Parent Survey Reminder

We want to hear from you! All District 41 parents with an email address in our database were sent a link to a survey by email this past Monday. The email was sent from the company School Perceptions. The subject line is: Glen Ellyn School District 41 Parent Survey. Please contact Chief Communications Officer Erika Krehbiel at if you did not get the survey.

Also, students in grades 4 - 8 will be taking a student survey during school hours sometime before February 9. District 41 staff are also being asked to take a similar survey.

If you have shared your feedback in the past, it is important that you do so again now. This survey is important because it asks parents specific questions about District 41 and each of the school communities. Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this important survey!

Community Facilities Task Force Update

The Community Facilities Task Force provided an update to the Board of Education on Monday, January 25. Click Here for the article featured in the Daily Herald newspaper. Thank you to all of the community members who are dedicating their time to serve on this committee! This is important work and we appreciate all of your time and effort.

If you would like to know more about the work of this committee, check out their website HERE.

Spellapalooza, March 4 - Save the Date!

Spellapalooza is around the corner. This annual fundraiser for the Glen Ellyn Children's Resource Center (GECRC) will take place Friday, March 4, at the Glenbard West High School Auditorium. Sixteen local teams will take the stage for an evening of spelling, fun and support for the GECRC. Superintendent Gordon will be serving as one of the judges. If you are interested in signing up a team, go to Click Here.

Forest Glen Author Visit - Nancy Cavanaugh

Forest Glen Elementary School is excited to welcome award-winning author Nancy Cavanaugh on Tuesday, February 23. Ms. Cavanaugh will talk with students about her career and her newest book Always, Abigail. Thank you to the PTA for bringing these wonderful opportunities to our students!

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Spotlights 

Scientific Challenge at Hadley
Eighth graders at Hadley are researching and investigating the "Most Important Scientific Challenge of our Time" for a Problem-Based Learning unit in Science. Using statements from real scientists, the students wrote their own personal statement conveying what they think is the most important scientific issue of our time. The students were asked to inspire their readers to feel connected to the issue of their choice. The statements are graded and posted as a part of the final exhibit. They also submitted art to help convey their thoughts and express the importance of the scientific issues facing the world today.

Stacy's Tavern/Glen Ellyn History at Forest Glen
Third grade students at Forest Glen studied Glen Ellyn history and visited Stacy's Tavern as part of their work with the Glen Ellyn Historical Society. After researching various aspects of a living history museum, the students created interactive exhibits that will engage younger visitors at Stacy's Tavern Museum.

Bike Safety at Churchill School 
Some very safety conscious Churchill second and third graders noticed little kids riding their bikes in the streets, rather than safely on the sidewalks. This insightful observation of a very authentic problem served as the focus for a six-week bike safety study covering literacy and social studies standards on how best to educate the Churchill community about bike safety. Experts, including the owner of Spokes Bicycles; an Injury Prevention Specialist from Central DuPage Hospital; an officer from the Glen Ellyn Police Department, and members of the Active Transportation Alliance, visited Churchill and provided the students with first-hand research. Their ideas are going to be at the heart of a bike safety fair at Churchill in May - National Bike Month.