March 6, 2015
 Our Vision: Ignite Passion. Inspire Excellence. Imagine Possibilities.

Dear District 41 Community,

I am honored to announce the Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce District 41 Educator of the Year - Katie Luehrs, ELL Teacher, Hadley Junior High School. Katie is extremely deserving of this award. She has the winning combination of excellence in her teaching, passion for her students, and drive to make amazing things happen in education. I am not surprised that Katie was nominated by one her colleagues for this recognition. Katie is known for making connections and collaborating with others.

Katie has been a part of District 41 for the past seven years. She was hired as a math teacher at Hadley and since that time, she pursued an advanced degree and graduated from DePaul University with a master's in Bilingual/Bicultural Education. Although it was just last year that Katie transitioned from a math teacher to an ELL teacher, she has always connected with the ELL students and has gone above and beyond to support these students. It is said best in the Educator of the Year nomination letter:

    "Over the years, Katie has committed herself to helping families of ELL students feel a part of the Hadley community through events like ELL Family Night. During this evening event, students and their families celebrate the work and progress ELL students have made throughout the year. Katie has taken extra steps to not only understand her students, but also their families, culture and community. This past summer, Katie spent three weeks volunteering in Thailand working in the very refugee camps that many of our D41 students once lived.

    It is with these efforts that Katie reaches out to a population of students that can easily be misunderstood. She helps her students build confidence and inspires them to see their own true potential, the same potential that Katie she always seen in them from the start."

Katie will be honored tomorrow at the Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce Community Awards Breakfast. We are very proud of her and are thankful that she has chosen District 41 as her professional home.

Congratulations, Katie!


Paul Gordon



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