Welcome to the District Digest for Glen Ellyn School District 41. District Digest will continue periodically throughout Summer 2015.

Calendar Fridge Flyer 

The first day of school is just a few weeks away! To help start your school year calendar, Click Here for important date reminders.

Walk-In Registration

Walk-In Registration for new families is happening today, tomorrow and Monday at Hadley Junior High. Begin the new student registration process by Clicking Here. If you do not have a computer available to complete registration, please attend one of the walk-in days where you may complete a paper packet or computers will be available for your use.

Families who have already completed the online process can bring their required documentation to the walk-in registration dates. All required documentation must be submitted and complete in order to receive your student's class assignment or schedule in August. Staff members from all schools will be available for assistance.

Fees Reminder

All required fees are to be paid by August 7, 2015. Fees can be made online through Skyward Family Access. If you are unable to pay your fees at this time you can make payment arrangements or apply for a fee waiver. Fees, payments arrangements or waiver applications must be completed in order to receive your student's class assignment or schedule in August.


Physical Exam Requirements

New pre-k, kindergarten and 6th grade students must present an updated physical and immunization record prior to starting school. Students without the required physical/immunization records will not be able to start school on August 24. Click Here for more information.

Facilities Community Task Force

A kick-off meeting of the Facilities Community Task Force will be held on Tuesday, August 18 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the District 41 Central Services Office.

If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Erika Krehbiel at ekrehbiel@d41.org for more information.

Come See Us at the Glen Ellyn Backyard BBQ

Look for the Glen Ellyn School District 41 information table at the Glen Ellyn Backyard BBQ event supporting the Bridge Communities organization on Saturday, August 29, in downtown Glen Ellyn. We will have a balloon artist at our table from 2 to 5 p.m. Bring your favorite District 41 students and visit with us! District 41 staff and members of the Board of Education will be there to welcome you! Click Here for more information about the event.


Summer Fun with the Chicago Fire

At the end of last school year, a representative from the Chicago Fire was a guest speaker at the Hadley Junior High Hispanic Mentor Club. During the visit, the students were surprised with a special invitation to a Chicago Fire soccer game! Early this month, the students, their families and mentors enjoyed prime seats, pictures, and special mentions during the game. Thanks to the Chicago Fire for supporting our students and celebrating their accomplishments with us! To learn more about the club, contact Gaby Escobar at (630) 534-7633.


This summer, 103 District 41 students participated in Foreign Language in Elementary School (FLES) Camp! Vamos a Mexico was the Dual Language Program kindergarten/1st grade FLES students and the Vamos a Costa Rica was the Dual Language Program 1st graders/2nd grade FLES students. Students experienced the culture, traditions, foods, important places, and celebrations of each country in an immersion setting.


PBL Camp

Earlier this month, 5th, 6th and 7th graders participated in District 41's first Problem-Based Learning Camp. Students explored the issue of children not spending time outdoors. To help solve this problem, the students participated in a field experience at the Blackwell Forest Preserve in Warrenville. At the end of the camp, D41 PBL summer campers presented their solutions for "Nature Deficit Disorder" to naturalists from the DuPage Forest Preserve. The camp was filled with outdoor exploration, research, problem-solving, team-building, and fun!

The District 41 2014-15 Annual Report

Click Here to view the Annual Report.