Welcome to the District Digest for Glen Ellyn School District 41. District Digest will continue periodically throughout Summer 2015.

Happy Last Week of School!  

We wish all of our families a happy and safe summer break. The last day of school for Pre-K and Kindergarten is Thursday, June 4, and the last day for 1st-8th graders is Friday, June 5 (noon dismissal).

Congratulations Hadley Graduates!

Hadley graduation will take place tomorrow, Thursday, June 4, 7 p.m. at Glenbard West Biester Gym. Congratulations to all of the 8th graders who will graduate from District 41 and move on to West next year. We are very proud of our graduates and thank the 8th grade families for being our partners in education throughout the years.

Summer Safety Reminder 

This is the time of year when police departments and school communities hear more and more about suspicious vehicles and activities in residential neighborhoods. The media has recently reported on several such incidents in Chicago and the suburbs. The police are asking for our/your help. Please watch children closely and talk to children of all ages about playing outdoors and being aware of their surroundings. Please report any suspicious activity or vehicles in your neighborhoods. Community policing is powerful and we need to all work together to keep our communities safe. If you have any questions or need to report suspicious activity, please contact your community police department. If it is an emergency, always dial 911. Thank you.

PBL Summer Experience - Register Now! 

District 41's first Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Summer Camp will take place this summer at Hadley Junior High for incoming 5th, 6th and 7th graders. PBL Summer Camp dates are July 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, and 23 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Campers will propose and develop a plan meant to encourage parents, families, and children to make time for unstructured outdoor play. DuPage Forest Preserve and District 41 staff will lead campers through a variety of teambuilding activities, nature explorations and outdoor experiences. Projects that are part of the PBL will require the campers to get outside and unearth what nature has to offer. CLICK HERE for more information.

Please return the registration information and fee to your school office or to the District 41 Central Services Office, 793 N. Main St. in Glen Ellyn, by June 15.

Hadley PBL Highlights 

Morton Arboretum Field Experience
7th grade science teachers took 75 students to the Morton Arboretum for a field experience for their PBL as a part of their second PBL on invasive plant species. This PBL was a perfect fit as students built upon their knowledge of plants and their life cycle. Students who participated in the field experience received the opportunity to get thick in the fields and cut an invasive species, Honeysuckle.

Growing Glen Ellyn
Seventh grade literacy students in Mrs. Hann's class presented with the Glen Ellyn Sustainability Group at the Earth Day Celebration on April 22 about their plan to revitalize the community gardens through the Glen Ellyn Park District. Students wrote and applied for a grant, earning them $500 for supplies and seeds. The produce grown at the community gardens will be donated to the Glen Ellyn Food Pantry. Mrs. Hann along with several of her students spent a Saturday together planting a variety of fruits and vegetables. This PBL started in December and continues to "grow" and expand.

Helping the Homeless
A group of students in Mr. Modica's 6th grade social studies class recently finished their PBL on homelessness. As a solution, to create awareness of this issue in our community, this group of five students placed nine jars in different stores in downtown Glen Ellyn to raise awareness and collect donations for Bridge Communities. The students placed these jars (which were labeled with facts on homelessness to donate to Bridge Communities with a picture of the students) at Ali Kat, Olive and Vinny's, The Glen Ellyn Sweet Shop, The Book Store, Lulu's pizza, Em and M's, Paisleys, Marcel's, and Papier Girl. Thank you to all who have supported this learning experience.

Churchill Students Present to the Glen Ellyn Park District Board 

As a part of a PBL, Churchill 3rd graders presented solutions to the flooding of Churchill Park trails to the Glen Ellyn Park Park District Board of Commissioners. The President of the Board followed up with a letter to Churchill - CLICK HERE.

Thank you for your support and partnership, Glen Ellyn Park District!

District 41 Partners with the Glenbard Parent Series

District 41 is pleased to partner with the Glenbard Parent Series. The new Glenbard Parent Series calendar is out and most of the programs were planned with elementary and junior high parents in mind! CLICK HERE for the calendar. If you have any suggestions for future session topics that relate directly to District 41 families, please let us know by emailing ekrehbiel@d41.org.


Hadley Students to Host Glen Ellyn Garden Walk's Bonus Garden 

Tickets are now on sale for the 2015 annual Glen Ellyn Garden Walk to be held on Saturday, June 20, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The 2015 Glen Ellyn Garden Walk features six private gardens, plus a bonus Glen Ellyn Park District collaborative, pantry-based, community garden. The gardens featured this year are 'gardener's gardens,' primarily maintained by the homeowners themselves, and will appeal to garden lovers great and small.

While touring the Glen Ellyn Garden walk, visit the BONUS garden; Growing Glen Ellyn: Gardens of the Giving. Hadley Junior High's 7th grade literacy students have teamed up with Glen Ellyn's Park District and the Glen Ellyn Environmental Commission to create a sustainable, pantry-based, community garden that will produce fresh goods for the Glen Ellyn Food Pantry. Students will be on-hand during the Garden Walk to answer any questions pertaining to this collaboration.

To learn more, CLICK HERE