This Thursday - Internet Safety Program for Parents

Officer Jeff Bean, founder of Act on Bullying, Inc. and a Chicago suburban police officer specializing in digital law enforcement, will return to District 41 to present two internet safety sessions on Thursday, April 7 at Hadley Junior High School, 240 Hawthorne, Glen Ellyn. All District 41 parents are invited to attend both sessions.

Dangers of Sexting 7 p.m.

The Digital Age - Is my child ready? 8 p.m.

PARENTS/ADULTS ONLY PLEASE. Please do not bring children to these sessions.

In our continued effort to keep kids informed and safe, Officer Bean will be visiting each of our schools in the next month to present to the students about internet safety (4th-8th graders).

Supt. and Sandwiches - Open Office Hours with Supt. Gordon 
Superintendent Paul Gordon will host Supt. and Sandwiches (the evening version of Donuts with Dr. Gordon) on the below dates and times at each of the District 41 schools. Thank you to all who attended at Abraham Lincoln School yesterday. If you are not able to attend at your home school, all are welcome to attend any other remaining date/location.

All of the below open office hours will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m.

April 7 - Benjamin Franklin School
April 14 - Hadley Junior High School
April 18 - Churchill School
April 27 - Forest Glen School

Coffee and Conversation with the Board of Education

The final Board of Education Coffee and Conversation event for this school year is scheduled this Saturday, April 9 from 8:30 to 10 a.m. at Glen Oak Restaurant in Glen Ellyn. Two Board members attend and talk informally with community members. The Board wants to hear from you and answer your questions. All are welcome!

Community Facilities Task Force Report 

The Community Facilities Task Force will present their final report to the Board of Education on Monday, April 25 at 7 p.m. Come hear what the community task force recommends for our school facilities. All are welcome!

Click Here 
for more information and to take a video tour of the elementary schools.

Join the Conversation at Parent Camp - April 30
All parents are invited to the District 41 Parent Camp on Saturday, April 30 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Parent Camp is a district-wide event that provides the time and place for parents to come together to talk about about what is "best for kids." Session topics were generated by parents, staff and community members. The schedule and session registration forms will be online soon.

Glenbard West Principal Peter Monaghan will present the keynote, "Success in High School and Beyond." We look forward to bringing educators and parents together for this unique opportunity for conversation!


Hadley Symphonic Band Earns Division I Rating 

trumpet.jpg The Hadley Junior High Symphonic Band of 7th and 8th grade students earned a Division I rating at the Congratulations recent Illinois Grade School Music Association District Festival at Blackhawk Middle School in Bensenville. They qualified to perform at the Illinois Grade School Music Association State Festival at Troy Middle School in Plainfield on Saturday, April 23 at 11:30 a.m.

Congratulations, Hadley Symphonic Band!