Registration is Open

All registration portals are now open! 

To register your child for school next year, Click Here.

Spellapalooza is Tomorrow! 

Come cheer on all of the District 41 teams and help support the Glen Ellyn Children's Resource Center this Friday, March 4, 6:30 p.m., at Glenbard West Auditorium. District 41 Superintendent Paul Gordon will be there serving as one of the judges!

Click Here for more information.

The POWER of Kindness at Lincoln School

February was Kindness month at Lincoln School. Principal Schweikhofer challenged the student body to perform 6,000 acts of kindness throughout the month. In addition they celebrated Kindness Spirit Week, Kindness Door Decorating, Kindness Hallways, and Kindness Lessons. 

Internet Safety Program for Parents 

www-abstract-globe.jpg Back by popular demand, Officer Jeff Bean of Acts on Bullying, Inc. will provide tips to parents on how to keep kids safe in this new and evolving digital age. He will offer two sessions, one on general internet safety and social media and another specifically about sexting, both on Thursday, April 7, at Hadley Junior High School, Library Media Center.

7 p.m. - Internet Safety and Social Media
8 p.m. - Sexting

For more information about Officer Bean and Acts on Bullying, Inc., Click Here.

CSO Musicians Visit Hadley

Two musicians from the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO), John Hagstrom (trumpet) and Patsy Dash (percussion), visited with and performed for Hadley 7th and 8th grade band, chorus, and orchestra students. Our student musicians met them through the Dream Out Loud program which uses the stories of its own ensemble members to promote and inspire young musicians to stay involved in music.

Project I at Hadley 

Two Hadley Junior High School alumni Claire Wild and Shay Kiker, who are now students at Glenbard West, created Project Innovation "Project I," a Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) program for Hadley students. The program, held on February 19, was featured in the Daily Herald newspaper - Click Here to learn more.

Hadley Student to Compete at National Geographic Bee

Congratulations to Hadley student Katie Keller on qualifying to compete in the state level competition of the National Geographic Bee on April 1. Eligible state Bee competitors must be in grades four through eight, and must have participated in and won the competition at the school level that involved at least six students.

Good luck to Katie!

Study Shows PARCC Sets High Expectations 

The American Institutes for Research has released the National Benchmarks for State Achievement Standards study. The study reviewed test results for the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC), National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, and ACT Aspire exams from 2015 and benchmarked them against NAEP, identifying which tests had the highest and lowest performance standards compared to NAEP. Findings from the study include:
  • PARCC college-ready standards are comparable in difficulty to the NAEP Basic level for English language arts and comparable to NAEP Proficient in mathematics.
  • PARCC college-ready standards are comparable in difficulty to the ACT Aspire college-ready standard for grade 4 reading. However, PARCC standards are significantly higher than ACT Aspire standards for grade 4 mathematics and for grade 8 English language arts and mathematics.
  • PARCC college-ready standards are significantly higher than those of Smarter Balanced. Smarter Balanced college-ready standards are comparable in difficulty to NAEP Basic levels.

To read more, Click Here.