New District 41 Website is Live!

We are excited to announce that the new District 41 website is now live at (including all new school sites). We hope you find the site easy to navigate, user friendly, and responsive to your mobile devices. As we continue to transition from the old to the new site, we welcome your feedback. Please send emails to We will continue to make adjustments to the site as we hear from the users. A website is never "done." It will change and evolve over time and will be updated regularly with new content. Thank you for your patience as we transition to the new website home for District 41!

Board of Education Special Meeting 

The Board of Education held a special meeting this past Monday, November 30 to continue to develop Board priorities for District 41. These priorities will inform the development of a new Long-Range Plan for the district. Once the Board work is complete Dr. Gordon and District staff will begin the process of creating Long-Range Plan benchmark goals and action steps to support the Board's strategic priorities.

Click Here to view the video of the special meeting. The next special meeting about this topic will be held January 23, 2016. It is a public meeting. All are welcome!

The next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be held on December 14. A public hearing about the 2015 Proposed Tax Levy will begin at 7:15 p.m. immediately followed by the regularly scheduled Board meeting. The meeting will be held at the District 41 Central Services Office, 793 N. Main Street. All are welcome!

Join the Board of Education for Coffee and Conversation

coffee_table.jpg The District 41 Board of Education hosts Coffee and Conversation events on select Saturdays throughout the year. Two Board members attend and talk informally with community members.

The following events will take place from 8:30 to 10 a.m. at Glen Oak Restaurant in Glen Ellyn.

Saturday, February 6
Saturday, April 9

All are welcome. Bring your neighbors and friends!

New Connect41 Newsletter 

As a way to further connect with the five communities that we serve, we will be sending a print newsletter to the over 10,000 households within our boundaries twice a year. The first issue of Connect41 was sent out earlier this week. Click Here for Connect41. The next issue will be sent out in the spring. We hope this newsletter helps connect the school district with the overall community, including those who do not currently have children in our schools.

Author Matthew Cordell to Visit Forest Glen

The Forest Glen School PTA is excited to present children's author and illustrator Matthew Cordell on December 11. He will spend the entire day visiting with all of the students at Forest Glen. He will even spend the lunch hour visiting with students and talking about his career as an author. 

For more information about Cordell go to 

Forest Glen Parents - Click Here for information about the event and his books.