grades 1 through 8 with a noon dismissal; and, Friday, June 3, 2016 the last teacher work day. Graduation for Hadley Junior High School eighth grade students will be held on Thursday, June 2, 2016 7:00 p.m. at Glenbard West High School. The last day of school is always contingent on not having any emergency days through the end of the school year.

New Kindergarten Families Open House 

On Thursday, May 12 at 6:30 p.m. all District 41 elementary schools will host open houses for families who will have students in kindergarten next school year. Participating schools include Abraham Lincoln, Ben Franklin, Churchill and Forest Glen. We look forward to welcoming our new kindergarten families.

Not registered for Kindergarten yet? Don't delay! Click Here to start the process.

Attention All Fifth Graders

Tomorrow is the last day to register online for the 5th Grade Mixer (late registrations will be accepted at the door).

WHEN: Friday May 6th, 6:30-8:30 at the Churchill Gymnasium

COST: $5 and a non-perishable food item for the Food Pantry.

You must register online by May 4th to attend the mixer. Go to
iPad Raffle and Photobooth tickets can also be purchased online.

All proceeds to benefit the Glen Ellyn Children's Resource Center - Churchill Expansion

For more information contact Karen Winter


Community Facilities Task Force Final Report 
Co-Chairs Lori Taylor and Tom Voltaggio presented the final report of the Community Facilities Task Force to the Board of Education on Monday, April 25. The 30 community members who made up the task force worked for 8 months to study the facilities in District 41 and recommend next steps for Phase II of the district's facilities plan. Click Here for the report. The Board of Education will be discussing the report at the meeting on Monday, May 9, 7 p.m. at the District 41 Central Services Office.

See below links for media coverage about the task force report.
Thank you to all of the members of the community who engaged in this process. 
Pat Ahern
Michelle Applebee
Shelby Bakken
Scott Bots
Marty Boyd
Jeff Cooper
Colleen Costello
Bruce Currie
Linda D'Ambrosio
Erin Dieter
Robert Dieter
Willie DiFabio
Ted Estes  
Rae Guimond
Kelly Hane

Dorothy Hess
Colleen Hindman
John Kenwood
Pete Ladesic  
Kristin Massey
Paula McGowen  
Barry Nelson
Ben Peterselli
Kevin Rath
Liz Saylor
William Schumacher
Liza Sury
Lori Taylor
Liz Vogel
F. Thomas Voltaggio
A special thanks to the Task Force Community Leadership:
Lori Taylor, Co-Chair
Tom Voltaggio, Co-Chair
Rae Guimond, Secretary


Forest Glen Student Work Featured at Cantigny

As a result of a Problem-Based Learning unit at Forest Glen School, work by 4th and 5th graders will be featured in a special Exhibit Opening on May 16. The students worked with the Robert McCormick Museum at Cantigny to answer the following question:

How can the museum address civics in a way that would be interesting for 4th and 5th graders so that they can take something contemporary and meaningful from their visit to the Robert McCormick Museum?

The students studied the topics of patriotism, philanthropy, the Chicago Tribune, Republicans/Democrats, and Freedom of the Press. They worked collaboratively to develop exhibits targeted to upper elementary students to address these topics. After receiving feedback from a panel of museum curators and museum educators, the students improved their products. The 40 exhibits will be on display at Robert McCormick Museum on Monday, May 16, at a special Exhibit Opening event from 5 to 7 pm. Students will be on hand to share their work with the public. 


Highest Honors for Hadley String Orchestra

Congratulations to the Hadley String Orchestra for receiving the "Honor Status" at the Illinois Grade School Music Association Organization State Contest held this past Saturday at Jackson Middle School in Villa Park. This is the highest award a junior high orchestra can receive in the state. The judges expressed that they were very impressed with the orchestra's advanced performance. "I am very proud of all the members of the orchestra! What amazing teamwork and achievement Hadley Strings," said Director Georgia Alemis.

Click Here for the video of the Hadley String Orchestra 2016 IGSMA State performance.

Congratulations, students!

Summer Spanish Enrichment 

District 41 will offer several summer learning opportunities for students interested in continuing their Spanish language skills while having fun! Click the below links to learn more!

Current 1st Grade Dual Language & Current 2nd grade Foreign Language students are eligible to attend.
Current Kindergarten Dual Language & Current 1st Grade Foreign Language students are eligible to attend.
Current 2nd Grade Dual Language & Current 3rd grade Foreign Language students are eligible to attend.
Please register by May 20.