Welcome to the District Digest for Glen Ellyn School District 41. This email will be sent to you periodically and will include district happenings and updates.

Facilities Community Task Force - Information Session

You are invited to an information session about a new community task force to study school facilities.

Wednesday, May 6, 7 p.m.
*Churchill School
240 Geneva Road
Glen Ellyn, IL

Join us in this community-wide effort to help decide what is best for the future of the schools in YOUR community. You don't need to have children in school to participate. All are welcome! No RSVP required.

If you are unable to attend the information session, but are interested in participating in the community task force, please contact Erika Krehbiel at ekrehbiel@d41.org or (630) 534-7218.

*Please note location change from previous announcement.

A Teacher's Perspective

Benjamin Franklin Elementary School STEAM teacher Suzi Smith recently wrote an article about how her classroom teaching has evolved over the past several years in District 41. The article provides examples of what 21st Century teaching looks like in the classroom.

Click Here to read Suzi's the article.