March 31, 2016
 Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities.

Internet Safety Program for District 41 Parents

Officer Jeff Bean, founder of Act on Bullying, Inc. and a Chicago suburban police officer specializing in digital law enforcement, will return to District 41 to present two internet safety sessions on Thursday, April 7 at Hadley Junior High School. All District 41 parents are invited to attend both sessions.

Dangers of Sexting 7 p.m.

The Digital Age - Is my child ready? 8 p.m.

Hadley Library Media Center
240 Hawthorne Blvd. Glen Ellyn, IL

PARENTS/ADULTS ONLY PLEASE. Please do not bring children to these sessions.

In our continued effort to keep kids informed and safe, Officer Bean will be visiting each of our schools in the next month to present to the students about internet safety (4th-8th graders).

About Officer Bean
During these parent presentations, "Officer Bean will discuss what our kids are really doing online. Officer Bean is active on most current social networking sites, and is monitoring kids on a regular basis. He shares these insights with you, along with current statistical data gathered from kids in the Chicago area on the topics of bullying, cyberbullying, cell phone use, and social networking."

Officer Bean has over 15 years in law enforcement experience, the majority of which was spent working with juveniles. He presents at schools and to parents across the Chicago area about internet safety, bullying and sexting. We are thankful that he will be coming to share his expertise with us. 

Please direct your questions or comments about E-News to District 41 Chief Communications Officer Erika Krehbiel, We ask that you do not reply directly to this email because such replies are not received and so cannot be answered. Thank you!