Welcome to the District Digest for Glen Ellyn School District 41. This email will be sent to you periodically and will include district happenings and updates.

New School Visitor Management System Coming Soon

District 41 will be implementing a new visitor management system at all of the school buildings - The Raptor System - next school year. For now, we will begin by piloting the system at Hadley Junior High School later this month. More information will be sent to Hadley families by Principal Diveley soon.

Implementing a visitor management system was a recommendation by the Parent Teacher Advisory Council (PTAC). This new system and protocol will help ensure secure and safe entry into all of our school buildings. Thank you for your patience and support in the coming months as we roll-out the implementation of this important new safety procedure.

Last Day of School

The administration has recommended to the Board of Education that Thursday, June 4, 2015 be designated as the last attendance day for all half-day programs (Kindergarten, Pre-Kindergarten and Early Childhood); Friday, June 5, 2015 as the last student attendance for grades 1 through 8 with a noon dismissal; and, Monday, June 8, 2015 the last teacher work day.

PLEASE NOTE: These dates are tentative. The calendar could change if an emergency day is used due to weather.

School Calendar for 2015/2016

The District 41 Board of Education has approved the school calendar for next year - Click Here.


Summer Safety Tip - Bicycle Safety

With the weather getting nicer, and children spending more time outdoors, this is a great time to talk with children about bicycle safety.  The League of Illinois Bicyclists has made it easy to teach kids how to ride safely. Their online Bike Safety Quiz is a fun educational tool that is geared to children in grades 4 thru 6. A brief bike safetyquiz is available online at www.bikesafetyquiz.com. Click on the Child Bicyclist quiz and, when prompted, enter code 386705004. A safety quiz for adults and older children is also available. Once the safety quiz is completed, children will receive a certificate of completion.


Battle of the Books 

The annual District 41 Battle of the Books took place on April 10. Battle of the Books is a trivia contest featuring a variety of books from different genres. Students play on teams, working cooperatively to read, study, and answer questions. Students work with their building literacy specialists and library media specialists to practice and compete against other teams at their home school. This year was the first year all four elementary schools sent a team forward to the district competition. Congratulations to The Cover Girls from Ben Franklin School for winning the battle this year!


Earth Day Festival - April 22 at Lake Ellyn

Come to the Earth Day Festival presented by The Glen Ellyn Park District. The theme for this year is 'Food' and Hadley students have developed the 'Gardens for Giving' for their 7th grade PBL in conjunction with the festival. The garden will benefit the local food pantry. The event will feature earth-friendly organizations, night sky viewings and of course FOOD!

CLICK HERE for more information.