MAP Results Now Available

Fall Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test results are now available in Skyward. These tests provide one measure of a child's instructional level and academic growth throughout the school year, and from year-to-year, in reading and math.

MAP tests have been aligned to the common core standards, as is classroom instruction. However, MAP tests are unique in that they are adaptive tests. That means the questions become more challenging the more questions a child answers correctly. When a child answers questions incorrectly, the test becomes less challenging.

MAP results are reported in RIT scores; the RIT score is an equal-interval scale, like feet and inches, that is independent of grade level or age. As a result, we can easily measure growth in learning. This type of score increases the value of the tests as a tool to improve student learning because it enables teachers to recognize where to focus attention for your child's learning.

Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) released new norms in the Fall of 2015. The new norms have been applied to all MAP results. Previous RIT scores would not have changed, but their percentiles and growth projections may have.

In addition, you now have the ability to view the NWEA-MAP Student Progress Report via Skyward Family Access.
  1. Log into Skyward Family Access.
  2. On the left, click Report Cards (+ other reports).
  3. A list of reports will appear (mostly old report cards). Click on the link NWEA-MAP Student Progress Report.
  4. The report will open in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
If you have any questions regarding the new MAP test norms or results in general, please contact your child's teacher or school principal.


New Website - Coming Soon

The District 41 website is being redeveloped with help from our partner SchoolWires. Please pardon our dust as we work to enhance our website. The new site will launch the week after Thanksgiving. We look forward to providing a website that has user friendly navigation, adjusts to mobile devices, and provides relevant and updated content.


Conéctate con Nosotros en Español

El Distrito Escolar tiene ahora una pagina de Facebook en Español. Esta pagina fue creada con el fin de conectarnos directamente con nuestras 245 familias que hablan Español en casa. Por favor ayúdanos a correr la voz y dale "like" a nuestra pagina llamada Distrito Escolar 41 de Glen Ellyn. Gracias!

Connect with us en Español
District 41 now has a Facebook page in Spanish. The Facebook page in Spanish was created to connect directly with our 245 number of Spanish speaking families. Please help us spread the word and "like" Distrito Escolar 41 de Glen Ellyn on Facebook. Thanks!

Weather Announcements

Cold weather will be here soon. School closures due to weather will be communicated to all families via email and voicemail. In addition, the school district posts the announcement on the district website as well as on social media, Facebook and Twitter. 

New this year is text messaging to parents who sign up to receive emergency information via text. If you are a parent and would like to receive emergency messages on your cell phone via text (in addition to email and voicemail), please follow the below steps:

  1. Log on to Family Access - CLICK HERE
  2. Click the Skylert button on the left.
  3. The Skyward contacts screen will appear for the different types of notifications. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and enter your cell phone number(s) in the "Text Message" section.
  4. Click Save.

The district also notifies the Emergency Closing Center, The Emergency Closing Center notifies all of the local media outlets of school closures. For more information about district weather procedures CLICK HERE.  

Glen Ellyn Library Youth Department

The Glen Ellyn Library Youth Department is being remodeled and will open in the next couple of months. Here is a video update from Youth Department Director Renee Grassi CLICK HERE

We look forward to celebrating the opening of the new space soon!