December 17, 2015
 Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities.

Message from D41 Board President Erica Nelson

Dear District 41 Community

Happy holidays! It is hard to believe that we have almost completed half of the school year. I have no doubt that parents have seen changes and development in their children over the past several months. Each school year is unique and brings an abundance of new learning and understanding.

This is always a busy time of year across the school district. Teachers are finishing up lessons and holiday programs and parties are taking place. It's an exciting time for all of our schools. This time of year is also often a time for reflection and renewal of commitments. For the Board of Education, we too are reflecting on our work and planning for the future. We have held two Special Board Meetings to discuss and draft priorities for a new Long-Range Plan for the district. The current plan is scheduled for review this year. This review process is designed to be very collaborative beginning with the Board of Education creating priorities. It will then move to district level teams, including staff and parent representatives. They will work to create action steps to support the priorities set by the Board. The next Special Meeting of the Board of Education to work on these priorities is scheduled for Saturday, January 23 at 8 a.m. at the District 41 Central Services Office. It is a public meeting and all are welcome.

As the Board reflects during the Long-Range Plan process, we recognize what makes this school district special are the people. The commitment of our staff, families, community members, and students is seen throughout the year. One example of this is during the holiday season. For the past nine years, the entire District 41 community has come together to provide support and gifts for those in need through the PTA Community Outreach Holiday Sharing Program. On Saturday, December 12th, Community Outreach members and our community partners, Glen Ellyn Juniors, Glendale Heights Community Outreach, St. Petronille CCW, Village Green Baptist Church and Westline Church, provided for 195 families. We have such amazingly generous people in our district community. This program is a wonderful example of the support our schools provide to the community beyond the classroom. Thank you to all who have supported our community in this way.

Wishing all of our District 41 families and the communities we serve a happy and healthy holiday season. I, along with the members of the Board of Education, look forward to a new year and to working with all of you to continue our commitment to each and every one of our students.

Erica Nelson
Glen Ellyn School District 41 Board of Education



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