Registration Starts Next Week

Kindergarten and returning student registration portals will open on March 1.

Click Here for more information.

Spellapalooza - March 4

The annual Glen Ellyn Children's Resource Center Spellapallooza event is Friday, March 4, 7 p.m., at Glenbard West High School, Auditorium. Come out and cheer on teams from each District 41 school. It's a fun family night out for a great cause! For more information, Click Here.

Thank You, MEF!

The annual Musical Mayhem event at Hadley presented by the Music Education Foundation (MEF) was a huge success! Thank you to the many dedicated volunteers who make it happen. The Music Education Foundation (MEF) was founded in the mid-1980s to support and enhance all District 41 music programs including Chorus, Orchestra and Band.

To learn more about MEF and the partnership with District 41, 

Parent Camp - April 30 

District 41 will be hosting Parent Camp on Saturday, April 30 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Hadley Junior High. All District 41 parents and staff are invited to attend this free event! The keynote speaker will be Glenbard West High School Principal Peter Monaghan. We look forward to hearing from him!

Parent Camp is an "unconference" that has been hosted by schools and school districts across the nation. Parent Camp will provide space for conversations among District 41 parents and educators. Many of the conversations throughout the morning will be led by parents. Click Here to learn more about the national Parent Camp concept.

If you are interested in participating as a session leader or have a topic you would like to suggest, please contact Erika Krehbiel, Chief Communications Officer, or (630) 534-7218.

Hadley Girls Empowered at POW!

Over 180 participants, Hadley students and the significant women role models, attended Powerful Outstanding Women (POW) at Hadley last Saturday. At POW, the students worked on developing skills and self-esteem that are essential in making better life choices and an opportunity to reach their full potential.

The mission of POW is to develop young women with active and creative minds, a sense of understanding and compassion for others, and the courage to act on their beliefs.