Join the Conversation at Parent Camp - A Letter from Superintendent Gordon

I want to personally invite all of our District 41 parents to our first "Parent Camp" on Saturday, April 30 from 8 a.m. to 12 noon at Hadley Junior High. This program provides an opportunity for parents to connect informally and "un-conference" with other parents, teachers and administrators from across the district. A number of sessions will be offered on a variety of topics chosen by parents and teachers. 
Click Here for session sign up information. 
There is no cost to attend and childcare will be available.

This unique "un-conference" event relies upon the expertise and perspective of the entire room, not just the main presenter like the typical stand and deliver conference. Every adult within the session brings an important and unique perspective to contribute to sharing strategies and ideas to benefit student learning, teaching and parenting. There are "discussion leaders" in each session who set the tone for collaborative dialogue led by teachers, parents, school and community leaders. Sessions are geared toward elementary, middle and/or high school parents.

I hope you will join me and sign up today for this new way for us to connect and learn from one another. I look forward to seeing many parents there and spending the morning with you.

Paul Gordon

Goodbye Elementary School Portables!

In 2001, District 41 began installing portable classrooms to provide more learning space at all of the schools. By 2009, 32 portables had been installed across the district. In 2014, the District initiated and funded the 1st phase of a project to replace all of the elementary portable classrooms by building new classroom spaces. This week the Churchill School portables are officially being removed, making our elementary schools portable free for the first time in 16 years.

Come hear the Community Facilities Task Force recommendation for the next phase of our facilities plan at the Board of Education meeting on Monday, April 25, 7 p.m. at Hadley Junior High. All are welcome!

Hadley String Orchestra - State Competition Bound 
The Hadley String Orchestra received 1st division ratings at the Illinois Grade School Music Association (IGSMA) District Organization Contest held at Blackhawk Middle School in Bensenville, IL on Saturday March 19, 2016. The Hadley String Orchestra now qualifies to perform at the IGSMA State competition which will be held this Saturday, April 23, 2016 at Jackson Middle School in Villa Park, IL at 4:15 PM. All are welcome to attend this state orchestra performance. The young musicians (4th - 8th grade students) have worked very hard all year and to perform at this level is a huge achievement. The orchestra is sounding great!  

P"Bee"L Summer Camp 2016

District 41 staff will lead campers through a variety of teambuilding activities, nature explorations and outdoor experiences during D41 P "Bee" L Summer Camp 2016. Campers will propose and develop a plan meant to address the colony collapse of the honeybee.

Camp dates: July 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28  (9 a.m. -1 p.m.)

NOTE: Camp is for current 4th, 5th, 6th, & 7th graders only.

Click Here for the registration form. 

Fifth Grade Mixer at Churchill

All D41 Fifth Graders are invited to the 8th Annual Fifth Grade Mixer! Come for a fun evening of music & dancing, snacks, PhotoBooth and more on Friday May 6th, 6:30-8:30 at the Churchill Gymnasium.

Cost: $5 and a non-perishable food item for the Food Pantry

You must register online by May 3rd to attend the mixer at iPad Raffle and Photobooth tickets can also be purchased online. All proceeds to benefit the Glen Ellyn Children's Resource Center - Churchill Expansion. 

Any questions? Contact Karen Winter