Board of Education Sets Strategic Priorities

A special meeting of the Board of Education to discuss the renewal of the Long-Range Plan was held on Monday, November 2. At this meeting, the Board began to collaboratively develop the District's strategic priorities, which will serve as the next step in creating the framework for the District's Long-Range Plan. The Board is beginning to define the Board's collective beliefs and convictions for each priority area identified in the superintendent goals set by the Board last August. The Board will schedule a follow up meeting to continue the conversation. Click Here to view the recording of the meeting.

The next regular meeting of the Board will be held this coming Monday, November 9 at 7:30 p.m. at the District 41 Central Services Office. All are welcome! If you cannot attend the meeting, Click Here to watch the live video stream. 


Sundance Festival Film - Most Likely to Succeed

District 41 is partnering with Glenbard District 87 to present a screening of the Sundance Festival recognized film about education "Most Likely to Succeed" on November 18, 7p.m. at Glenbard West, Auditorium. All are welcome to this free event. Come and learn about how education has changed over time and continues to change to support student success.

Click Here for more information.  

District 41 Problem-Based Learning Community Partner Event 

Thank you to the members of the following organizations who attended the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) networking event at Hadley Junior High on Wednesday, November 3.

Conservation Foundation
Prairie Food Co-op in Lombard
Glen Ellyn Environmental Commission Dupage County Farm Bureau - Farm in the classroom program, Ag into the curriculum
Glen Ellyn Park District
DuPage Children's Museum 
Garfield Farm Museum
Dupage County Historical Museum 
College of DuPage 
Dupage County Stormwater Management
Illinois Math and Science Academy
Glen Ellyn Public Library
West Suburban Humane Society
Robert McCormick Museum at Cantigny
Cantigny Park
First Division Museum at Cantigny Park
Junior Achievement
Loaves and Fishes Community Services in Naperville
Cosley Zoo
Village of Glen Ellyn Planning Department
Glen Ellyn Police Department
Morton Arboretum
DuPage Federation of Language Reform

Community partners are vital to student learning through PBL. Click Here for more information about Problem-Based Learning. If you would like to volunteer or recommend a community partner, please contact PBL Coach Kayla Wheeler at (630) 534-7454.

Hadley Girls Volleyball Wins Conference

Congratulations to the Hadley Junior High Girls Volleyball team on winning conference. Way to go Wildcats!

Bricks for Forest Glen

Forest Glen PTA is selling engraved bricks to be placed outside of the new school building addition. The fundraiser is running from November 1- 22. Forest Glen PTA invites both current families and alumni families to consider supporting Forest Glen with a brick to commemorate their connection to the school.  

Advance Screening of the Final Hunger Games Movie to Support GECRC

The Glen Ellyn Children's Resource Center (GECRC) invites the District 41 community to a special advance screening of the final Hunger Games movie. Tickets are $20 and must be purchased in advance. The first 250 arrivals will receive a free t-shirt. Proceeds will be used to help support the GECRC program. 

Wednesday, November 18
7:30 p.m. (doors open at 6:30 p.m.)
The Glen Art Theatre 540 Crescent Blvd., Glen Ellyn

For reservations email Reservations will be guaranteed upon receipt of payment. Your name on the list will serve as your "ticket". No paper tickets will be handed out prior to November 18.

The Glen Ellyn Resource Center was founded in 2002. Currently, the GECRC elementary program takes place daily at Abraham Lincoln School. Students are paired with tutors for one-on-one learning with each child. Working closely with the teachers, GECRC provides the students with support for their classroom activities.

Thank you to GECRC for the support provided to many District 41 families and students.