Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten registration starts on March 1.

Click Here for more information.

Coffee and Conversation with the Board

Come and visit with Board of Education members this Saturday, February 6 from 8:30 to 10 a.m. at Glen Oak Restaurant in Glen Ellyn.

All are welcome!

Hadley Welcomes Two Renowned Authors

Hadley Junior High is excited to welcome authors Victoria Aveyard and Sophie Jordan on February 10 at 11:30 a.m. All 8th grade students will participate in this program. Students who are into the "Hunger Games" or "Divergent" or just really love a great new book, are especially going to enjoy these authors!

Victoria's book "Red Queen" won the Goodreads Choice Award for Debut Author for 2015. Last year, "Red Queen" opened at the top of the New York Times young adult best-seller list and its movie rights sold before publication. Click Here for more info. Book 2 in the series, "Glass Sword," comes out February 9. All Hadley students have the opportunity to order a personalized signed copy.

Sophie Jordan's new book, "Reign of Shadows" was reviewed in Kirkus and is getting a lot of great press. This book will also be available to all Hadley students through the link below. (Please note that Ms. Jordan's other books are intended for a more mature young adult audience.)