Welcome to the District Digest for Glen Ellyn School District 41. This email will be sent to you periodically and will include district happenings and updates.

Dual Language Program Registration 

Registration for the Dual Language Program continues through March 24.

The District 41 Dual Language Program is offered at Churchill School. Students are in a class of 50 percent native Spanish speakers and 50 percent English speakers. Students learn Spanish through the content areas and receive Literacy instruction in Spanish and English. By 8th grade, students will have developed high levels of literacy in both English and Spanish.

Families interested in the Dual Language Program for next year should contact Katie McCluskey at (630) 534-7206, kmccluskey@d41.org.

5Essentials Survey - One More Day, One More Percent Needed!
We are almost there! We need 20 percent of our District 41 parents to take the 5Essentials survey in order to receive a report from the State of Illinois. We are at 19 percent!

If you have already taken the survey - Thank you! If not, please help us reach our goal and receive a district-wide parent focused report by taking the survey now.

Click Here to take the survey. The deadline is tomorrow, March 20.

Last Day of School

The final calendar for the end of the year will be announced once it is approved by the Board, typically in April. The school district is required to make up lost days due to weather or emergency days used. The latest the district will be in session is June 10. Please plan summer activities based on this date.

Warmer Weather Days - Safety Reminder

As white-callalilies.jpg Spring approaches, please be aware of the increased number of walkers and bike riders around the schools. Please be cautious around all of the school zones and adhere to parking and traffic rules/signage. We ask that all families help us be good and safe neighbors - park legally, don't use personal driveways, or park in permit only areas and be aware of the children. In addition, if you see any suspicious activity around any of our schools, please don't hesitate to call the Glen Ellyn Police Department. Thank you for helping us keep all of our children safe!

Board of Education Meeting 

The next regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting will be this Monday, March 23 at 7:30 p.m. at the District 41 Central Services Office. The finance committee meeting will be held at 6:45 p.m.
All are welcome!