Welcome to the District Digest for Glen Ellyn School District 41. This email will be sent to you periodically and will include district happenings and updates.

Board of Education Election

Congratulations to Kurt Buchholz, Stephanie Clark and incumbent Erica Nelson, our newly elected Board of Education candidates. We look forward to officially welcoming them to the Board at a special Board of Education reorganization meeting on May 4.

We appreciate each candidate who ran for the Board - Jeff Cooper, Kristin Massey, Kevin Rath, and Lori Taylor. We thank them for their interest in our school district and look forward to their continued involvement.

District 41 is very thankful to the current Board for their service and dedication to our students and our community. The members of the Board who will no longer serve include current Board President John Kenwood and Cathryn Wilkinson. Their leadership and support of our district community will be missed. Also, congratulations to John Kenwood who was elected to the Village of Glen Ellyn Board. I know he will continue to serve our community well in this new capacity.

Paul Gordon

Hadley Graduation

Hadley 8th grade graduation will be held on Thursday, June 4, at Glenbard West High School in Beister Gymnasium at 7 p.m. All students are expected to be in attendance through the final day of school, regardless of when graduation is held.

The D41 Board of Education anticipates declaring the last day of school at the next meeting this Monday, April 13. However both the last day of school and the date of graduation may be adjusted if there are any further severe weather days.

Registration Information

Thank you to all of the families who have registered children for next school year. Kindergarten registration continues to be open. The registration portal in Skyward Family Access for returning students will open again on April 13.

CLICK HERE  for registration details

If you have not done so already, please register your child as soon as possible or contact your school for assistance.

Student Physicals

Just a reminder that all students who require updated physicals for next year will not be able to start school without the updated information on file. Please provide physical documents to the school office as soon as possible.

CLICK HERE for more information 


ESL/Bilingual Director Publishes Book "Game Plan" 

Congratulations to Katie McCluskey, District 41 ESL/Bilingual Director, on her book "Game Plan - A Playbook for Developing Winning PLCs at Work." She is co-author with Dr. Hector Garcia, Superintendent of District 88, and Shelley Taylor, Director of the Consortium for Educational Change (CEC) in Illinois.

From the Foreword by Richard DuFour, "The authors make the complex simple by breaking down concepts into specific, manageable action steps. The facilitation guides, key questions, and discussion prompts that they offer as coaching points are tremendously valuable resources that will benefit any district. school or team willing to engage in the dialogue these tools are intended to generate... If you are looking for a resource to help bring the professional learning community process to live in your school or district, you won't find a better one than Game plan. I highly recommend it."

Katie has been the director of ESL and Bilingual programs for last 5 years in our district. As a former teacher in a K-12 setting, Katie has worked with students of diverse socioeconomic status in districts of various sizes. She has also trained, coached, and led staff with a wide range of professional experience. At District 41, she is the director of ESL and Bilingual programs. She is currently leading the district through the development of the dual language program and foreign language initiative. Katie earned a bachelor's degree from Arizona State University and master's degree in administration from Governor's State University. She is currently completing her doctoral work in educational leadership at Aurora University.

CLICK HERE for more information about the book.

Congratulations to Katie!