Welcome to the District Digest for Glen Ellyn School District 41. This email will be sent to you periodically and will include district happenings and updates.

Returning Students Registration - Reminder 

Registration for returning students is underway. Please sign in to Skyward Family Access to complete registration before March 20.

It is important for parents to register as early as possible because registration information helps us prepare for your child's experience next year. Knowing returning student numbers helps the district plan for staffing, class assignments, and purchases of materials and building supplies, to name a few.

Registration packets will not be mailed. We have set up evening registration help at each school for those who would like in-person assistance. See below for specific dates/times.

  • Abraham Lincoln - Tuesday, March 10  5:30 - 7:00 pm
  • Benjamin Franklin - Wednesday, March 11  5:30 - 7:00 pm
  • Churchill - Tuesday, March 10  5:30 - 7:00 pm
  • Forest Glen - Wednesday, March 11  5:30 - 7:00 pm
  • Hadley Jr. High School - Monday, March 9  5:30 - 7:00 pm

  • If you need in-person assistance and are unable to attend an evening session, please contact your school and they will be happy to make an appointment for you to come in for help.

    Kindergarten registration for the 2015-2016 school year begins March 2.

    Dual Language for Incoming Kindergarten - 2015/2016 School Year

    Do you have an incoming kindergartner? Come and learn about the District 41 Dual Language Program at an information session on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 7 p.m., Churchill Elementary School, Library Media Center. All are welcome!

    Click here for more information about Dual Language.

    Board of Education Action Items

    This past Monday evening, the Board of Education voted 7-0 to remove the existing portables at Churchill School and replace them with new classrooms and also voted 7-0 to continue exploring full-day kindergarten and removal of portables at Hadley.

    Click Here for the Churchill additions Board Report.

    Click Here for the full-day kindergarten/Hadley portables Board Report.

    Multiage Update
    During Superintendent Gordon's update at the Board of Education meeting this past Monday, he spoke about the future of multiage in District 41. Since the 2013/2014 school year, District 41 students in 4th and 5th grade literacy classes are grouped with like-learners and are not just grouped by biological age.

    Recently, the superintendent and assistant superintendent spent time meeting with teachers and administrative staff during school building meetings. Principals at all of the elementary schools and 4th and 5th grade teachers spoke very positively about multiage and are seeing growth in their students both academically and socially/emotionally. We want to continue to monitor and see if the benefits continue over time.

    The district will continue with the multiage structure at Level 3 Literacy for the next two or three years. The district will continue to monitor progress. No other grade levels or disciplines will move to multiage at this time.

    Additionally, during the information gathering process, feedback about content specialization and looping continues to be positive. All elementary schools will loop in literacy at 2nd to 3rd grade and 4th to 5th grade with the same teacher when possible. We will also continue to focus on Problem-Based Learning and differentiation across the district.

    District 41 Town Hall Meeting - Next Wednesday

    Superintendent Paul Gordon will hold a Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, March 4, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Hadley Junior High School, Library Media Center. All are welcome!

    Student "Reflections" Going to State

    Students at the Regional Reflections Ceremony (L-R): Henry King, Noelle Pekny, Amalia Ann Gregule, Jacqueline Houghtaling, Amena Khan
    District 41 is proud to announce that five students from across the district have had Reflections projects selected to advance to the state level competition. The National PTA Reflections program is PTA's cornerstone arts program. There are six categories including, dance, film, literature, music, photography, and visual arts. All of the students listed below were honored at the Illinois PTA DuPage West Region Reflections Ceremony on February 24 at Hubble Middle School in Wheaton.

    Congratulations to the District 41 students going to state!

    Amalia Ann Gregule
    Churchill, "Save the World" (literature)

    Tyler Halden
    Churchill, "Out in the Meadows" (music composition)

    Amena Khan
    Churchill, "Tiger Cub" (visual art)

    Noelle Pekny
    Benjamin Franklin, "Stand Up For Love" (dance choreography)

    Henry King
    Abraham Lincoln, "Henry's Stop Motion Video" (film production)

    Congratulations to the students who received honorable mention recognition!

    Jacqueline Houghtaling
    Benjamin Franklin, "We All Planted Trees" (music composition)

    Sawyer Briggs
    Forest Glen, "Sunny Day" (visual art)

    Forest Glen Music Teacher Presents About Non-Traditional Composing

    Forest Glen music teacher Keira Quintero was chosen to present at the Illinois State Music Educators Association annual conference. The session was titled: "Non-traditional Composing in the Elementary General Music Classroom." She shared that non-traditional composing encourages student ownership and engagement, opens up student creativity and allows kids to think "outside the box," and also aligns with the new national core arts standards. Non-traditional composing can also reach students of diverse learning levels and abilities.

    Bike Safety Quiz = Free DQ Ice Cream Cone at Safety Fair

    The District 41 PTA Safety Fair will take place on Saturday, March 7 from 9:30 a.m. to noon at Hadley. Children in grades 3 thru 6 who go online and take a brief bike safety quiz before the Safety Fair will receive a coupon for a FREE ice cream cone at Dairy Queen! Just go to www.bikesafetyquiz.com and click on the Child Bicyclist quiz. When prompted, enter code 386705004.

    Adults are encouraged to take the Adult Bicyclist and the Motorist quiz too. When you are finished, be sure to print out your Certificate of Completion and bring it to the Fair to get a coupon for free ice cream!