December 9, 2015
 Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities.

Dear District 41 Community,

Last year, students in grades 3 - 8 took the new standardized test chosen by the State of Illinois, Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC), two separate times (a Performance Based Assessment in March 2015 and an End of the Year Assessment in May 2015). In reviewing the preliminary results, District 41 students performed above the state averages.

According to the State of Illinois, District and school level results will be made available to the public at this Friday, December 11. District 41 will share individual student results with families in January. School principals will coordinate the distribution of the results for each of the schools.

Since last year was the first year of PARCC, these results serve as a baseline. However, it is important to note that the administrators of PARCC have informed participating states that the test is going to change this year. The test will only be administered once this academic year instead of two times. The testing window for District 41 will be April 2016.

For information about the PARCC test, see below. 

Thank you.

Dr. Paul Gordon


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