Student PARCC Results

This Friday, students in grades 4 - 8 will be bringing their individual PARCC results home. Since last year was the first year of PARCC, these results serve as a baseline. It is important to note that the administrators of PARCC have informed participating states that the test is going to change this year. The test will only be administered once this academic year instead of two times. The testing window for District 41 will be April 2016.

For information about the PARCC test, see below.
If you have any questions please contact your school principal.
NOTE: Last year's 8th grade results will be mailed home on Friday.

Test of New Text Message Notifications

We now have the ability to text message parents in the event of an emergency or school closure. If you are a parent and would like to receive emergency messages on your cell phone via text (in addition to email and voicemail), please follow the below steps:
  • Log on to Family Access - CLICK HERE
  • Click the Skylert button on the left.
  • The Skyward contacts screen will appear for the different types of notifications.Scroll to the bottom of the screen and enter your cell phone number(s) in the "Text Message" section.
  • Click Save.

We will send out a TEST text message tomorrow, January 7 at 6:30 p.m.
If you signed up, but do not get a text, please email Erika Krehbiel, chief communications officer, at ekrehbiel@d41.org to let her know.

In the event of a weather related school closure, the district also notifies the Emergency Closing Center. Check the list of closings at Emergencyclosingcenter.com. The Emergency Closing Center also notifies all of the local media outlets of school closures.


Decision to Close School Due to Weather  

snowflakes.jpgIn the event of severe weather, the decision to remain open or to close is made in conjunction with the other area school district superintendents. The superintendents take a lot of factors into consideration such as information from the bus companies, driving/walking conditions, and weather reports; however, student safety is the number one priority when making the decision.

When weather is severe and schools remain open, the district understands that some families will choose to keep their children home. In these cases, parents may call the school office and report a weather related excused absence for their child.

As always with emergency school closings, the district is required to make up days missed. The Board of Education will designate the last day of school in the spring.

Board of Education Meeting 

The next Board of Education meeting will be held on Monday, January 11 at 7:30 p.m. at the District 41 Central Services Office, 793 N. Main Street in Glen Ellyn. A finance committee meeting will take place prior to the Board meeting at 6:30 p.m. Meetings are open to the public and all are welcome. Board meetings are also video streamed live HERE. We hope you tune in!

Block Kids Competition 

District 41 first - fifth grade students are invited to participate in a building contest for girls and boys using interlocking plastic blocks and other provided materials. "Block Kids" is a national building competition to promote careers in the construction industry. Children's imaginations are challenged to build something related to construction within a 40 minute time period with 100 interlocking blocks (i.e. Legos), a piece of string, a rock, and a sheet of foil. The competition involves more than playing with toys. The hope is to aspire future engineers, architects and even business owners. The competition will take place on Saturday, January 23 from 9 - 11 a.m. at Forest Glen School, 561 Elm Street, Glen Ellyn. The competition is limited to the first 50 registrants.

For more information Click Here and/or contact your school office.