Registration Information

Kindergarten and returning student registration portals will open on March 1. Click Here for more information.

If you have an incoming kindergartener and are interested in learning more about the District 41 Dual Language Program, please attend a Dual Language information night for kindergarten parents on Tuesday, February 23, 6 p.m. at Churchill School, 240 Geneva Road. For more information, Click Here.

Survey Results Presentation

Thank you to all of the parents, staff and students who participated in the School Perceptions survey this month. The results of the survey will be presented by Bill Foster of School Perceptions at a Board of Education meeting in March. The date of the presentation will be shared soon. The meeting will also be live video streamed - Click Here. We hope you will attend or tune in to hear the results presented to the Board of Education. Your voice matters!

Board of Education Special Committee of the Whole Meeting 

At a special board meeting held on Monday, February 8, a representative from the company Forcast5 presented financial projections for District 41.
To see a copy of the presentation 

Parent Camp Coming April 30

As a way to encourage conversations and build relationships among parents and school staff, District 41 will be hosting Parent Camp on Saturday, April 30. Parent Camp is an "unconference" event concept that has been hosted by schools and school districts across the nation. The idea is to provide a space for conversations about topics that are of interest to parents. More information will be coming soon. Click Here to learn more about the national Parent Camp concept.

If you have a topic that you would like considered for Parent Camp and/or you would like to host a session, please contact Erika Krehbiel, District 41 Chief Communications Officer, at, or Teresa Shea, Hadley ESL teacher, Co-hosts for sessions are very welcome. Partner with a friend, school staff member, or community member with expertise in a specific area of interest to parents.

District 41 Hispanic Book Club for Parents

The District 41 Hispanic Book Club for parents recently finished the first book study of the year. The book was called Sientese En La Silla Del Conductor: Las Diez Competencias Para Conducir A Sus Hijos Al Triunfo Académico. The book assisted parents in deep discussions around the reasons behind the lack of academic achievement of Hispanic youth in the U.S. and the strategies that parents can use to motivate and support their students towards academic success. The book study was facilitated by District 41 staff member Gaby Hernandez. The book study ended this past Saturday with a book signing by the author Dr. Lourdes Ferrer. The second and last book study of the year will be held in the spring. To learn more about how to participate in the book club, contact Gaby Hernandez.

Hadley Hosts POW!

The Hadley PTA is hosting POW! (Powerful Outstanding Women) on Saturday, February 20, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Hadley. This is a fun and FREE event for junior high school girls and their female role models.

Registration for POW! is open to all Hadley girls in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade and the significant women in their lives (mom, step mom, grandmother, sister, aunt, etc.). POW! is set on empowering young women with self-development tools, guidance, and support to strive to build personal responsibility, leadership, and self-esteem. For more information and to sign up, Click Here.