Halloween Happenings 

jacko_lit.jpgMost Halloween celebrations at the elementary schools are scheduled this Friday, October 30. A reminder that Friday is a SIP (School Improvement Planning) Day and it is a half day. Check with teachers and school offices about plans for dressing up, parades and other fun activities. We wish everyone a fun and safe Halloween weekend!


Lincoln Teacher Named Chicago Bears "Hero in the Classroom"

Congratulations to Lincoln STEAM teacher Brian Pindar for being named a Chicago Bears "Hero in the Classroom." Mr. Pindar was surprised at school on Tuesday with a presentation by representatives from the Chicago Bears and Arthur J. Gallagher. Mr. Pindar is one of only 16 teachers to be recognized with this honor during the 2015/16 NFL season. He will be recognized during an on-field presentation at Soldier Field this Sunday at the game against the Minnesota Vikings.

Click Here for the Daily Herald article. 

Click Here for the NBC5 TV coverage.


PARCC Testing Update

PARCC test scores from last year have yet to be released by the State of Illinois. Although there was some media attention about state results several weeks ago, school districts are still waiting for reports. As we prepare for PARCC this school year, we have been notified by the state that there will be some changes to testing this year. The state will consolidate the two testing windows into one. Instead of testing two times (last year it was once in March and again in May) the PARCC assessment will only be given in April this year. The district will provide more information as details become available.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences are approaching. The conferences are an opportunity for parents to directly connect with teachers to talk about individual students.
Conference scheduling is open in Skyward Family Access or contact your child's teacher directly.

Early Childhood Presentation

Research shows that children learn more in the first five years than any other point in life. During the Board of Education meeting this past Monday, October 26, Director of ELL and Bilingual Programs, Katie McCluskey and several of the PreK and Early Childhood teachers presented an overview of District 41 Pre-K and Early Childhood programs. Click Here for the presentation.

For more information about District 41 pre-k and early childhood programs, please contact Katie McCluskey, at kmccluskey@d41.org.

Architect Selection Process

District 41 is going through the process of selecting an architect of record. A selection committee has been formed and the review of firms has begun.

Click Here for the article in the Daily Herald.

Assistant Superintendent Search

District 41 has posted the position for the position of Assistant Superintendent for Finance, Facilities and Operations. Click Here for the posting. This position will replace current Interim Assistant Superintendent Becky Allard. Becky has been filling in temporarily after the resignation of the former Assistant Superintendent Bob Ciserella.