Board of Education Long-Range Planning Special Meeting

The Board of Education will host a special meeting this Saturday, February 20, 8 a.m., at the District Central Services Office to continue discussions about the Long-Range Plan. Click Here for more information. All are welcome to attend!

The meeting will also be streamed live HERE.

SIP Day Reminder

This Friday, February 19 is a SIP Day (School Improvement Day). Eight days throughout the year, students have early dismissal at 12 noon to allow time for school building staff members to work on school specific improvement activities. During SIP Days, our half-day programs such as Early Childhood, PreK and Kindergarten do not attend school. The SIP Day dates remaining this school year are Feb. 19, April 15, May 6, and June 2. 

Dual Language Program Information Night

If you have an incoming kindergartener and are interested in learning more about the District 41 Dual Language Program, please attend a Dual Language information night for kindergarten parents on Tuesday, February 23, 6 p.m. at Churchill School, 240 Geneva Road, Glen Ellyn.

For more information, Click Here.

Hadley Hosts POW

This weekend, Saturday, February 20, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Hadley girls and their female role models are invited to participate in POW (Powerful Outstanding Women). This event is FREE! Registration for POW! is open to all Hadley girls in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade and the significant women in their lives (mom, step mom, grandmother, sister, aunt, etc.).

It's not too late - Register now for POW! For more information and to sign up, Click Here.


Teachers Go To School on Institute Day 

The next Institute Day is Friday, March 4. While the students are at home, the teachers go to school! District 41 Institute Days are used for professional development of staff across the district. A committee called the "Professional Development Team" plans for these days months in advance and provides professional learning opportunities for staff in district.

On March 4, most elementary teachers will spend time reviewing the District 41 Academic Model, work on PARCC preparation, and participate in math and literacy professional development with time for unit planning with teams. Support staff will be attending a presentation at the CASE Institute on "Promoting Inclusive Education & Community Practices". Special education staff will receive training on a new electronic IEP system. Hadley staff will be attending out-of-district sessions offered throughout DuPage County.

Hadley Bands
The Hadley Jazz Bands kicked off February with an incredible Jazz Band Concert on Tuesday, February 2. There are three extra-curricular jazz bands at Hadley, one for each grade level of students. The jazz program has grown immensely over the last few years, with an average of 35 students in each of the 7th and 8th grade jazz bands, and with a whopping 60 students participating at the sixth grade level alone. With each ensemble performing selections for their portion of the concert, all the jazz band students combined to perform Taylor Swift's "Shake It Off" to close the concert, with over 100 students on the stage!

The Hadley Band students participated in a Solo & Ensemble Festival on Saturday, February 6, 2016. The festival ran from 8 am to 1 pm. Students in the 5th - 8th District 41 Band Program selected to participate and perform a solo or an ensemble in front of a clinician to showcase their talents and receive constructive feedback from their panel judge. Each year, the number of students involved increases, and we continue to hear wonderful feedback from our adjudicators and provide the students with rich musical experiences.

The Symphonic Band will participate in a 4-hour rehearsal workshop opportunity with Dr. Peter Griffin of Elmhurst College. Dr. Griffin has been a guest conductor for this Hadley event for the past several years. This clinic experience is scheduled for Wednesday, February 24, 2016, at Hadley Jr. High. The clinic helps students prepare for their performances at the district and state musical festivals in March and April 2016. To read more about the guest clinician Dr. Peter Griffin, Click Here

Mr. DePalo and Mrs. Tribley are so proud of the work their students do, and thank the school community for supporting our strong music program.